Why the fuck is no one hype for Gungrave and Zone of the Enders 2 being remastered and ported to PC/PS4 with (optional)...

Why the fuck is no one hype for Gungrave and Zone of the Enders 2 being remastered and ported to PC/PS4 with (optional) VR support?

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I'd rather have ZOE3.

Gungrave really? Got a link?

gungrave is terrible. the only good thing about it was the decent animu it spawned.

why would i be hyped for shit i already played years ago, give me new games

How is ZotE? As good as MGS?

It was actually announced a while back, but it just got a new trailer at Tokyo Game Show.

is gungrave playable outside VR? because if not then thats your reason, VR hasn't caught on yet, and ZoE is a port

Perhaps the remaster is testing the waters for ZOE3. Like the 360/PS3 remaster. It flopped, so Konami put ZOE3 on hold. Maybe if people actually buy it this time, they'll make it.

If you think mechs are cool, you'd like it. The gameplay of ZOE2 is fluid as fuck.

Yeah, the VR is optional.

I already have ZOE2, of all they are going to add is VR I don't care.
Don't get me wrong, the VR implementation looks like it will be cool, but those headsets are too expensive to be worth it.

You can't really compare gameplay between the two, they are both action, only different type of it, but story is just as good as early MGS.
Definitely worth playing, ZOE2 even more than the first one.

VR gimmick sounds like the only thing that can save it, to be honest. The original game was horrible, and you could see they just stopped giving a fuck by the end.

It's called Project Nimbus and it just released today.

>Yeah, the VR is optional.
really, of fuck I'm actually hyped then, you're talking about Gungrave right cause I already know ZoE's vr is optional

Looks like shit.
>Zone of the Enders 2
I won't support Konami. I can pirate ZOE 2 and play it on my PS2 or PS3.

Jehuty lives. And there, Anubis thrives.

Fuck off grandpa. Nobody cares for old shit from 50 years ago.

You cucks will never experience ZOE3 in Fox engine

Never played Gungrave, but the anime had some serious feels.

>vr gungrave game
>looks like absolute shit
First off, a Gungrave game at this point is random as fuck.

>those colorful daytime environments
>those animu score popups
This is supposed to be a remake of the first game? What a fuckin gaffe

Will the ZoE remake be intensive on computers or will it be old computer friendly?

We did.

You're just fucking late.

Because it's just fucking Anubis again but with a gimmick. I want new robot games and everyone else is giving them to me.

Tell Konami to license ZOE to Bandai so Jehuty, Vic Viper, and Anubis can be released in Gundam Versus as guest mechs.

I'm assuming it'll be toaster friendly