what are some games about mixed children?
What are some games about mixed children?
the walking dead
Kill yourself, cuck.
is that baby ok? something doesnt look right about its face
you know, i bet you don't even really want to know that!
I know that babies tend to become darker over time, but are we sure she isn't a cuckqueen?
That baby's nothing to do with mixed race, it's everything to do with both of its parents looking genetically retarded.
It's not his Video game.
None and this obvious bait thread so sage
Mixed race kids have more genetic disorders.
momma smoked too much weed while pregnant
devil may cry
>mfw hispanic master race so i can mix with any race and the baby is fine
it's like being o type blood
Brendan Frasier eyes shoop when?
Fire Emblem 7, but Lyn is the good, Mariel Cartwright kind of mixed
this, they are both ugly as fuck
Italians aren't white so I have no problem with this.
>is fine
Haha brazil seems fine
fetal alcohol syndrome baka
Who was in the wrong here?
>brown people
>master race
he says as he types on whitey's computer in white people language on white people internet bounced off white people satellites while white people's mobile phone is in his pocket in his white people house where his stinky brown spic mum drives white man's car around on white man's road
Hispanics aren't a race moron.
Some nigger tried to say boats aren't for a practical purpose. Expect nothing less for a race that hasn't invented the wheel or boats.
Genetics is weird shit. I had a cousin who fucked a black guy and had twins, one came out a tan nig with pube hair and the other came out a pale skinned, straight blonde hair, blue eyed kid with black facial features. Strange shit.
FF6, what with Terra being a half-esper
De Niro for fucking a nigger
Replace 'whitey' with asian and you'd be correct.
>he says as he types on whitey's computer on white people internet bounced off white people satellites while white people's mobile phone
Nigga, all this shit is made in china
If anything the gooks are masterace
video games
black women are 8x more likely to have STDs
source: center for disease control
>this weak comeback
somebody post the one with the 56% face on the babby
Remember Me
this is the laziest cherrypicking i've seen in a while.
It was all invented by whites.
Phoneposters are cancer
>Sup Forums trying to win argument in the internet
honestly if that kid got fit and ditched that shitty fro he wouldn't be THAT bad looking. plus isn't he retarded or something?
Pokemon. I heard that the mareep line does not get along with the gible line even though they both can breed with each other.
>Katy Price's mixed kid
M-mixed master r-race!
black women are 8x more likely to have STDs
source: Center for Disease Control
Hes right, whites did invent those things. Check yourself before your spout hispanic ultra nationalism you silly man.
We should just gas all americans.
Reminder to report these shit threads you fucking retards
stop posting in them, start reporting them
not that you fuckers care anyways, you guys fucking hate videogames so I'm sure you love these dumb theads
fuck you guys
well, Sup Forums? who was in the wrong here?
haha black people are slowly cucking themselves out of existence by procreating with white dredges
>Taking others achievements like a welfare queen
Tommy is always so goddamned salty over everything.
So all the retarded, deaf and blind white kids just don't count then?
I said games, not interactive movies
I doubt that she cheated on him, she prolly had the kid before dating that dude, and he was probably only looking for a fuck relationship like any sane man does when deciding to get with a single mother.
Thats just a normal black kid desu
The remove niggers from world we need to just remove them from gene pool.
>i've made a huge mistake.jpg
How much of an absolute dumb nigger are you?
Asians didn't discover electricity and invent computers and mobile phones and radios and planes/flight and cars
Whites gave them industrialisation; they're one of the only other races smart enough to adopt what whites taught them and create those things themselves, such as cheap gook cars.
How historically illiterate are you? Not surprised considering nigger IQ averages at about 78
cute pic!
Travis Scott fell off
that man looks like a future killer
I'm perfectly fine with this.
Because despite what he looks like, he's white so he's about seven times less likely to be a killer than a black man.
Like father like son