Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul is amazing, dude. Can't play Oblivion without it

>Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul is amazing, dude. Can't play Oblivion without it.

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Nice waifu

That's a man

I bet you can't give me 3 reasons why it's better that you have personally experienced.

That menu looks ugly as fuck.

I enjoy OOO more than vanilla, but I wouldn't call it an objectively better experience.


i tried to install it once on the steam version and it didnt work

Modders are even dumber than Bethesda

>not using FCOM

Daily reminder that Morrowind>Skyrim>Oblivion


The only modders that are good at their jobs are the ones that make high quality models and textures. Ones that make gameplay changes almost always make shit worse.

Actual difficulty
Enemy AI do more than stand still occasionally attacking and randomly holding up their shield even though you're not attacking
Unique loot
Reasons to actually dungeon dive
No level scaling

Dark DarN. Vanilla UI is too console-fied, and too bright when you're spelunking.
Too dumb for FCOM. Decided I'd ease into the overhauls with just OOO. Tell me all your mods.
Morrowind>Oblivion>Skyrim, actually.
How'd you fuck that up, user? Just read the descriptions.

complete the list

OOO vastly improves the game though, Oblivion is basically unplayable without it and UL

>Having 48 hours of free time and the patience to install it

I haven't played the game for at least a decade but I think that is a engine glitch because it allows you to put on female model clothes

putting on another chest armor and taking it off should fix it

what's UL

no, no, user its
I am not even memeing it is literally unplayable without mods, At least you can play skyrim without them.

To each their own, personally I find Skyrim too dumbed down... I just can't stand the quests and their writing, either. But you do you, user.

>Tell me all your mods.
Pretty much just FCOM, Unique Landscapes, and Lovers shit. I think I had planned to install a magic mod but I know a lot of them are shit and I don't remember which ones were good so I just said fuck it. I also can't get Oblivion XP working for some reason.
Unique Landscapes, it makes areas look more differentiated from each other without ruining what made them look nice in the original game.
I also have standard graphics mods like texture packs, beautiful people, OBGE, etc.

Skyrim and Oblivion are both unplayable without mods.
With mods, Oblivion is playable, but Skyrim still isn't because unlike Oblivion Skyrim had no good content in the first place.

It's a trash mod for trash people.

All of these aren't actually done that well and also carry a ton of bloated shit with it. Oblivion Scaling Unclusterfucked is the new standard. Either you're a dinosaur or have really bad taste.

>arena above daggerfall despite daggerfall being a straight upgrade


whats wrong with it

>Oblivion Scaling Unclusterfucked
Dude dropped all support, and the mod is dirty as fuck. Amateur work.
All it does is practically take the last two tiers of light/heavy armor out of the game, and hide enemies like minotaurs and dreugh. Practically reduces the amount of content in your game.

I trust Morrowindfags to not be stupid enough to think Skyrim > Oblivion.

one time I tried to install the whole fcom/ooo/MMM overhauls all at once and when I got into the game next time, giant yellow exclamation marks kept running into me and killing me

actual graph coming through

Maybe the Dragonborn DLC bought their vote.

Last time I tried to mod Oblivion, shit got super wonk just from a handful of graphics enhancers. I hate that as someone that doesn't own Morrowind and has never played it the only thing that doesn't have a high chance of spontaneously shitting itself if I add mods is Skyrim Special Edition. And by 'add mods' I mean almost addictively plopping in dozens upon dozens of immersion and graphics mods like a retard and a few gameplay tweaks.

By the time you've slathered so much shit on the pile that you think you're done, one small problem can result in hunting through individual mods for the smallest thing if it isn't the game memory usage just crapping itself spontaneously and CTDing anyway.

Morrowind was an alpha of Oblivion and Skyrim was a step in the wrong direction from Oblivion. Morrowind is a 7/10, Oblivion is an 8/10, Skyrim is a 7/10.

anyone with more than half a brain and isn't blinded by nostalgia thinks that.

then way is oblivion worse in every way? I mean the main quest is fucking atrocious compared to Morrowind and even fucking skyrim.

>oblivion MQ worse than skyrim
nigga I don't even remember ANYTHING from skyrim's main quest except the retardation between the blades and mario, and killing alduin in valhalla. shit is forgettable as fuck.
oblivion had a solid MQ, vastly outclassed by morrowind but still solid

Its the exact opposite for me. Only thing I remember for the Oblivion main quest is a third of it being a fucking fetch quest for Martin.

live in denial; your game is the least inspired of the three, and about as poorly executed.

There isn't even a single aspect that Skyrim does better than Oblivion.
Story, music, characters, itemization, spells, potions, enchanting, enemy variety, exploration, dungeon layout, sidequests, even Oblivion's retarded levelling system is better than the shit Skyrim got.
You could argue Skyrim has better graphics, but when Oblivion's art direction is so much better, it's basically a moot point.

