Which graphics card does Sup Forums have?

Which graphics card does Sup Forums have?

I can't decide between the 1060, 1070, or 1080. The 1060/70 are super inflated in Canada, but the 1080 is kind of overkill for my needs.

I need a new one now because my old card is busted.

Other urls found in this thread:



1080 is semi-futureproof. Probably your best bet.

980ti here, still going strong

Intel HD.

Please don't bully me.

3.5 memecard

Got an RX 480 when they were cheap as fuck. No regrets, I love this card and it performs really well.

Do you think it will work for 1080p gaming in 5 years?

Wish I had, kind of hoped to ride this wave out but them's the breaks. Also the dollar is crap and getting worse.

Everything is awful I need to move to the states.

>Image deleted


What the fuck rule did it break?
Come on.

It'll likely still be overkill in 5+ years for 1080p gaming. It'd likely be a good investment. For around $500 its not bad. Just built my rig for around $1600 total and it'll last for years.

This. It seems alright for the moment.

used a 280x since 2013 and it's done me very well.

>tfw gtx 950

I'm thinking of going with amazon.ca/MSI-GTX-1080-ARMOR-3xDisplayPorts/dp/B01GXOWUDQ/

Because it looks to be the cheapest right now.

Seems overkill though for 1080p.

GeForce GTX 970 EVGA SSC ACX 2.0 4GB Edition

I don't really know any of the rules, but I assume it was deleted for making your thread look like it was a trap discussion thread.

I literally picked a random cute image, I'm miffed because nobody will enter the thread now.

I should lodge a complaint.

This is cheaper. Not doing a ton of research here but yea haha

Also here is a link...
They are pretty good about keeping lowest prices up to date if nothing else.

>american stuff
You can stop rubbing it in anytime ;_;

Oh shit... My bad man.
I love you.

Do the more powerful cards still experience Z-Fighting?

Blame the circlejerk of stuttering ERP morons for ruining simple images.

It's OK.

I'm being annoyed by the difficulty moving to the USA and it's just another thing reminding me I'm stuck in Canada. Sorry if I lashed out a bit.

Hopefully in a few more years it'll be easy and even worth moving here.
You have friends this side of the border?
I wonder if it'd be cheaper to have them buy it and ship it to you?

Sadly Canada has tariffs on imports, so no it's not really.

It always makes me laugh when people in the states talk about slapping those on things (especially for things not made in the country ever, like graphics cards), the only people it hurts is the consumer.

1050 Ti. I needed something to replace my dying GTX 570, and I was told the 1050 Ti would play pretty much anything as long as I didn't turn all the settings up to maximum. I haven't really had a chance to test that yet, though, since I mostly play older games.

The Intel HD 4000