Can we ban Western games from Sup Forums? They're only used as an excuse to talk about politics anyway

Can we ban Western games from Sup Forums? They're only used as an excuse to talk about politics anyway.

First ban non-vidya anime posting

How about we ban your fucking life from existing, stupid meme girl poster?

Only using one spell doesn't make you a wizard, it makes you a circus performer.

I want to impregnate Megumin

>/vw/ Video Games - Western

Fuck you guy

What words would you add to Sup Forums's spam filter if you could?

Weeb faggot

video game


>what are some games
>reddit/kotaku/polygon/any journalism website
>what the fuck was his problem
>what did he mean by this
and add an image filter for Wojaks. If shills can block DOOM 2016 pictures they can block pictures of an obese crying man wearing game company hats

Megumin heeds the calling Arch-wizard and masters her domain.


Block all phoneposting.

No, phone posting is good if you have a phone.


Get fucked

Yeah right after japs learn how to make more than 1 good game per year.

That's impossible

I'd mostly just add my personal word filter. It's basically a list of words people use when they shitpost. 'blacked' is an obvious one to add to the spam list, since it literally is spam when written in all caps. I'd also update the word changer to change LMAO into onichan or something.

Phone IP ranges are being banned all the time.

It would be trivial to block a majority of casual phoneposting and there's plenty of workarounds for the dedicated shitposters. It would't be 100% effective, but it would clear out a lot of the retards like

I'm not a retard and I'm posting from a PC at this time. Phone posting when you're on the go or on the toilet is fine.

No youve got it backwards. /jav/ - Japanese/Anime Video Games.

No it is. I havent been able to post on my network for a year or two now due to abuse from other people. I remember i would always get the "You are banned" notification despite not posting on serveral of those boards.

Fucking weabums being the most delusional as usual.

I want to ____ Megumin!

She's 14!

Impregnate and marry

She is a beautiful young woman who deserves love


Range bans are bypassed with passes aren't they?

perform the mating press on