5 years later

>5 years later
>rin IS still best girl

Other urls found in this thread:



Visual Novels (especially KS) are not vydia.

>5 years later
>crapawa shitjou is still not a game

>has a general in /video game generals/
>not a video game

checkmate retards

>Play KS for the first time
>Fell in love with Lily
>Resolve to get off my ass and take charge so when I do meet my Lily I'm in good shape
>join a gym
>get ready to ace the term
>doing really solid
>start slipping, going back into unhealthy eating habits
>missing gym days
>back to procrastinating on all my shit and browsing Sup Forums for hours on end
Please God, just kill me so I don't have to live with the weight of letting down and disappointing a fictional girl, or a girl who I don't even know exists or not.

Whats stopping you hitting the gym now?


Play KS again then start going to church.

The definition of a video game must really have been fucked up the ass if the gameplay of your game consist in mashing spacebar until the "game" presents you with a set of options or shows you CG. They are just CYOA stories on an electronic platform

>>has a general in /video game generals/
>>not a video game
That doesn't mean shit. Slablands has a general too and it' has been for the last 3 years an unfinished text "game" with like at most 2 hours of content at most.

Also, where else would you put KS?
Sup Forums, /lit/ and /jp/ sure as hell don't want them anywhere near them, which is why KS threads are dumped on /vg/

I don't even remember their names anymore.

Wait Lily right? She actually had the best story.

she came back


I-is the general still up?

I'm scared to check

This tune will never not make me cry.

Memes aside
I have never really been into anime/anime vidya etc bu

When I played KS years ago when it first dropped and started going through the routes, the first day after I had started playing it I felt incredibly happy all the time and couldn't get this song along with the game out of my head


no fucking wonder weebs love anime/moeshit so much, jesus fuck it was scary about how great I felt.

never again

No she isn't. She would be if the majority of her route wasn't made entirely of

The only semi-decent girl is Emi, apart from one bullshit gameover choice that was a total fucking asspull.
Lily's route was alright, but fucks sake it was surreal and the end was rather stupid.
Hanako' route was... good, in fact. Okay, apart from Emi's route Hanako was also quite alright. But still a bit meh.
Shizune's route was absolutely convoluted, mindless, asinine, and pointless. I hear it was done quickly because one of the writers left or something and it fucking shows. One of better girl's totally fucking ruined.
Misha... let's not talk about Misha.

Don't go. A couple months after it moved to /vg/ it became a complete circlejerk. All people do is post pictures of the girls as a way to go "Oh, we're talking about the game!" when in reality it's basically just a public chat room to most of the people.


Makes no difference. Bothers the fuck out of me that mods and janitors par threads because they become off-topic. Motherfucker, do you know where you are?

It's like a good wine, it's only good because of those imperfections that you let happen. Now go fuck a tree-hole or some shit.

How about you teach yourself English before throwing a hissy fit next time?


Language is subjective, the way I'll wax that ass you sorry bitch. Have a sense of humor for once.

>feeling happy while playing KS
>not horribly sad and alone

Her route blew ass. KS had potential by stealing Raita's designs and notes, and yet it still blew it for anyone that's not a crybaby autist.

Whatever you say, caveman. Oogabooga to you too.

Really makes you think.

I'm neurotic the same way you are. Thing is, OOOGA BOOGA fuck you in the face. It's how you express it.

Something more recent would be much more helpful than the opinion of a mod who might or not frequent 4chin anymore.

To add- you sound like somebody I would totally play diddy kong race with. A controller thrower with company if there ever was one.

>Anything other than shit

Hanako route was shit. She becomes much happier in every other route, especially the Lilly one.

Same here. I never watch anime, never had a waifu or any of that shit, but some of the soundtrack still triggers me to this day.

>Hanako route was shit

do you wanna fucking die nigga?

Quit bitching and go back to the gym. It's that wasy.

Game on.

The fuck you talkin about bitch, nigAA

I'll paste you like wallpaper.

neo v trashing katawa is pathetic

Keep going to the gym. Even if you go there just to do cardio it will help you stop being a giant slushing glob of fat.
Seriously. Now don't go on threadmill, it's shit and will tire you extremely quick with meagre returns in burned calories. Same goes for bike, it's uncomfortable and it will tire you more than it's worth. Go for rowing machine or crosstrainer (the latter is the most comfortable and easiest). Get yourself some movies or tv series on the phone and watch that during cardio. One episode = one full cardio session. You don't have to do very intensive runs, the most important part is to run that full episode length. When you start feeling comfortable later you can raise the intensity a bit to shed even more calories per run. If you don't want to run for full 50 minutes or so, just do half an episode per session first. No shame in that.

Don't give up user. I've been there too. It took me 7 tries over 3 year period to start going to gym regularly and once you get hooked you'll love it. After a month of regular cardio 2 to 3 times a week you will see true results, trust me. Afterwards you may want to start strength training but you will need someone to show you the proper way of exercising (so you don't look like an idiot and most importantly don't hurt yourself - muscle injuries heal over VERY LONG FUCKING time). Gym staff is often made up of personal trainers and they are a very friendly bunch who will be happy to show you how to do the exercises, all you need to do is to muster a courage to ask.

I managed, so you can too. Don't give up.

Naw I don''t even care. Definitely just wanted to do that when you went all "nigga."

>5 years later

Fuck. I remember listening to the soundtrack to this as I walked around Tokyo on holiday for the first time ever.

Now I live here and manage my own school. How times have changed.

Emi still best girl.

Aw fucks sake


For fucks sake Charles Dickens, the book you just wrote need publication.

I'm trying to help a guy here, you useless bastard. Go be a douche somewhere else, would you?

Where's your addr- no wait I don't want to visit you. I'm just going there for a Dragon game. It's ridiculous how Japanese crowds don't react, or barely do unless it's a baseball game. It's actually immensely fun to talk shit in English there and they just act like bigfoot is in the stands.

I don't see why people shit on Sup Forums, every time someone posts that they're demotivated to commit to the Gym, there's usually at least 1 user to post a confidence boost reply. People here are way less toxic than actual bodybuilding communities.

Yes, it's nothing like the compelling discussions we have here.

Lilly and Hanako should fall in love and get married!!

Not everyone on Sup Forums is a psychopath bent on making other's lives miserable. You will find a lot of nice and helpful people in here, and unfortunately similar amount of absolutely degenerated cunts.

But yeah, bodybuilding communities are primarily made of attention whores and elitists, however irl bodybuilders and personal trainers are real cool people.

Some of us just can't leave, even though Sup Forums has become ten times the shithole it was in 2007 and a breeding ground for literal unironic in-the-flesh fascists.

We're cursed by having grown accustomed to anonymous imageboards and no other website format will ever scratch that itch

All I heard was a bunch of "blah blah blah" nonsense.

It takes a very different sort of person to be a psychopath. To name a person that, for anything is sort of absurd. You're a total, vicious cocksucker that takes dicks 24/7 because hey, why not be our punching bag?

Shut up you cock monkey. You're not the savior of the shit pile.

Exactly what I was talking about.

the only good one was the blind chick. all others are maximum pleb tier.

I found my replacement a long time ago.


>come back to bed hun you're being an asshole

Worse places. Getting old is the bad part.

>replacing shit with even more shit
makes sense

Lily is the best girl.

Rinfags are almost as bad as Shizunefags.

You just had to prove him right, didn't you?