What are some games I can play with a mouse or one hand?
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What are some games I can play with a mouse or one hand?
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Civ 5
I walked into the blood dialysis room by accident when I was looking for my new doctor a while ago. It was such a strange and miserable feeling.
Maybe some kind of turn-based RPG?
I'll answer questions if you have any
Plenty of Visual Novels.
divinity os 2
its not optimal but its turn based so
Get an mmo mouse and map wasd to some of the mouse buttons. This will expand your options.
How do you feel after treatments? I've heard you feel like you're drunk/hungover.
How long have you been on dialysis? How often are your treatments?
How old are you are what happened to your kidneys to need dialysis?
Literally any NES game you retard
Any and all grand strategy games
Any turn based rpg
My uncle had to get dialysis every other day and it was a life of fucking misery. I'm sorry user, I hope it's temporary.
Anyway, I don't have a good answer for you, because Minesweeper not. But probably something turn based. Actually, Fallout 1 and 2 might just fit the bill.
Seconding this. Xcom 2 expansion just came out and was great.
Fire emblem, any civ game, Age of Empire on normal dif, any switch game with the meme one hand adapter, sniper elite.
You will probably fall asleep, i have been there
Fallout Shelters
Path of Exile with certain builds (or almost any build with one of those 12 button gaming mice)
diablo 3, with a multi button mouse.
i can touch myself while farming t13 for hours.
I feel tired and pretty much the same before I started it
Almost a month
Every other weekday for 3 hours
Mid 30s and I have an autoimmune disease
you're fucked. i hope you are on the renal transplant list.
you're fucked for life anyway, even if you get a new kidney, it's a lifelong bullshit of taking a million meds, risk of any bacteria killing you just by looking your way, side effects of all meds you must take, etc.
transplant nursefag here
I know which is why I consider killing myself almost everyday
If you're looking for an RPG, I remember Opoona on Wii was only controlled with a nunchuk. Not that you couldn't just emulate any basic turn-based rpg and remap keys
Pretty much any grand strategy or 4x game
Democracy 3 (hidden gem)
Get one of those MMO mice if you don't have one already.
I highly recommend Battle for Wesnoth
The Logitech G600 has a third mouse click that can either be a button or a shifter for the 12 side buttons
I remember playing that game with a fossfag, it's pretty good. Dwarves best faction
I hate to say this because BRITISH MAN CURRENT YEAR but John Oliver's piece on dialysis in america was spot-on. I think it's on youtube if you want to learn more about it.
what does a kidney disease have to do with video games
Undertale. Only controls are the arrow keys, enter, shift, and ctrl
and z for some reason sometimes
I already watched it
Classic Doom.
Should have gone for the crystal treatment desu.
I hope you are on the waiting list for a kidney transplant. Apparently, a lot of dialysis places don't mention or don't offer to put you on the kidney waitlist, and the longer you are on dialysis the more likely you are to die.
Pokémon wouldn't be so bad with one hand. Become a battling wizard by grinding out the meta on showdown (the online team tester all the nerds use). Then grind 'mons in the actual games for legit teams that you can then take to world tournaments. Assuming you last long enough to git gud.
When you finally die, you can choose someone to inherent your 'mons and your legacy. Goodspeed, user. Whatever game you choose, make sure it's worth while.
Better yet, a NES game with no hands at all!
I'm working on getting a transplant
Good for you. Good luck with that.
Instead of playing games why not do something more ... impactful?
Got any kids?
How about you don't? This isn't your blog.
I'm single, no kids and a NEET loser that still lives at home
Endless Legend
Sorry to hear that user, you're not going to live to 50. Make the most of it. Be happy, do what makes you happy.
Some of the total war games have pausing mid-battle for giving orders if you want a RTS.
Fucking kill yourself you nigger.
Oh man I am legitimately freaked out by dialysis. My blood going into a machine and then coming back makes my skin crawl. I would probably pass out if I had to do this.
I am so sorry OP. no one should have to suffer through something like this. Its a cruel world but at least its better than dying.
That's what you get for unprotected anal sex OP.
If you get a mouse with extra buttons id say FTL. I can sink years into that sucker.
Also papers please.
If you really want to waste some time then DOTA
and nothing of value was lost.
pls no bully
I'll get back for this, but read the Bible man. If you're in bad shape, know that Jesus loves you before you go.
Hang in there brother, keep your attitude up.
This. I'm no religious nut job, but video games are the last thing you should be spending your time on.
I would do as much shrooms/LSD as I can and fuck the shit outta hookers. Play the pity card and get discounts!
Thank you Sup Forums and good night
Papers, Please.