What's the best atmosphere for a 3D Sonic game? Sonic Adventure 2 was pretty serious for the most part...

What's the best atmosphere for a 3D Sonic game? Sonic Adventure 2 was pretty serious for the most part, and Sonic Adventure was much more lighthearted but still took itself seriously. Heroes was when it really upped the one-liners, Sonic '06 took things TOO seriously, Unleashed had that lighthearted feel with Sonic acting like a genuine good guy and not some quipping comedy machine. Everything post-Colors has pretty much been the Sonic self-referential humor we have for Sonic today.

So which is it? Which Sonic atmosphere is BEST for Sonic? Classic Sonic atmosphere won't count in this discussion, that's for Classic Sonic.

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sonic adventure

the comfy hub city makes it

None, we need a game where sonic doesnt talk

I want a Sonic game that is just a series of interconnected hub worlds

Unleashed had comfy hub worlds

I think Sonic Unleashed had an ideal atmosphere for a Sonic game.

It also had the ideal story both in tone and execution. With some better writing and voice acting it'd be pretty much perfect.

Sonic Shuffle had the best atmosphere. The Dreamlike Aesthetic was top notch and I'd like to see more like it in future games.

>Classic Sonic atmosphere won't count in this discussion, that's for Classic Sonic.
Can we talk about how dumb it is for there to be more than one Sonic? I get that it had to be done in Generations but doing it anywhere else has done way more harm than good. Say what you will about the quality of the 3D games, but inconsistency has been Sonic's biggest enemy above all else.

SA1, Battle and Chronicles had the best tone, stories and characters. They also had great lore with the ancient civilization stuff. Unleashed was good too.

Colors and Lost World went too far in the other direction and turned into Teen Titans Go. I honestly don't mind what I've seen of Forces story so far but the game looks like a dick up my ass.

Best Sonic: Sonic and the Secret Rings
Best atmosphere: Sonic Unleashed
Best gameplay: Ehhh... Generations?
Best story: Secret Rings or Black Knight. Or Unleashed. Simple is best.

inconsistency is why the quality is so shoddy. Sonic Team refuses to stick with something and instead incorporates dozens of different gameplay styles to make the games longer. It's current year and 3d Sonic STILL isn't perfected. That's a huge problem that ST needs to address.


There's a difference between playing it straight and being serious. 06 was serious; SA2 just gave you an over the top scenario and ran with it.

But to answer your question, I think Unleashed handled tone the best. Too bad we'll never get anything like that again.

Unleashed with better writing.

Unleashed is honestly the best.
Atmosphere was perfect, sorta laidback but not slow or too lighthearted. It really felt like a world adventure too, the execution in that was pretty good. Music helped it ALOT as well.
This was also where Sonic's characterization was still pretty good.

Unleashed would be a 10/10 in my book were it not for Adabat Day's almost illegal framerate and that annoying jazz piece breaking up the night stage music. Beating up baddies to some soothin jazz would've been cool

I see lots of anons talking about Unleashed and I gotta say something. I couldn't get into the game because of its hack and slash levels (the most of the game is that). How could y'all play it? I couldn't bear it, I didn't like it (for other reasons too). Just tryna know how did you like it

Which version did you play

The stepping stone to fixing this stupid series is Sonic Unleashed without the Werewolf and with a bit of Sonic Adventure 1/2, Lost World and Secret Rings.

Those are the games you need to look to.

I don't want fucking classic Sonic in the 3D games because of insecurity.
Sonic can work in 3D, you just have to work at it.

Xbox 360, does it have something different to the others?

Nah, though you get more combos for the werehog as you level up, so that helps a bit.

brrAAH da DAH, dahh dah Dah DAH DAH!

Might give it a last chance later. But I still don't like the "1 minute of Sonic game every 15 minutes of werehog game" idea

Whatever atmosphere Mario's got. Just a good time with minimal plot.

Lost World


Define "3D Sonic"

If you mean an openly-explorable world, then...
I kind of feel like Sonic should have never been that.

Sonic was designed to be the '90s personified, so his games should feel like the '90s.
What I'm really saying is, ska soundtrack.

Sonic R

Brrraaap pap pa, BRRaap pap pap Ba bap bap PEEEW

A cocaine love-child between Heroes and Sonic Adventure 1.

Colors is also a good suggestion.

First Adventure game or Heroes, Adventure 2 is pretty much sterile and generic on top of being a rejection of the Sonic universe visual identity.