Why does Sup Forums put so much stock in review scores, sales, and stream views nowadays...

Why does Sup Forums put so much stock in review scores, sales, and stream views nowadays? If God Hand came out in this day and age, you guys would shit all over it like some sort of TORtanic level blunder.

Shitposting, it is the only reason anyone cares about review scores

scores only matter if they make me right.

Yeah, but it goes against the common adage that "Sup Forums is contrarian". What's contrarian about quoting Metacritic reviews like gospel?


Rule of thumb is that ANY game with a score over 90 or 9.0 userscore on metacritic is overrated garbage.

It's not that it's contrarian, it's that it is shitposting. It gets responses. Nobody on Sup Forums claims to care about reviews when it comes what they personally buy or play, but nobody can resist responding to MC scores. If you want to talk about a game, the best way to do it is to post an MC score and either claim its rigged (if it's low) or that some other group of people are on suicide watch because of it (if it's high).

Which leads me to ask, why do people shitpost instead of having legitimate discussion? What's so appealing about amassing meaningless (you)s, when there could've been a worthwhile conversation with a bit of effort?

literally this
can we have containment board for nintendo?
It would improve Sup Forums

I'm curious, name a BAD game was defended to death by nintendo fans.

Because making people angry is fun mr/ms writer come to make a shity article about Sup Forums users.

Breath of the Wild


Sonybros are never not assblasted.

Holy kekkles that is so accurate it hurts.

Did you read the post? BoTW is regular at worst depending on your tastes but by no means a bad game.
Stop trying so hard and give it another shot.


Sup Forums hasn't been pro-Nintendo since at least 2011. The only pro-Nintendo posts I see are BotW/Switch posters (which I assume are mostly falseflags), and the aftermath of any Nintendo Direct. People that actually enjoyed/defended the Wii U (like me) are a very small minority to the people that shat on it constantly.

B-but s-s-sony
Every single time.

Scores use to mean something back in the God hand days.


Jeez, were they really defending it that hard? I gotta admit it's not my cup of tea and charging 60 bucks for THAT is absurd.

Where, exactly, does this edit mention Sony?

Mario Rabbids Kingdom


It is always shitposting

I thought nobody liked the Rabbids and its only redeeming factor was that it was similar to Xcom.

>6 is a meh
Lmao dis nigga

Sweet, I always wanted an app that lets me da.

check this 6 nigga

>Why does Sup Forums put so much stock
No, they don't. They use it a s a shitposting tool and as bait. That's really it.

t. shitposter

I prefer the 5 point rating scale because it's simple. Just rate a game with one of the first five numbers, and no .5 shit. And how the fuck do you come up with a number like 8.1? Not even being the average of something, they just pull numbers out of their ass.

It's contrarian to Sup Forums's rejection of scores.

I give your post a 4.327

I got burned twice based on Sup Forums's taste of games so I'm just here for entertainment and play my own games. I'm here for shit like TORtanic, now that was glorious

Is this your first time here? The joy of Sup Forums is getting that high from being involved in shitstorm threads. If you havent noticed people care more about marketing flops and disasters than triumphs, and if people do so about the latter, it's almost always to incite butthurt from the perceived competition.

I've been here for years and this was never my motivation. It's just strange that this is now the norm here. Also, it seems this way only on Sup Forums. Other boards aren't so hell bent on seeing everything failing. Maybe Sup Forums, but it make sense there, since sports are actual competitions, and you want your team to win. Video game companies aren't fucking "teams" that are worth rooting for, unless you're a shareholder.

TORtanic ruined the board
It's funny because that game ended up being pretty profitable as a f2p game
Sup Forums played itself

That's because the video game industry is powered by tribalism and brand loyalty. What else did you expect? It's the same over at Sup Forums too, but that has mellowed over the years as the board slowed down. Before anons would make always make a big deal about anime DVD/BD sales.

> Video game companies aren't fucking "teams" that are worth rooting for

I'm pretty sure Sup Forums thinks they are, considering how bad consolewars are here. Of course, there are others who simply want an excuse to post crying wojaks.

it's literally just shitposters. Everyone knows reviewers are hacks and can't be trusted
you've gotta learn to pick shitposts. Half the popular threads on this board would die with no posts if Sup Forums weren't fucking retards who fall for every piece of bait
classic example:

Scores are the worst way of summing up your opinions, they are worthless.