Hard mode: No shooters.
What are some games where i can kill communists?
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why bother? they're pretty good at offing themselves
Tropico 4
Company of Heroes 2
Red Alert
CoH2 is shit and you should feel shit.
Men of War Vietnam
Hearts of Iron
papers please
Wargame: Red Dragon. Hell, any Wargame.
>what are some games where i can kill
>no shooters
Came here to post this
Animefags shoo shoo
>Mao's Great Leap Forward
>45 million fucking chinks killed in the space of like 6 years
why the fuck don''t more people talk about this? like, god fucking damn...
what the actual fuck is wrong with china? why the fuck do they still have Mao's face hung up proudly everywhere?
Hey! Psst, Cleetus. Yeah, you. Guess what? China took your jerbs!
victoria and hearts of iron series
Commies are pretty stupid, don't expect them to think with a fucking modicum of rationality.
this is not twitter and that's not an argument
It was a statement of fact, not an argument. Why does everything have to be an argument with you disagreeable people?
Maybe because it wasn't meant to be an argument?
CoH is the babyversion of Men of War
Victoria II
Civilization IV
Since when does western media cares about anything that happens outside of the west?
What's with jews and behaving like this? Seriously, nasty people.
Moar liek the YOBA version.
world in conflict
Dem darn chinks dun takin mah works!
Young people have forgotten the horrors of socialism because it never effected them.
With the shit I see on normiebook. We'll probably see a north American holodomor in not a long time. It's just sad that we have some much information at our finger tips and people chose to be so ignorant.
>he believes the Holodohoax
Fucking lol. That whole thing was made up by (((certain people))) in order to discredit communism and keep capitalism in power.
Fuck you man. I still have living relatives that lived under the iron curtain. You ever notice that anyone who ever lived in socialism fucking hates it.
It's almost like the grass is always greener on the other side...
Whatever you say Cleetus. Go back to watching Faux News now and leave the smart people alone...
kill all commies
lmao faggot communists trying to pretend they hate jews
chink culture+population+communism=ants&hivemind
No wonder you need escape
communists do hate jews. No communist nations besides Romania had relations with Israel, USSR directly fought Israel in the Cold War, and today the only non-muslim countries that have no relations with Israel are Venezuela, north korea, and cuba.
Reminds me of this, far funnier
>walking around with a swastika armband in this political climate
What did he expect? Isn't it on the wrong arm also?
This is EPIC trolling lmao. Seriously my friend I will give you a THOUSAND upvotes :)
lmao this nigga thinks saying shit like "hey be nice to palestinians" is the same as "lol why are you parasites ruining my country from within"
Chinese people are genetically extreme psychopaths
The Allied campaigns of all the Red Alert games of course.
Really the best choice.
I guess Generals counts as well if you want to kill yellow commies.
What is Tiananmen
Real life, assuming things keep going the way they are going.
and I'm going to enjoy every second of it
Communism is a Jewish ideology.
Never forget that.
I wonder (((who))) is behind the spread of Bolshevism throughout the west.