Demons Souls at 1440p with 16XAF on the PS3 emulator

Demons Souls at 1440p with 16XAF on the PS3 emulator


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How's the framerate?

On the PS3 at default graphics

Can you access the servers?

still a souls game and therefore shite

Somehow this looks worse. It's like all the magic's been sucked out

Reminds me of the Shadow of the Collosus remake. Without the effects it looks worse

>higher graphical settings
>looks worse

Looks like its missing some of the effects so you can see just how bad the character and armor models are.

higher resolution makes the low poly models and textures seem worse


>seem worse

The underlying graphics remain, they are just much clearer now

No, actually I agree. I prefer the way it looks on PS3, though I'm really glad it's playable on PC now.

It's not missing anything, the effects are just higher resolution so now they don't look like smeared vaseline.

Post more Viper RSR.

I really need Sony and Sega to work something out so they can bring it to the PS4

This is basically the same sort of thing you would get if you were to run DSFix on Demon's Souls. Higher internal res, better texture filtering options.

>make something better
>Sup Forums claims it's a downgrade

exactly, it makes them SEEM worse, you retard

That's kind of why a remaster isn't likely to happen. it's a publishing rights nightmare. From self published in asia, Atlus published in US, Bandai Namco published in EU

Are we supposed to pretend the aliased shit on the left looks better?


right looks much better

The rampant contrarianism is fucking killing this board.

you're really dumb, arent you

I felt really bad for her by the end of that game.

Nah, I really don't believe so

Damn PS1 games were fucking hideous.

>people unironically think the right seems worse

How's framerate and sound tho

Could multiplayer ever work?

I love Demon's Souls' simplistic look and style, I'd love to give it a run on the emulator, I might even download it to run the first level and tutorial, but my next playthrough is going to be back on PS3, one more run on NG++ and I've got the plat.

Sound is working better now, framerate is gonna depend on your specs but from what I hear it's pretty stable

Multiplayer doesn't work, and unless the devs add support for multiplayer it likely never will

How does it run though? Tried BotW on PC a few months ago because Sup Forums was claiming that it ran perfectly, and it turned out to be a fucking atrocity.

It is. The increased polygon count combined with the low-resolution textures makes the model read as uneven and visually jarring.

What version are you running to do this? I'm out of the loop with RPCS3 and just downloaded the new KD-11 version from a few days ago. No idea how to achieve these settings.

nah you just have nostalgia goggles fogging up and obscuring your view to see that the right is objectively better.

I don't even find the left jarring because I play PS1 games all the time but jump out of a fucking window, user.

>increased polygon count

>models were made with specific graphical settings in mind
>improving those settings makes models and textures look worse

It's a shame, but DeS is not DaS1 when it comes to texture quality, user.

Not out yet, just a tease from the team

Its the same poly-count you fukkin chompski honk

Better than the PS2 emulator?
I wonder if a GTX 970 would be powerful enough

If the PS3 emulator is stable enough it might end up being a better way to play MGS3 on PC than emulating the PS2 version

>increased polygon count
This has to be bait, no one can be this retarded.


Thanks for proving that you have no idea what you are talking about

Ah okay, thanks man. It's hard to keep up with this emulator since there are so many new versions every day and some older ones have newer features than newer ones.

you can't even see the texture detail on the armour at 720p

Models for MGS pushed the edge of graphics further. It's a decently sized game that has very good console graphics for the time.

Now they look better

What am I missing here?

Niggers come the fuck on it absolutely looks worse.
The pixelated jumble acts like an ass smokescreen for the ass model.
Like the hair seems fine in the left, and then the right irons it out into a retarded looking straight edge box with his ear blatantly stapled to the side of his head.

It's not even a significant difference, they've taken something that looked like shit and made it look slightly shittier.

>looks worse
>is clearly better

Unironically this.

>it looks worse because i say so!
Nah, left is an aliased unfiltered mess.

Hahahaha hoho

Oh wait you're serious?