What? Oblivion had much better quests than Morrowind and Skyrim. Morrowind had the best potential for role playing and build variety, Oblivion had the best quests, and Skyrim looks pretty with mods.

>Oblivion looks nicer
LITERALLY blinded by nostalgia

>Oblivion's art direction is so much better
A++ Would be trolled hard again.

>perpetually grimy people who forgot how to bathe in the 200 years since Oblivion
>desaturated as fuck game because we need the calladuty audience to think our game looks mature

Except it actually fucking does because it isn't muddy garbage and wasn't afraid to incorporate actual color into the scenery.
Though I'm sure you just can't get enough of the eye candy that is the same fucking cave textures on repeat ad nauseam, decorated with Draugr for literally every fucking dungeon.

Morrowind has the best quests hands down

>skyrim msq
>you find a dragon, some really unintersting shit happens, you kill the boss dragon, you win!
>oblivion msq
>you find an oblivion portal, some really uninteresting shit happens, you kill the boss of the oblivion portals
>morrowind msq
>full of political intrigue and supernatural forces all vying to kill eachother while a ressurected demi-god ressurects a dead robot-god to reshape the world in his image. you have to prove yourself to the entire continent that you aren't some piece of shit outsider, and strike down the demi god in his hellish volcano labyrinth
i know what i'd choose

>Filthy Frank
I would doubt you were even born when Oblivion came out.

It had the best MQ, but the side quests sucked ass. See Thieves' Guild.

Oblivion has worse potato faces but everything else looks better
Skyrim looks like they painted everything with several different shades of excrement

why are you even playing oblivion in the first places

Because the Witcher 3 sucks.

WAC is superior.

oblivions HORRIFIC level scaling removes any want for me to play that game again. really, really fucking shit design decision and I don't want to have to experiment with a bunch of mods to maybe find one htat makes it suck less

They were basically fetch and kill quests though.

daggerfall had the worst character creation

Nobody with a serious competent mindset puts Arena above anything.

just get an overhaul or 'scaling unclusterfucked'

>how to tell someone played neither arena nor daggerfall: the post

>Another ES thread devolves into arguing over which game is better rather than just discussing the games individual merits

t. someone that outs themselves as a liar about playing Morrowind

arena was good, class choice mattered, spells were powerful enough to destroy walls

daggerfall is a load of hot garbage
>oh here's another red brick door in a dungeon
>gee i wonder what will happen when i activate it
>i can't fucking wait for the surprise

MOO is pretty much all you need and whatever graphics mod tbqhwyf

What do you think this is, the weekend /tesg/ thread?

This is why Oblivion is GOTYAY


Wow this guy just fell off the boat

I personally enjoy Oblivion best but I'm willing to say that this is the closest rating to being correct.
I think Morrowind is the best game from an objective standpoint, I just enjoy myself more with Oblivion, probably because it's the one I played more when I was younger.

This is the ultimate Oblivion experience. This is what you should build your mod list to look like.


Daggerfall is great overall, and the subsequent games succeed at being progressively worse than Daggerfall.

I love the game but that's what most of them boil down too. AY YO TEMPLE BOI MUH SHOES IN A DAEDRA DUNGEON. AY YO I SAW SOME VISIONS OF A SWORD IN A PLACE GO GET IT. MQ is great though for sure. And early temple quests are fun

Got a quick rundown?

Ok can someone explain what is with this picture? I see it everywhere. Is this from a show?

I tried reverse image search but nada.

Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul adds a bunch relatively lore friendly creatures and items to the game and has crafting and a bunch of stuff plus a level scaling adjustment or the ability to turn it off. Good all around mod. I use it with oblivion XP update hate the vanilla leveling system tbqh


>maps, quests, and npc's are hand-crafted and not the randomly-generated soulless world that was in daggerfall
>removed useless skills in subsequent games
>somehow this is worse

>removed useless skills in subsequent games

Yeah, I can't wait until they streamline out everything except "Quit Game"

After seeing a cave of Amazon warriors with the dumbest gear I ever seen, I might have to try MOO next.
I guess Oscuro is just trying to add more variety... but the gear seriously looks like shit, just populate the fucking cave with bandits.

>relatively lore friendly
This should trip off your alarms.

I played with OOO once. Everything was cool till I went into some random Ayleid ruin and got swarmed by a dozen conjurers and their army of daedra. There's difficulty and then there's just "Let's throw 30 high-level enemies in this cell."


