Does vidya have any god tier aliens?
Does vidya have any god tier aliens?
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>xenos not god tier
s m h
Just fucking erase God tier entirely.
Holy shit, what a shitty addition.
Bottom is realistic, top isn't.
finally, a picture from Sup Forums i agree with
the ones that are dead and reduced to ash are God tier
I want to fuck metroid
>realistic aliens
You wanna tell us something before the men in black takes you in?
mass effect had both
The shit tier shouldn't lump universes with explained extragalactic panspermic divergence (Star Trek) with those that are barely coherent (Avatar). I don't know anything about Mass Effect, but it's probably shit.
the asari were never explained beyond some prothean involvement some 50 thousand years ago, but that doesn't explain why they're so human-like
they're just blue space women, and that's probably all they were meant to be in the first place
Ctrl+Shift+Y XCOM
>Zero results
I'm seriously embarrassed of what this world became. Kys
Doesn't your perception of Asari shift depending on what species you are?
No, every species just has something they find attractive.
If your perception changed based on your species, they wouldn't look like they do on any recordings
Any more of God tier?
True god tier.
Not this fucking meme again
>Glukkons are literally just business executives and the social elite, as indicated by their wide shoulders that resemble suits
Low tier.
i think their design puts them a bit higher than humanoid tier
>Does vidya have any god tier aliens?
No because studios outside of south korea cannot animate for shit
and they still just mocap humanoids and clean it up, even japan is doing it hence all the humanoid bosses in dark souls games
If you're very lucky, you might get something that flies from high tier so they can be extra lazy
>life develops on a completely separate planet
>probably took a completely different path of development than life on earth
>blue human
sure thing buddy
what the fuck is supposed to be the defining trait that excludes second-bottom right-most from being mid tier
Aliens have to be spooky or sexy, they cannot be interesting or they will not sell.
>The host bodies, the grubs, are a larval stage. Dormant and buried in the epochs of extremity, waiting to hatch, but not wasting their time.
>In the balmy seasons, they pass fleeting lives of freedom: Mature, they crawl or fly. They mate, lay eggs and die. And new grubs grow.
>But the freest forms are mindless, rapacious, bent only on reproduction. It is in the dormant form they thrive. Philosophers. Scientists.
>Dreamers, sages, composers of intricate artforms that exist only in their minds. An invisible culture that persists--or persisted--for eons.
>In the larval state, they possess a racial telepathy. During the dormant phase, they are engaged in ceaseless communication.
>They are shapers of visions that they trade like currency, builders of unseen worlds.
>Their psychic strength is such that they can imprint upon their cells and dictate the form which they will take upon hatching.
>But again, the hatched forms are airy nothings, of little import to the culture of the grubs. The Shu'ulathoi scarcely acknowledge them.
>Theirs is, or was, a grand culture of dreamers, with little use for the waking world or its insistence on material things.
>even on the list
>all that dumb shit at the top
worst thing I've seen all day.
On a planet with gravitational pull close to ours, atmosphere rich in oxygen and nitrogen, planet has plenty carbon, then humanoid creatures are actually really likely... human form is best for these conditions, so theres a big chance that an evolution elsewhere would also aim for humanoid features
But fungal life based on silicon which "consumes" helium or hydrogen doesnt even need a planet or athmosphere. Literally giant flying space squids.
It only depends on where the life form is coming from and what circumstances
Its about design, and his design is ass.
>dude farting ballsacks and odd-numbered limb shits lmao
Here's another "god-tier" xenos to add to your gay chart, homoboy.
The new Metroid life cycle from Samus Returns is pretty 10/10 IMO.
and that thing in the top right isn't? it doesn't even look like it can support its own weight. yeah, how "scientific".
>implying "humanoid" designs are a bad thing
you want a shit design, look at majin buu. frieza (especially first form) is great.
it's not healthy to fuck them
biomech best alien tech
original is superior.
Honestly, Scorn looks pretty fucking promising in that regard. If you like lovecraftian stuff or just gyger-style body horror horror, this might just do it for you
He's wrong but "just blue humans" or "just pointy eared humans" aren't really out of the picture, considering the vastness of the universe. Though of course it's more than likely that we'll never meet them if they do exist.
The protheans were involved to some degree with early humanity and early assaris. I either ways it seems mass effect was going for a similar back story of star trek for similar origins.
