Since apparently you’re all experts
What would you do to fix Overwatch?
Since apparently you’re all experts
If the core is broken then the game can't be fixed.
Well I might as well be the first
>Remove Hanzo
Why is foot fetish art so creepy all the time?
I feel like that guy is talking about all the superficial aspects. Yea, 20 tick is gay but the core reason overwatch is shit is because there's too much healing shit that prevents one player from killing anyone if there's an even semi-competent healer around and forces you into a gay ball.
The rest is that it's too fucking slow with non-committal bullshit movement and shitty map design and gamemodes, only one of which is even "ok" (king of the hill, illios)
like you could fix the netcode and all the other stuff and it'd still be awful trash.
shit art
I have the other one here too if you're legitimately interested in reading it.
I was really hoping this image would have something a little more profound and analytical to say.
they can't draw
just look at zarya's feet, they look like sideshow bob's fucking feet
Its not ranty though. Its a good de-construction on the game's design if anything, I would never take the time to build a mega post like this guy's even with the interest of doing so.
nude costumes
I would add traditional game modes like capture the flag
She’s a big girl though
They already have that user-kun, and its broken as all hell.
Delet it
but she doesn't have fucking clown feet
>20 tick is an issue but he himself admits they fixed it
>hitboxes were an issue and were fixed
>the rest is him just ranting about muh SJWs
There's a lot of text though, so I guess not even the person screencapped it bothered to read it.
this ones a lot better.
it's a pretty accurate analysis of what's wrong with the maps.
although, I personally feel he didn't shit on the payload idea which was born from insane neurotic bullshit even in TF2.
Honestly, overwatch seems to be all the bad ideas in TF2 lifted and amplified with almost none of the good ones.
ok i can understand posting footshit but why did you decide to post atrocious art
How do you know?
More than 5 arcade modes available at a time, limiting it to just 5 is stupid
Focusing on buffing heroes before nerfing others
More comp rewards that aren't just shitty looking gold guns
More skins and emotes released on a regular basis
Remove Mei's ice wall from the game completely
erase it from existence
unless her boots are fucking black holes, she has reasonably sized feet
I would actually buff heroes so theyre as good as the ones people are screaming that are "OP" So that way it naturally balances out rather than nerfing the op ones until they become shit and unplayable