Game made $100 million

>game made $100 million
>lead designer made $80k

how is this fair?

The designer agreed to the shitty contract.

Because asking for residuals is just a step too far.

Because the main reason it made $100M is the $10M marketing campaign not the work of the $80k lead designer.

no matter how garbage and shit the game is the marketinf will make up for it

>how is this fair?
Capitalism is an inherently unfair system. It exists to take the largest amount of happiness possible and distribute it to the fewest number of people.

>Caring about fairness
Fuck off if you don't like it, commie. Bet you have something against people inheriting their wealth s well faggot.

>lead designer gets to brag to college girls that he made Skyrim
>gets unlimited puss
I don't see a problem here

every system made by humans on earth is flawed. they could be perfect, except for the fact that its HUMANS that are flawed and ruin all the systems with corruption and greed. capitilism is the best one so far and has helped many more people than communism ever will, faggot bitch


Yeah, as opposed to communism, which exists to take the largest amount of misery possible and distribute it to the highest number of people while the government fatcats remain at the top living EZ lives laughing at the retarded peasants.

This is the correct reason. I'm glad some people get this. Good marketing is what pushes good sales. Look at apple, their entire strategy is to push marketing as far as it can go.

I don't think that would have nearly the effect you think it would.
The ones that would be interested would later be turned off by the amount he was actually payed.

>generic fantasy dragons muh chosen one drivel

$80k for an afternoon's worth of work is pretty decent pay 2bh

every person with a fixed salary is just working to make someone else rich, that's how the world works

Or you could have some socialism injected to counteract the excesses of know, a thing called a mixed economy.

was destined to fail. even if you ignore how shit the game is, the only publicity it got was from being at death's door

I'm pretty sure only neckbeard virgin guys or hiring recruiters would be impressed someone designed skyrim. Average college girl's reaction would be "oh that was the game with the vikings right?"

and without that rich person they wouldnt have a job.

and nobody is forcing anyone to work a fixed salary job, its a contract you enter because its mutually beneficial

okay..? still would be flawed buddy.

The producers took all the risk. That's why it's fair.

If marketing is what pushes game sales, why don't indie devs spend half their budget on marketing?

Indie devs don't have large enough budgets to be throwing it at marketing in any useful amount so they have to fight with game quality and word of mouth

That's too little of an amount to matter