Going to play this for the first time, what should I expect?
Going to play this for the first time, what should I expect?
a flashy and pretty as button scifi-fantasy tale that starts a bit too slow and restricted for most people.
That being said, It really isn't as bad as people say.
I personally picked it up for dirt cheap a few years ago, despite having heard all sorts of shit about it.
The BEGINNING really didn't even try to prove all the bad claims about it wrong, but luckily, to my own surprise as well, the more I played, the more entertaining and hooking it became. It's not GOTYAY or best JRPG ever in any sense, but it's FAR from the "worst crap ever" -category. A solid 7/10 experience IMO.
The sequels fixed, expanded and improved many things, especially pacing and gameplay. Up to you whether you like the direction they went with the plot and cast, but they're not hideous either. I found especially LR to be total blast, easily my 2014's GOTY. The 13-2 was simply fun, easily 8/10 at least.
-nice music.
-fast and fancy battle system with enough tactics required later on.
-interesting world and lore.
-quite OK cast that actually does go through character development towards the end.
-very linear for most of the game.
-beginning feels dull because endless tutorials and mostly "locked out" gameplay functions that are slowly opened and introduced to you as you play.
-main-story bosses are piss easy.
Learn out of spamming the Auto Battle command, and instead master the art of manual combos + Repeat function. Trust me, you'll have way more fun and also more effective combat strats. I'd also recommend disabling the minimap, as it's a literal joke, and enable ALL subtitles there is; stuff people say out loud can be quite essential story / lore wise.
Expect some great fucking music.
Fuck I had fun playing through this game but the Story didn't make much sense and I couldn't beat the final boss.
"Final Hallway XIII"
Expect your life to change forever.
For once you lay eyes upon the grace and majesty of the literally perfect Goddess, you'll realize that 3D women will never be able to compete.
>A-ah! Lightning!
Confusion that borders on irritation
An OST that sounds like it was made for another game
The Hallway
You should expect armpits.
Best fight theme of any FF. Too bad most fights end before the violin kicks in.
Skip and play the superior sister's game
>superior sister
Lightning is sooooo pretty
FF X and XII were pretty hallwayish aswell, is it really any worse?
It's a great game. Fun battle system with extremely polished encounter design and potential for low-stats challenge runs. They focused the game entirely on its best aspect (battles), so don't expect much else and you'll have a great time.
A movie. Both when playing and not. No choices, you will experience everything exactly as intended for 20 (40,
if you go straight through the open area) hours. Afterwards great sequels.
Not the guy, but you can roleplay Serah. She shows many personality aspects. Furthermore if we take a probable canon playthrough (as in not-joke answers), she's quite smart, thoughtful and encouraging despite being depressed and guilt-ridden. She has an arc in the game, about growing strong. She is important to the main story/goal, unlike Lightning in XIII (Lightning improved in this manner in LRXIII). Also she's fun and not a bitch. Looks and acts better too.
The first few posts summed it up pretty good but I honestly recommend giving it a chance. It took me 3 tries to finish this game. I bought it launch day tried to finish it twice and recently I finally finished last year. The combat system gets really good later on it's pretty fast paced for a JRPG and keeps you on your toes constantly switching between paradigms. The optional hunts are also pretty good and get very difficult later on.
It ended up growing on me after I beat it, same thing happened to me with FF8 which was my first FF and also took me 3 tries to actually sit down and finish.
>that droplet running down her breast
Expect some of the best music in any Final Fantasy game
What the fuck are you smoking? 13 had some of the least memorable music of any FF I have ever played. I literally remember like one song, the battle theme, and only because I always thought it was the least fitting song for a fight in any FF or JRPG I've ever heard. Music was like one of the worst things that game did.
>i only remembered one theme
Don't blame him for your learning disabilities
This theme was used for a large amount of songs by the by
As was the battle theme you mentioned. Saber's Edge
Was so acclaimed that it ended up in Distant Worlds.
Though I imagine then next argument is "I don't think these songs are good". Which would put you against the musical world inside the industry who unanimously agree that Masashi Hamauzu is a good composer and the songs are great. Which is where I would make a snide remark like "no accounting for taste" and a smug reaction face.