Balmora mage's guild
>go get some mushrooms
>go get some flowers
>go get this soulgem and replace it with this fake one
>go get my research notes
Main quest
>go talk to some people in Balmora and Vivec and go pick up whatever they want
>go fuck off into Dark elf Amish Country and convince the elders that you're Nerevarine (you do this by fucking off into a tomb and picking up a bow and then fucking off to a Sixth House stronghold and picking up more shit)
>become Magic Johnson and learn to live with volcano AIDS
>alright now find this rock and go eat until you find some giant stalagmites, walk south
>take a nap by a door and grab the ring inside this tomb
>now fuck off and convince the 3 houses that you're Nerevarine (by doing fetch quests and killing one stubborn fag in the arena)
This is off the top of my head
There is a LOT of fetch quests

Why couldn't Martin work on making an heir while the Hero of Kvatch was off hunting Nirnroots or playing pirate?

I played it recently and believed the Oblivion looks terrible meme and thought it was just nostalgia that made think it looked good back then but aside from some unrefined character models and some rough areas, the game does can look pretty damn good, the foliage is superior to Skyrim's, for example.
It pretty much breaks even in my opinion for every thing that looks worse, it looks better in some other regard.
I think all the people that think it looks ugly probably played on console, but then again Skyrim is also very ugly on console too.

Mods that drastically overhaul the way you play the game.
Waalx Animals and Creatures(Alternative link here, includes patches) and it's required patches that can be found here - it also has patches for UL's Lost Coast and Dark Forest, OOO(can't find the patch), and for some assets here. I personally use this overhaul.
Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul - Fantastic overhaul with hundreds of toggle-able features. Very compatible and absolutely essential for me.
Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul - The preferred overhaul among the masses. Be sure to look out for the various OOO patches as the mod conflicts with basically everything. And consider using tes4edit to make sure patches are working properly. There's also this notable add-on.
Oblivion Scaling Unclusterfucked - This is worth a mention too, It's similar to Morrowloot(a Skyrim mod).
The other overhauls I know of are ROM, TIE, OWC, MOBS, MMM, and Frans but I can't recommend them for their compatibility problems or just because I find them boring. FCOM used to be popular but honestly it's always been a mess. You should look into these mods if you're inquisitive though because oftentimes I have controversial opinions. As an example you might like TIE if you just want to be a sneaky dickweed.

WAC + MOO are my preferred overhauls but OOO can be used alongside WAC with a patch. The reason I use WAC over OOO is because OOO makes the game harder and in ways more realistic whereas WAC adds a seemingly infinite amount of new monsters, weapons, armors, npcs, beards, accessories, mounts, and critters which makes the game feel barren without WAC. Difficulty enhancing mods are all over the place and many people have went out of their way to make alternatives to OOO's features, for instance dropping lit torches. OOO to me just isn't necessary and it's a pain to mod around due to conflicts.

every quest is a fetch quest with that attitude, user
the difference is you had to figure out where the item was
in subsequent games, you just follow the arrow. no thought required. you're just autocruising through quests.

Considering the setup he used I expected something cringy. Turns out im glad I clicked.

Damn nice write up. I'll finish this OOO run to get a full opinion on things, then I'll probably give your preferred overhauls a shot later in the future.

Not that guy but I will add a warning about WAC - some of those critters will fuck your shit up even though it's not primarily something that changes up the difficulty too much.

Plus you will get ravaged hard by diseases unless you are proactive about keeping that shit to a minimum.

I copy and pasted from here

Problem with OOO is that it adds a bunch of shit you probably don't want.

MOO adds only what you want it to add.

WAC adds cosmetic stuff which mostly you'll want and some parts you may not want.

Nice, thanks.

I'll keep it in mind, hopefully the roads are still safe?

You are right. The factions are much better than in any TES game. You'd think they would have expanded on the concept of you having your rank lowered if you do nothing for years, or even get kicked out. Also the whole alliance thing that changes is great, but they dropped that too.
Not to mention having actual things to spend money on like a boat, or Daedra prince summoning.
Money is literally irrelevant in any other TES. Climbing was also neat and allowed non mages to have something close to levitation.


>everyone says installing FCOM requires a ritual akin to summoning a demon or updating AMD drivers
>try it for shits and giggles
>takes longer to download all the shit required than to actually install the thing
Are people just retards who don't know how to drag and drop or use Wrye Bash?

OOO is based as hell

Nehrim is ultimately what Oblivion should have been though

>Are people just retards who don't know how to drag and drop or use Wrye Bash?
yeah kind of. FCOM is a buggy mess though, you'll probably run into problems with it and then wonder about how well you installed it.


I've had no issues with it so far whatsoever, the only bugs I've had is crashing whenever I changed areas which turned out to be because i added an extra digit in the ini to the cellstoload variable so it was trying to load 150 exterior cells in RAM

getting momentum in OOO is an ass pain
I assume I'll become an unstoppable god of death and destruction eventually, but so far I just enter caves then get BTFO
maybe the levelling mod I use sucks, too. realistic levelling, anyone use this? seems like it's too hard to up your attributes, though vanilla can't be any better, right?