Least Intelligent Comment of All Time Award

You have 10 seconds to post a video game related opinion worthy of this award.

Hard mode: It must be yours.

Dante must die mode: It must be yours and you must spend at least 2 hours per day arguing for it on Sup Forums.



No Man's Sky is good after all the updates.

Undertale is the best game of all time.

I will go for the Dante must die mode.

[Spoiler]KH has good story

Sup Forums is just as bad as SJWs

I can't play legend of zelda, too many elements are ripped off from minecraft and it's hard to take seriously

Sup Forums is a good board.

I unironically consider samus aran a trans woman, due to a developers comment during an interview in the 90's

This thread will NOT be removed after I click the report button 4-5 seconds after this post

mount and blade has legitimately trash combat. it's not fun. it's not exciting. you and some squishyface retard switch your weapons from overhead, to side-to-side, and eventually poke at each other. very lifeless and stale. sometimes you backpedal for 500 meters while ten guys wail on your shield. also very weightless and boring. i hope they took cues from the more modern medieval fighting games for m&b2, but honestly i doubt it. this is my opinion but im going to bed instead of defending it

m&b has trash combat

Microtransactions are good for gamers. This way you only have to pay for what you want. If you don't want that $5 shirt, but you want those $5 shoes, you can grab one without having to buy the other. This is a superior model compared to expansions, since I'd have to pay for the shirt I didn't want.

stories in video games are unimportant

I enjoy SFV and MvCI with friends.
I play Battlefield 1 on PS4 because the community is far larger and theres no text chat for people to waste time typing on.
I only use my PC for games by Blizzard and Valve.
I own a PS4 and don't own Bloodborne, nor do I even enjoy the Souls series.

Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex wasn't that bad

Nintendo is gay.

Final Fantasy IX is criminally underrated despite selling millions of copies, being generally well received within the FF fanbase (especially outside Sup Forums) and being being one of the highest rated FF everywhere.

>Bioshock: Infinite isn't even in the water!
>Why take the fucking BIO out of Bioshock?
I might be the one who started this meme

Paid DLC is important to keeping the costs of games down into the 60.00 range. If it was not for DLC, games would easily be 80.00-90.00 upfront. There is far too much money spent making a good game to not warrant such a price jump.


fuck you cuck go back to>>>r/Sup Forums

The loot box RNG system is great for video games and provides a longevity to a grind with a game with no tangible content.

Minecraft is a fun and relaxing game.

Moba's don't take any skill compared to 90% of the current games that exist right now.

Hollow Knight is not shilled here

You dont /thread your own post you limp dick masturbating retard.

Killing floor 2 is not seasonally shilled here on Sup Forums

The Mass Effect trilogy is literal perfection. It makes sense. In fact, it makes TOO much sense, it's so easy to understand if you have even the tiniest attention span can grasp it, and it's absolutely unthinkable that Sup Forums has such a huge problem with it. For as long as the games have existed I continue to be baffled by the unending shit opinions and complete dismissal of the facts to continue shitposting. What makes it more painful is how it seems like anons are trying so hard to understand these three simple games that it just makes it pitiful that they can't grasp it. Literally all suffering surrounding these games (mostly 3) is self inflicted and anons are too stupid to ever figure it out. The only thing that stops me from arguing and explaining every single alleged """""""""retcon"""""" or """"""""plot hole"""""""" every waking hour of the day is that I have work and obligations that keep me away from my computer.

Sup Forums is eternally stupid and stupid never stops.

really activated my almonds

Watching Twitch is for demented idiots.

Who would actually believe their opinion is valid while also believing it to be unintelligent at the same time?
Jump scares are actually needed to make a game spooky they just need to be subtle and happen rarely.

Deus Ex NY skyline didn't have twin towers because of the technical limitation of the engine

Graces F is my favorite Tales game
It's the pinnacle of the series in gameplay, story, characters and soundtrack
I'm partly biased, due to my eternal waifu BoA doing the opening

People who like Nintendo and fail to acknowledge they are blatantly releasing hardware equivalent to Apple's business model and jewing there own fan base deserve to not be killed off in FEMA camps next year.

Newhalf aren't trans, futa is the word you're looking for

Grind/artificial scarcity and rng is the most natural progression for vidya in order to extend gameplay, time and replayability

That's exactly why I dislike it though
Sure it's good if it's balanced well, but if it's taking ages to get anything, then the game becomes ABOUT the grind for loot boxes, and it's starts to get frustrating and no fun anymore
It's the biggest reason I got sick of Overwatch, with the event specific skins being the second reason
Which sucks, because Overwatch was pretty fun, but now I've lost all interest in it

Pirating isn't stealing

close enough user

Dark souls 3 is actually hard because of RNG attack patterns when you can run through the whole game in a speed run.

I kinda feel like this too.
Price tags have been pretty consistent over the last decade or so while inflation should've driven up the price by more than 20%. Although there are still too many games, especially sport games that get a new release every year without any real gameplay improvements which have the audacity to also include microtransactions. Such games are just a cheap cashgrab and there should be set rules of what constitutes a new game and what's just a rehash which could've been DLC for $20.

Mass Effect 4 was a good game.

Don't get me wrong but Overwatch for about 1-2 months was the best game I have ever played in a long while.

