I honestly fail to see the appeal of this game, it's just a far more shallow mario party

i honestly fail to see the appeal of this game, it's just a far more shallow mario party.
unlike mario party, 100% OJ has no minigames, your only interactions are through dice, cards are either meaningless or absurdly OP, the norma system is confusing and it looks like anime trash
how can anyone like this steaming pile of shit?

Same reason you are on Sup Forums.

People are retards. Simple as that.

you know what's even more retarded?

nobody hosting a lobby


>the norma system is confusing
Come back when you play more than 10 games

if a game such as this isn't clear about the objectives from the start then it's a shit game

i want star breaker to have lots of children
like 9 children
or more

weebs will eat up anything that panders to them

orange juice isn't even a japanese game

This isn't relevant, it's weeb trash

i don't think that word means what you think it means

stop replying anytime


>orange juice isn't even a japanese game
Are you for real?


No one actually likes it, its just a glorified chat room for ironic weebs to erp in.
Especally steam group faggots.

>it's like Mario party with no mini games
Nigga that's called a board game

>the norma system is confusing

How many chromosomes do you have to not be able to comprehend basic boardgame rules?

You can't expect someone who was born after 2000 to know what a board game is.

I hate to bring out the "It's fun with friends" card, but that's the only reason I play this game.
It's a good game when you want to fuck your friends online and have a laugh, but not have the entire conversation just be the game. I can't say much more because I don't play with vee.
>the norma system is confusing
nigger what

>he thinks the steam group plays

this is how I know you're bullshit

Of course no one plays, everyone is too busy erping.

post tomomo's butt

tomomo's butt

the best

>this lack of lobby
let's change that

lobby where
PW rage

shit lobby cancelled minor emergency came up


it's back up user, join

1 more for our lobby!

all I know is I want syura's slobbery little mouth curled around my dick

next person who joins gets free syura nudes limited time offer hurry

Its relaxing, you don't have to give it much attention thus can play on the fly, and it has adorable characters most of whom have great fashion sense and look so huggable you could just pick them up and spin them around. Aside from the obvious pic here's a neat example, can you imagine how cozy it must be to hug her, or be petted by her?

>play of the gods
>whimsical windmill

>game is called 100% Orange Juice
>game isn't about fruit juice at all

Instantly refunded, deleted system 32, fried my hard drive and set my apartment on fire

>Show is called Bleach
>Characters never do laundry

He didn't even know what a board game was he think it's Mario party

>he needs to hack
>in a cutesy board game simulator
the degeneracy is real

It's a silly board game you can play for like 3 dollars. Why do you hate fun?

I don't really know either, especially when there's better games in the series

past month
>weather and earth destroys everything south of me with cat 5 hurricanes, earthquakes, fires.
>nukes close to be fired between NK and USA.
>Lego island creator dies days before 20ths anniversary.
>kemono friends is dead.
At least i have 100% OJ to stay happy.

>At least i have 100% OJ to stay happy.
Shitposters will take that away soon too.
You aren't allowed to have fun on Sup Forums.

OJ threads are often ignored, and thats what makes it great

Not when faggot start making bait thread like the OP, and have you seen the state of the previous threads were in.

sometimes a bait post is required to even get the ball rolling

What are you guys expecting from halloween this year?

Do you think they'll enable candy drops again with a new set of outfits or maybe try something different like with the summer event?

Everyone is wearing witch hats

Get your shit together coffgirl, girl we don't needs more suffering. Get help.

i'm still curious, is coffgirl a guy or a girl?


>had ovary tumors removed.

Around the time we get QP.swf

lobby up and need 2 people

no girls allowed

Are you saying it'll be a yuri .swf? I can dig that, we need more QP x Saki lewds anyway.

oh and girls are actually allowed

what in tarnation happened here

>Four Mixed Poppos
>Hyper generates warps
>Each warp depending on level is either 5 stars (1,3,5) or a card draw (2,4)
>Keep landing on warps over and over and over and over to draw cards

Mixed Poppo happened

It's Mixed Poop before Fruitbat decided you can go fuck yourself and limited hand size to 10.

we still need two
please join

WAN more

god damnit fuck that limit of 10, but its not like I ever hit that limit anyway

It's like any other board game. Confusing at first, but as you play it more, you get the hang of it. You can't expect to play something like Monopoly or Settlers and immediately understand everything.

A man can dream, user

A man can dream

DLC sale when?

They also limited the amount of warps you can do in a single turn to 5, limited the amount of moves you can do to 5, and made move panels on a dead end unusable rather than letting you roll 5 times to go nowhere.

They are very much against fun.

oh yeah the warp limit I did notice on the night version of the pirate map with mixed poppo.
lonely chariot and mixed poppo hypers are bonkers.

that explains well. also, why did he get a surgery?

Just Lonely Chariot is enough to break Night Treasure Island. You'll take the warp, land on a home, heal, take damage and repeat.

Since you heal every turn before you take damage, you can literally norma forever and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

>and it has adorable characters most of whom have great fashion sense and look so huggable you could just pick them up and spin them around

>fires 2-4 hypers in the game, enjoys making green spaces deadly.
>then constantly picks of said trap cards on the deck all game.
cute. CUTE!

I want to fuck that hamster

just follow the twitter.


Aren't most of the cards and characters blocked behind a paywall? Not really fair when you consider they don't separate the players by unlocked DLC.

i mean.

Tomato and Mimyuu became quick favorites once I played a few games with them. Plus I love that you can customize each one differently.

>Plus I love that you can customize each one differently.
wait what.

There's a button that lets you switch between them on the customization screens, you can select different colors and stuff for each of them.

Never noticed the plan spin arrows. my life was a lie.

needs 1 again
please join

What do I do with these?

I wish I had the cash to comm OJ lewds from him.

By the crates

All of them

I already did.

Will draw for all DLCs


If they were on sale I'd run to the store for you right now.

ded bump

kiriko has the best them
then chicken
then mixed poppo
then tomato/mimyuu
kae, saki, and yuki can come too, also dangerous qp

I'll buy you about 10 bucks worth for a very lewd Saki.


dead game
dead thread
dead lobbies


Sham is my wife!


Cute bacon

does Sham sings if an instrumental plays?

do you even drink orange juice user?

I think it's pretty dumb that in order to fight the true final boss in FRB you need to do a full run instead of just being able to fight it in practice mode. Playing through 30 minutes just to get one chance at it sucks, even 2hu lets you fight the final boss once you beat her once. Flying Castle isn't even that hard of a boss, I had more trouble with stage 4 and Sherry.

>Flying Castle isn't even that hard of a boss

Guess that's why it's the weakest boss in OJ. Both playable and as NPC.