Is the audio fixed?

Assets weren't made with a 720p monitor user, the game wasn't play tested at 720p during early prototyping, it was built at 1080p (or whatever their PCs are at) and then scaled down to whatever until it ran acceptably on the PS3.

>but DeS is not DaS1 when it comes to texture quality
We don't actually know that yet. We have one single shitty image.

>it looks worse because of these reasons
>"it's because I say so!"
>gives no arguments
Kill yourself.
The fucking head looks like a Picasso. The polycount nigger is retarded, but I'd rather play the left on my PC then force it to look even more like ass.

>it's a mess!
>I love it when I can clearly see how everything is actually a straight line block and each piece of Snake's head was glued on, oh boy.

>improving those settings makes models and textures look worse
That's not how it works, even if the textures are very low quality, at worst they will look the same, but more often than not they'll look clearer.

>but muh artistic vision
If you can play the left one without getting a headache that's fine, just don't pretend it looks better.

>how can anyone play the shit on the right? the pixelated mess on the left looks perfect

the left looks like that, but more pixelated.

>how can anyone play the shit on the right? the pixelated mess on the left looks perfect

>the right
fucking disgusting

see silent hill HD

one job
>default graphics
>scaled up unevenly, causing pixel-width stretching pixels and adding details that aren't there
one fucking job

ikr? The edges are perfectly smooth and you can actually tell which model is which.

finally i can play pvp at decent framerate

Love it when console exclusives become the PC's meat toilet it's the ultimate form of cucking.

Emulating is still more CPU than GPU heavy you fucking idiot

Are you having a stroke user?

Y-YOU DONT UNDERSTAND, the pixels on the left cover up the ugly lo res models and textures

>If the PS3 emulator is stable enough it might end up being a better way to play MGS3 on PC than emulating the PS2 version
Maybe one day but PCSX2 is basically flawless.

You're not very nice

You have a garbage cpu and should not be emulating anything past gen 5.

Its kinda sad people are just using P5/Demons souls as a pc masturd race grafix jerkoff contest, when in reality no one is going to sit there and play these games via emulation at 15 fps for more than an hour.

It just looks like it has no soul, you know.

No one is doing that though, we're just laughing at people who pretend the original looked better running at inferior resolutions.

Pretty sure the menu button is a downgrade

It's funny, because even if the original assets are very low quality, they always benefit from a higher resolution up to a point. Running a DS game at 4k wouldn't make it any better than running it at 4x resolution, but the jump from native to 4x resolution is massive.

How it is a downgrade? It looks exactly the same. 2d assets remain the same.

Demons Souls runs full speed. Preety sure it's perfectly emulated as well. Maybe some seriously minor visual oddities.

Menu button is exactly the same down to the last pixel.

this but unironically

I believe some of the lighting clips through walls, probably fixed by now, but honestly it looked awesome, helped the game achieve it's dream like feel


It just doesn't feel right.

>no dick souls scraping spear invasion
It's not worth it. PC only don't even understand how much fun invading was in Demons.

it would look better on native resolution with AA tho

I know, some retards unironically believe that.


The only important question completely ignored.

This poster is pretending to be dumb right?

It doesn't. The resolution is too low for anti aliasing to do anything worthwhile and you lose all the extra texture detail that the higher resolution brings out.
You can enable antialiasing on the emulator and see for yourself.

Full speed with a good CPU. It was a dumb question.


Higher resolution will always look better, that's just a fact because of how things work.

Not always. Sometims low resolution adds a tangible charm that goes well with the art. Many cel-shaded games scale toon lines in a negative fashion when you render games at really high res. Image related to some extent.

2D games too sometimes have negatives when upscaled.

Now post the same screenshot without removing the outline in the higher resolution one.
And we're talking about 3d assets, 2d assets shouldn't be filtered, that's a given.

Another example. Right looks gritty, left looks blurry. I'd probably try a bunch of resolutions to make this game look as good as it can from my point of view.

you might need glasses