I just don't understand how people can play it for more then 3 months it's pretty crazy. I mean if blizzard released content quickly they had a chance to stomp out League of legends.

I unironically believe that the older version of Minecraft was better in spite of the lack of content. The community Wes smaller and far more wholesome. It was just a few people socialising and fucking about. Popularity in a game is not something to be desired.

>i care about video game communities
another worthy candidate

A community is everything in a social game. Imagine Sup Forums as a game. It would be fucked if we were to grow much bigger.

Sup Forums is the last bastion of unrestricted intellectual thought in the world and not only is the average Sup Forums-user woke/redpilled as fuck and welcome on Sup Forums at all times, but they are also not at all a collective echochamber of retarded ideas like SJWs on Tumblr. They are most assuredly some of the most respectable people on our planet, and absolutely not sapient filth that is largely beyond any sort of proper reasoning or education.

>social game
another worthy candidate

Unironically the opposite
The anti/pol/ brigade is a strong contender

>would be fucked
it was fucked long time ago

But this one's true and logical.

>Sup Forums is the last bastion of unrestricted intellectual thought in the world

Other M was pretty decent. Tight gameplay and controls, I liked the soundtrack, story was okay but could have been better, but Samus was a perfectly acceptable character.

I'd much rather have level scaling in my RPGs than spend hours grinding for levels by killing the same enemies over and over again.

I think we have a winner here.

not an argument

Crypto currencies are an utter waste of time beyond the occasional buying and selling. Simply stock shit: buy low, sell high. Considering we're in the Wild West days, you can make bank like crazy whenever a coin moons. Use them to get a few extra hundred or thousand dollars in your wallet and then GTFO. There are far too many and the entire system will collapse on itself eventually. Hell, the Occam's Razor for this shit is that Bitcoin rose to where it is simply because it was the very first and now the most popular. Those who invested early are Lambo owners. Now everyone is trying to get a slice of the pie

>not vidya

It is when all the fucking AMD cards are out of stock because some dumb fuck who works in IT wants to get rich quick rather than find a better job

yea, but this is /vidya not /poland

Far cry 2 infamous mode should've limited saving only to safe houses\save points. Buddy system is perfectly fine the way it is, with random appearances and probability of their death in the middle of combat, without the options to call them in for a mission or to assist you in any way.

In the context of the thread, yes.

Starts off strong but the second half is too obvious, tweak it and this would be tiptop Poe's law bait.



im going for hard mode
I loved every minute of undertale, and consider it one of the greatest video games of all times

It is a social commentary on black people

You win.

Now there's something I haven't seen in a really long fucking time

Shit, if I was at home I could post the one of XV-kun calling Bayonetta a button masher while claiming FFXV requires more skill.

Luigi is gay, as alluded to in Mario 64.

imma have to fucking kill your for this post, sorry bud

That's fair, undertale has a lot going for it. Respecting your opinion.

They've added something at least once a month every month since launch dude.

god I wish I could bait this hard, pretty sure you just won OP's challenge, have a (you)

Goddamn horsefuckers.

>implying Sup Forums isn't tsundere as fuck for Undertale

Oh damn, shut the thread down. I doubt anything's going to top this.

Congrats, you win.

Dark souls 2 is truly the best of the series. This supposed “B-team” made a game way bette than anything those jap fags could.

TLDR. Dark souls 2 is the best xD

Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze has utter garbage level design compared to classical DKC games.

I legitimately dislike the game and way it plays and have a hard time understanding why people like it so much

I actually like fallout 4

I actually got pissed off for a moment, then I remembered what this thread is meant to be.


The thing is, Sup Forums actually likes Undertale, they just don't like to admit it.

This, but unironically.

You should have been like me and admit to owning a PS4 and no Bloodborne, I haven't even gotten any yous

It should be a banable offense to be a weeb.

Newhalf are trans not futa. Futa is futa.

I wish I was Anthony Burch

Sup Forums is not obsessed with girls and not addicted to porn.

It's understandable. I enjoyed it, but I'll rarely admit it because the community is dogshit. People don't want those autists around since it's a quick way to shit up a thread.

Arguing on the internet is silly. Have a nice day.

the original super mario bros is the hardest game of all time and never should have existed since it never mattered anyways. fuck that brown thing, how was i supposed to know that i had to jump on it?

I hate Bloodborne and all Souls games.

Traps are really gay

lawbreakers is really fun to play

Man, game reviews sure have ruined peoples perceptions.

camera positioning does not matter in action games


Hard mode coming in

Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts is a very fun, great game and has a lot of depth to it

You don't need gameplay to make a good game.

hard mode:
most jrpgs are pretty dogshit since they focus heavily on telling a generic story with generic gameplay with very few exceptions
there probably isn't anybody shilling on Sup Forums, and if they are they're indie devs
this but actually, and with an addendum that only for cosmetics
hollow knight is better then most if not all classic metroid/castlevania titles discounting nostalgia. this is more a positive reflection on hollow knight then a negative reflection on those games though
there's nothing wrong with walking simulators if they tell a story in an interesting way
immigration is objectively a net economic positive and probably a societal one too
metal gear as a series commits so many sins that would get any other series crucified but people forgive it cause memes
the video game market actually is remarkably good at delivering exactly what gamers want; it just happens most consumers have shit taste
undertale is a good game