OSRS advice thread?
OSRS advice thread?
advice:scam your friends
fishing lvls?
Level up Slayer. You get good drops and it's a pretty relaxing skill to train, plenty of variety too.
No lie.
Runescape helped me be a sellsmen
If you want serious advice, do recipe for disaster, you'll get a ton of stats and rewards for doing it
is it easy for new players to get into?
Yo guys, how do I trim armor?
It's runescape.
advice: stop playing
Give it to me I can trim it for u
it can be overwhelming to a lot of people when they first start the game. most people who try to get their friends into the game have trouble because there's so much shit to do, but it's more of one of those games where you figure out what's fun for you.
Wow thanks! I hope it's not a problem if its full rune.
I haven't played this game for a long time but I remember as a new player it was a sheer feeling of adventure simply because everything was so easy to understand and execute. So you would spend the time exploring the world and meeting people.
What's all the new stuff they added to OSRS?
I remember there being some new continent with houses to gain influence with, but that's as far as I know.
>When your character can also read the chatbox
>tfw osbuddy screenshots every level up
>see your adventure unfold back when you had no idea what to do
Check out this king pussy slayer.
play Sup Forumsscape instead
Monkey Madness 2, Kudos Island finally, (it's called Fossil Island now though) a Firemaking skilling boss, some new POH rooms, a few new bosses and some skilling updates. Go to the OSRS wiki, there's a page dedicated to all the old school exclusive shit.
Also got 2 angler pieces out of fishing trawler
These two areas (Also see this to know where exactly they exist at)
>New raid, few new quests (One for Zeah and Monkey Madness 2)
>Lots of random shit (Like 8 or 9 new bosses, new agility courses)
Here is the list
Can someone make a fire so I can cook these lobbies?
There's more than I thought. Thanks for the info!
Not all of it is quality, but there is a lot of work and love put into OSRS
Sure, for 1k
who here /hype for dragon slayer 2: zombie dragon boogaloo/
Ruined the game, I liked when no one knew what they were doing
>Nostalgia content; 2(2)!!!!
Im more excited for The Theather of Blood honestly.
i am a top 1k hcim and i demand respect
>im hc ironman btw
You disgust me.
desu monkey madness 2 wasn't awful, it just needed more polish. i'm hoping now that the team is like twice the size that it was back then that the quest wont feel "artificially" long like it did in MM2.
not sure why they're so intent on putting like 4 pieces of content in one quest though, dpl8, dkite, new avas accumilator, new ranged DFS, all behind one update. spread that shit out motherfuckers slow down.
raids 2.0 should be interesting though yeah. wonder if the rewards will be as much of a shitshow as they were for 1.0
ironmen are the future
free yourselves from the shackles of farming zulrah all day
no one cares about efficiency when they're iron, the only thing that matters is fun
take the ironpill, experience the game in a way you never have
Except you could do that without having a faggot symbol by your name
Free yourself from the GE.
>t. 4k Zulrah kc
ive been playing this game for years, but i spent 90% of my time playing this game doing stuff solo. my only experiences with playing this game with friends is via chatting with them while we were off doing our own things.
im trying to get one of my friends into the game so that i have somebody to play with. what's something we can do from an early level that we can do together? i'll haze him and take him by varrock south entrance later, but i need to make sure he's into the game first.
How can you keep playing this shit when Jagex let a group of people freely conduct cyber crime in a sponsored competition for a large cash prize?
t. reddit
no one gives a fuck about dmm apart from buttblasted pvp losers
>tfw traded a Guthix plate for a Zammy skirt way back when those first got released for f2p because some fuck told me a price heirarchy existed where Zammy>Sara>Guthix with the idea that any Zammy item would always cost more than any Guthix item
Fucker got me to trade a ~2m platebody for a 187k skirt. 2m was insane money for me as an f2p at the time. I'm still mad that I got tricked
I don't really care about DMM either, but the idea of a company letting that shit slide doesn't instil much confidence in them in anything they may do otherwise. It's some real scummy shit.
The same 2 dudes have been ddosing people for multiple DMM seasons; even on the regular worlds.
Jagex legitimately does not care.
