ITT: Post your job and other anons tell you what game to play

ITT: Post your job and other anons tell you what game to play.

Other urls found in this thread:


I control surveying work

on a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you hate yourself


Sandwich artist

god i love subway


uncharted 3

not the internet kind that does it for free
please end my life

goddamnit, now i desperately crave subway, but it's also 1:00 in the morning

Sysadmin. Go on, I need something to kill my boredom at work.

Lab tech at a winery.

Shoe repairer



Unironically an 8 I'd say.

also a sysadmin. I'd prefer boredom to constant shitstorms and incompetence.

I don't know, TWEWY I guess.

Dark Souls: prepare to die edition.


I just got laid off today working as an admin for a dental lab, after almost 2 years all the time, stress and dedication
I wanna fucking die right now

Free spirit.


What did you do to get fired? Also what was your job like?

I agree, but things are slow as fuck here. I had once 300+ systems under my supervision, but then someone decided our plant had to close down, forever.
Six months later, I now have about 20 systems to manage, and absolutely nothing happens. About six months left to go until I'm free to look for an actual job. You know, with work to do.
I guess I could try to sharpen my skillset instead of just waiting for time to pass, but I'm a lazy piece of shit when it comes to active self-improvement.

animal doctor

I work at fedex office (formerly kinkos), and im studying comp sci


Teaching English in Japan.

Nursery work.

Hard Mode: Don't recommend a Harvest Moon type game.

Soils testing technician.


That game you play everyday but you actually really hate it

HR manager


Theater Usher


Hotel Night Desk

Retail Salesperson

If I get my BA in horticulture, is it possible to become a soil technician?


Researcher in a physics lab.

Meat Cutter at a grocery store

Medical scribe and EMT. What should I play?

Paradox games
Tooth and Nail
Parasite eve
Play Papers Please right now

Evening dishwasher and grill guy at a fast food place.

Probably. My degree is in geography, although it's possible they misread it as geology.

Dwarf Fortress

Furniture Mover


Hot header. The job itself is kinda like a game.

Cooking Mama or Postal.

Cigar store




hvac technician

Nuclear Engineering grad student

Animal Crossing


Videographer / Editor


musical instrument repair

Hard to recommend games for so many boring jobs. Where are all the firefighters, fighter pilots, astronauts and deep sea divers?

No job and it's wearing me down.

Habitat protection for vulnerable species in the wild. Glorified gardener.

There a source for this?

That's Stoya dude. C'mon. It's like you've never watched porn before. If I'm not mistaken this is from the shoot she did with James Dean (unfortunately not the cool one)


Sales Engineer

This kinda shit. Then I load it into a machine to cut it into shape and weight.

Medical Receptionist


Already played and finished it. Anything else?


Laboratory technician

I'm a stage hand.

Ruined at Max difficulty, and you need to ge at least an A in every mission.

Do it you filthy neet. Not that you had anything else to do...

Looks monotonous but in a fun, satisfying way.
Cookie Clicker.

Disabled. I have schizophrenia.


I'm a cop.

Cold storage, I work in -4°f temps all day.

this is literally a shill thread to see what kind of people like what kind of games

I thought this was a thread to brag about your job?

I drive a hotel shuttle. The most famous person I have ever met doing this job was the actor for Rez from Spy Kids 3D. He seemed very proud of the fact and convinced an Indian couple to accept his autograph.

Learning computer repair but unemployed, I think I need to learn more to start doing it though I can't wait. Didn't even learn how to solder yet, they are still teaching basic stuff.

That has always been my dream job, but I'm too much of a psychologically damaged failure, so ended up as a neet.

First level tech support

i want to believe

avionics technician

>fortnite: battle royale

I sell gas & electricity to businesses.

Hobby store (Tabletop games, RC, toys, models) clerk


professional girl gamer.

Papers please.

Papa Murphy's
assistant manager


LSD (psx game)

damn yeah, forgot I meant to play that

Compositor for VFX. Don't know what that could be helpful with.

i wish it would get a Rez like PsVR remake

Tech support for Amazon

FedEx Package Handler