Anyone remember when Discovery Channel was doing these high budget CGI movies about aliens, and prototype future weaponry and shit?
>no hud
if that's not just trailer shit this looks p nice imo
Pretty sure he did the art for the series, he also has a lot of neat demon designs too.
I hope they bring the Metroid evolutions into other games, only having the basic Metroids in 90% of the series is dumb. Also the original side is cute.
no alot of ubiquitous features of life on earth 3 distinct sections number of limbs ratios symmetries could have developed a bunch of ways and did even on earth and is in fact one of the ways we detect how far back your shared ancestry is. a few changes in early vertebrates like bony fish having an extra set of fins would mean all vertebrates having 6 limbs instead of four
Halo's aliens are pretty good.
>Hunters, Engineers and flood are pretty esoteric and alien, with the flood especially being completely alien
>Forerunners, while mammalian humanoids, have a wierd ass life cycle that's more akin to hive based arthropods that metaphorize
>Jackals and Grunts are clearly inspired by earth based life but aren'tt truly humanoid and are relatively interesting.
>Elites and brutes, while humanoid animal people, have pretty fleshed out cultures and unique elements that make them interesting
Brutes in particular are underrated. People think of them as just gorilla people but they actually have a lot of rhino mixed in when you look at their designs with less fur, and their visual design for their weapons and armor is pretty neat, basically being a cross between mad max post apocalyptic shit and roman legionnaire/gladiator armor, especially in concept art
What does the redesigned queen look like?
In fact dumping halo alien concept art. Don't have too much of it saved since I only have art from one artist organized and he mainly did human weapon/armor stuff, but I have some
will start with brutes since I mentioned them
Brutes just look like apes, they aren't that interesting.
user I litterally addressed the exact thing you said here in
nier had penis aliens
The creatures of Mira from Xenoblade X are very good. Even though some of them are animal based.
The humanoid aliens are pretty boring though.
>mid tier
Alien Planet - Darwin IV
Where would Dark Matter fit on the list?
Is there any games that remind you of the Star Wars Cantina scene?
last brute one
You can really see the mad max x roman vibes in here especially, as well as, , , and
>He actually wants the top as aliens
Wew, should have stopped at high tier.
I also like that the Brutes saw the human farmable ground plowers, and decided it needed improving on. with spikes and cannons
Most everything that lives on Mira
Even the creatures with designs based on animals have weird biological cycles or unsuspected characteristics, like the "dinosaurs"'s "heads" being their detachable trunk, the thing in your pic being a sort of snail with legs, the unicorns being bugs, etc.
>mfw the first time I fought a millesaur and aimed for its "head"
>mfw it was a fake
>mfw the end-game superboss millesaur that spawns after chapter 12
Sorry, got distracted, will continue dumping
>god tier
>it's all horses
Your god tier is stupid. Space elephants aren't interesting. If they were then Phantom Menace would actually be a good sci fi movie cause it's full of 'realistic' alien animals. (i.e. boring)
So how exactly do they get dressed?
>Left: actual art
>Right: commercial soulless concept art
What an embarrassing chart
Considering the possibility that somewhere out there, there exists an Earth-like planet where there is zero reason for evolution to take a vastly different path, is it really that improbable that it would not be controlled by a race extremely similiar to ours? Are big humans, blue humans, space elves etc. really that improbable?
Evolution is a crapshoot of randomness
Of course the universe is so mindboggingly large that blue humans might exist, but I'd find it be more likely that intelligent alien life woud look differently
Would Thargoids be god tier?
Are there any games with sexy aliens that arent Twi'lek
I remember reading in a /tg/ thread that while other evolutionnary paths may be similar to ours, species based on different building blocks (say, silicon instead of carbon for their bodies) for their organisms will get weird pretty quickly
The right makes them look more like they should. They're the ultimate weapon designed to combat the most destructive organism in the universe, stage 2-4 of the original just look cute and stage 5 looks like it has down syndrome.
What would the aliens from this universe look like?
Why is Frieza not high tier considering that he is grey and has a tail?
The Aliens from destiny were pretty cool
There's still a lack of sufficient explanation for how they go from a pudgy jellyfish thing with three brains and four claw-tentacles to having a carapace over half their body, eyes, four legs, three claw-tentacles, and the three brains merging into one.
I get the urge to fuck big muscular alien males