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I never seen any of this guy's videos but just seen that photo repels me with a strong force

why does he get dressed up?

wouldn't his content be just as funny and insightful if he just recorded himself in front of his computer like most other commentators?

larping as some weirdo seems like something you'd do for attention back in 2008 when people like spoony and TGWTG were relevant, not any more.

He should seriously consider dropping the act.



dressing like a nazi is totally in with the social justice crowd
he should keep the look and hope he doesn't get beaten by one of his colleagues

You should be glad that he plays a character and keeps his personal life completely out of his videos.

why can't the left meme?


>obnoxious ass intro
>trying too hard to be funny
>praises himself
>new video, same fucking topic
>cringeworthy “comedy segments”
>picks low hanging fruit
>fat and obnoxious

Yeah, avoid him at all costs.

how can anyone stand to listen to this fat fucks micropenis voice let alone look at his greasy unkempt self

no wonder his parents disowned him.

Heil Cuckler

this seems like the worst person ever.

> Like No Man Sky but Good XD XD XD
> My 12yo fanbase will love that joke

He is a big guy

For xou


Sup Forums is the last bastion of unrestricted intellectual thought in the world and not only is the average Sup Forums-user woke/redpilled as fuck and welcome on Sup Forums at all times, but they are also not at all a collective echochamber of retarded ideas like SJWs on Tumblr. They are most assuredly some of the most respectable people on our planet, and absolutely not sapient filth that is largely beyond any sort of proper reasoning or education.

At least he fucked someone, what about you ;)

British Chris-Chan

stuff like this is so much more disgusting when they're fat.

#BASED seethe comrade


only cunty women give a shit about virginity statuses

I'd rather have nothing

Who the fuck is that fat bloke and why are you posting his ugly ass on here?

what are some video games where you can beat false flagging SJWs until they cry blood?

> Even if he fucked a goat, it's ok, at least he fucked someone. ;)

Nice standards, faggot.

had a wet dream about him recently

still feel fucking awful, you can't even imagine


He has pretty reasonable opinions about the industry that are perfectly in tune with what Sup Forums says most of the time but Sup Forums gets triggered by him because he's fat and a literal cuck.

Did you piss in fear when he came for you


>defends Sonic 4
>reasonable opinions


>gives zelda botw 7.5/10
>gives every tranny infested sjw westshit "game" like horizon 9.5/10

wow reasonable

>muh reviews
I'm taking about his inquisition shit aka the only thing that matters.

did he clone himself? what is this?

more like he picks the lowest hanging fruit possible.

WOAH EA/ACTIVISION SUCKS. What a hot fucking take.


Yeah what groundbreaking opinions does he have? DLC is bad? Really made me think.

That doesn't make his opinions wrong, hating on shitty publishers is common sense for Sup Forums but jim teaches common sense to the clueless reddit babies too and that's important, he's pretty popular which gives him a much louder voice than your usual user who is invisible.

>With the social justice crowd
>The same crowd that cancels shows for being 'alt right' i.e. white people that don't hate their whiteness
What dimension are you in right now my dude?

Whoa truly he's /ourguy/ now.

The sarcasm dimension.

>Sup Forums
>not at all a collective echochamber of retarded ideas

> Sup Forums is the last bastion of unrestricted intellectual thought in the world

What are you? 12?
Try at least to leave moms basement for ONCE.

>notorious liberal uses fascist colors and imagery to sell lonely virgins leftist rhetoric and patreon subscriptions



his videos would be a thousand times better if he dropped the act and removed all the le edgy dildo man shit in the beginning

Wait, that guy's supposed to be dressed up as a nazi? I thought he was cosplaying as the bad guy in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


Nobody can tell because he's so fat

I want to set him on fire or blow him up with explosive.

>Aspiring Nazi Puncher

Try getting me, I'm a gif

It's a copypasta you newfag

It just needs a pair of problem glasses, and the look will be complete.

Oh. He wears the hat because of his hairline.

What are some games where you get to misunderstand sarcasm?

>i-it's not a falseflag.. it's just sarcasm


Who's this nazi Sup Forumslard?

>"Antifa" in all caps as if it's an acronym
>Took a patrilineal name in marriage instead of remaining a strong independent womyn