>have nothing to play
Have nothing to play
>own a ton of games I haven't beaten yet
>have nothing to play anyway
>have 600 games I could play
>don't feel like playing any of them
Only the most boring fuckers say they have nothing to play when they have plenty to play.
>Been jacking off all day
>Want to play games or play guitar after I'm done
>But I'm too lazy to get up and wipe my hand and I don't have tissue in the room so parents don't suspect
>Plan is to let my hand dry while I sleep and go wash it when I go piss in the morning, hoping that I can find some motivation for vidya tomorrow
>Rinse and repeat
Please help me
Hey, cheer up. I'm sure that ejaculate will be all dried up in the morning.
Do something productive instead of playing repetitive brain killer. Make something.
>fired from work for being late all the time
>no energy to look for new one
>no energy to play vidya
>no energy to even fap
>just refresh 4chins all day long
>own over 250 games insteam library
>don't have time to play single player games anymore but buy them anyway
>being in the military has its ups but I can't enjoy vista much anymore
>end up only playing multiplayer games because after work I just want to kill some mother fuckers online
Once I get back to America and retire from the Navy it will be even worse because I'll be busy looking for a good job and doing other shit.
I miss being able to play like I used to but being only being able to play every now and again has made the e perience of games more sweet and fun.
>can't get into online games anymore
I suppose this happens to most people in their 20s... I guess I never thought it'd happen to me.
This isn't something abnormal it's just as you get older you lose that young competitive energy to fck up people online. Rather than waste your time sweating on a multiplayer game getting your ass kicked you'd rather come home after work and enjoy something you can learn and play at your own pace.
only one more sleep until Lizardlads!
Mate your parents don't give a shit, just get a box of tissues and a bin
>tfw barely buy new games because old games are way better
>download new game
>hyped to play
>play it for 10 minutes
>probably wont touch it again for a while
>want to replay a game
>work takes up too much time to replay it
I've been playing Breath Of The Wild and I love Zelda but I'm not sure I'm cut out for open world games.
>he says while his backlog is still waiting for him
No fucking excuse
Zelda has always been somewhat open world thoigh
>all these plus the fact I'm always tired and playing drains me quickly
>have no other hobbies
I have nothing new to play. Let me put it that way.
>Have games you would either buy or already own and would play.
>Australian net so only 15 gigs download.
>Games are all so big can't download them unless you spend 2+ month worth of download on them.
>Even the ones you buy physical copies of.
There is not a single cute anime staring at noose picture that accurately sums up this pain.
what the fuck
>kissless, handheldless virgin
>No friends, job, career, future