Jagex is literally a Chinese company now so I don't see how you'd be surprised
Are they actually owned by chinks now or is it just because they're clearly in bed with the chinese gold farmers? I logged in once after like two years and I see very obvious bots walking around everywhere.
In June 2016, Jagex was acquired by Chinese company Hongtou, which in turn was acquired by another Chinese company, Zhongji Holding, in September 2016.
Some coal mining company bought them.
Chinese gold farmers are still shitty but not as bad as venezuelans right now.
Some chink mineral company bought them to diversify.
>the venezuelan genocide that is occuring in RS right now
if you die in the game, you die in real life
try clicking
I remember saving for dlegs because dskirt is gey
Being able to examine everything is so great in runescape, and a lot of the examine text is hilarious.
What's your username
>the chadspark vs virgin boaty
Are they DDoSing the game servers or the players directly? If it's the latter, then it's nothing to do with Jagex and the victims can take legal action against the 2 players
Players directly, a few have sperged out and ddos'd the servers after being banned though.
Jagex is still letting them run around and do it to othershowever, they are DDoSing for personal profit to sell the gold for IRL money. It also falls under Jagex's zero harassment policy.
the players directly, the event was hosted by the clan, which a jmod is part of, and he made it mandatory for people wanting to take part in the event to sign up on an external website hosted by the clan. Probably how they got their IPs
Their zero harassment policy extends outside of their services?
It does actually involve them because DDoSing other players is a violation of the game's rules regarding breaking real-world laws. It was particularly notorious in this case because it was during an event they were hosting live at Runefest.
Is hunting the same group of players down no matter where they go, DDoSing and robbing them of their shit while they're unable to retaliate not harassment?
>Temple of Light
>is dark and gloomy
RS3 was a mistake
Ironman is pure autism, I play the game mostly for quests and minigames and I can't understand how anyone could deal with the retarded limitations Ironman mode inflicts
Runescape is one of my favorite games of all time. I love the low-poly graphics with hardly any textures. The incredible soundtrack and beepy boopy sound effects. The player focused economy and sense of community. It's too bad nobody wanted to be the next Runescape.
The DDoSing it's outside of their services so let's take that outside of the picture.
Would you consider hunting and robbing the same player as harassment or a valid strategy in a PvP game?
I'm not trying to defend the players, I'm just saying that the DDoSing is outside of Jagex's jurisdiction
> try to buy a law off somewhere
> "sorry I'm ironman"
Also Temple of Light is tedious as fuck, I hated every second of grinding through it both times I've done it. Underground Pass is my favorite quest.
>Probably how they got their IPs
Probably is, RoT has leaked peoples IP's on their forums in the past.
Ironman is a breathe of fresh air into OSRS when you've done so much. I honestly thought they were mentally ill retards until I gave it a shot during the free membership weekend and found my self enjoying the experience. There's so many pieces of content that have absolutely no use for regular people but for ironmen they're amazing, the feeling of achieving a big milestone on your own instead of running to the GE and buying it slams that serotonin release button.
To expand on this. What if let's say you and me are playing in the same room, I see you're in the wilderness and pin you to the ground or some shit and come on my character and kill yours while you're physically incapacitated.
Should Jagex ban me because of this?
Is this the Warioware artist?
>d med
>no cape
>heraldic shield
>leather boots?
>cheat client
top lad wew
>tfw I completed that quest more than 10 years ago
Yeah, Ko Takeuchi, he's a cool guy. Loves drawing memes and Paul Blart Mall Cop. You should check out his twitter.
>Would you consider hunting and robbing the same player as harassment or a valid strategy in a PvP game?
Jagex does. People have been banned for it before.
>I see you're in the wilderness and pin you to the ground or some shit and come on my character and kill yours while you're physically incapacitated.
>Should Jagex ban me because of this?
If you followed me and my friends to every world we went on specifically to kill us when we're unable to fight and to then sell the items for real world money, yes.
Jagex can't walk in and arrest these players, but they are actively disrupting a paying customers for monetary benefit in game and in real life; someone running around and DDoSing players isn't good for business.
>more than 10 years ago
Shit. Was it really a decade ago? What the fuck.
>There's so many pieces of content that have absolutely no use for regular people but for ironmen they're amazing,
>get hardclue
>go kill trolls for a square addy shield