The Chinese Room shuts down

Legendary developer The Chinese Room shuts down offices, fires 9 people. Creator of classics such as Dear Esther and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture.

>Had £40,000 in expenses each month making games that sell 30k copies
>"We're done with walking simulators."

Are you sad, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Legendary developer The Chinese Room

LITERALLY who? Also stop fucking direct linking to shitty """journalist""" articles you cunt.

They must be big if Amy Poehler works there.

>Legendary developer The Chinese Room shuts down offices
>Creator of classics such as Dear Esther and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture.
cmon now eurogamer

they made that dogshit amnesia sequel a machine for pigs
i'm glad they shut down

didn't they make some Half life 2 source mods too? I remember one in a prison with some tattoo on the hand.


archive that shit


Good riddance desu

A Machine for Pigs sucked.

Yeah one called Korsakovia

I'm ecstatic.

I got Everybody's Gone to the Rapture for "free" and still felt ripped off.

>Are you sad, Sup Forums?
No, they only made shitty "games"

>Legendary developer The Chinese Room

literally never heard of them.

>that pic
too much pussy.

>A company run by numales and ugly cunts producing shit no one cares about has to shut down

In other news water is wet!

I just want everyone to fail, so no


>Chinese Room

What kind of name is that? As in, the thought experiment about translation or whatever?

>I've got a PhD in first-person shooters

t. Dan Pinchbeck

Oh no that sucks

>"We're done with walking simulators."
why not try making video games, they would only have to replace those females with people who can code


Looks like the staff room at a college somewhere

>making videogames
This fucking guy

Even a retard can handle Unreal 4 or Unity. The numales with art degrees will be making the models, environments, levels, writing and everything, while the coders spend all their days getting the lighting engine to work or finetuning the netcode

>The company originated as a mod team for Half-Life 2, based at the University of Portsmouth in 2007, and is named after John Searle's Chinese room thought experiment, however, the origami logo is a japanese symbol.

I'm going to saunter slowly around my home town doing nothing in memoriam


I guess it just sounded cool.

>Even a retard can handle Unreal 4 or Unity.
that's why they make walking simulators, you have to code to make game, or "script" so you wouldn't get triggered again


It's really not that complicated, little kids keep making them

wonderful post

Another one of GooberGate's victims bite the dust.

the best thing to come out of that company was Fitz's Esther video

So avant garde.


>Legendary developer The Chinese Room


Waters actually not that wet.

wtf i love walking sims now

No fucks given.

>"Legendary developer"

They made a few pretentious indie walking simulators. That's like calling some faggot whose arthouse movie was only seen by his 9 film course classmates a "legend"
hopefully those sjwfaggots who made Firewatch are next.

>Legendary developer The Chinese Room
>Creator of classics such as Dear Esther and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture.
i'm literally crying


You're just hydrophobic.

>Mocking one of the few artistic game types that exist

As a professional video gamer I couldn't disagree more, go back to your silly shoot 'em up games.

And nothing of value was lost.



>Legendary developer

>There are people in this thread right now who never played Dear Esther

Fucking brainlets.

It's almost as if people don't like walking simulators because they're fucking boring.

This. I'd rather just read what's happening.

>The Chinese Room
>room full of white people, not a chink in sight

They made a few disappointing games with writing that sounds clever but has no substance. The guy from Stanley Parabole does what they do but he at least tries to experiment with the idea of walking simulators, not just playing them straight.
>Everyone in town is gone. What could it have been?
>Give the game a title that gives it away
Machine for Pigs
>Tricking people into thinking they're playing an Amnesia game with even less gameplay
Dear Esther
>Walk for a bit, hear empty narration
Might as well go for a hike in real life and hear an audiobook

The room is from China

>A dumb NEET who idolizes japanese drawing with bad anatomy torturing aquatic life doesn't understand the importance of artistic developers like TCR

That's a bold use of the term 'classic'.

No one playing video games in 20 years will remember these abortions.

if it was it would have collapsed and killed the occupants by now

>company is called blizzard
>their office is warm, not a snowstorm in sight

When I first played it I felt euphoric


Well, it did on a financial level.

Man, this is a good bait.

>company director

really made me think

Every time I think I'm about to feel sympathy, I see something like this.

>Using company account to spew your personal opinions

>If a developer doesn't share literally every single opinion I have they are bad and should shutdown


Would bang second girl to the left.

good riddance they pretty much started the walking sim fad. that shit needs to die fast.

Maybe they should have made something else.

I have a large amount of their games either from psplus or humble bundles.
You play it once, you're done with it.

Isn't their last game jumping on the trendy, non-game VR bandwagon too?

Only themselves to blame.

Are they wrong tho? Do you think they would have made a male show all that meat?

Just picture the woman on the far left of OP's picture smugly typing this up.

I’m sure most people haven’t heard of The Chinese Room. Besides, games from Japan are better.

Another victory for gamergate.

women are more attractive than men



>Legendary developer

>"Maybe if I call over developers sexist, gamers will buy our games!"
>Meanwhile the "sexist" CDPR make millions

>women showing skin is sexist

They can have their opinions

On their personal accounts. The dumbass who posted that on @ChineseRoom ruined it for the other 11 employees who didn't do such inappropriate acts here

No. A legendary developer would be something along the lines of Capcom. Two walking simulators are not enough to make you fucking LEGENDARY. I didn't even know the name of the company until this thread.

>tfw not born a woman

Slut shaming.

>40k a month on expenses.
5 bucks says all the women there are some form of "community manager".

>tfw autocorrect turns sexy into sexist

>TCR was anti-refunds on Steam

>Accuses CD Project RED of being sexist developers

>compares depiction of Quiet in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain to Nazi Popaganda

Another SJW driven from the games industry, well done Sup Forums

I love how there's essentially zero context in that image of the woman dressed how she is but they still decide to call CDPR sexist.

>bullshit indie dev who proudly say they only make walking simulators shuts down.
This is truly a blessed day.

>classics such as Dear Esther and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

>Make no games or shit games
>Spills some opinions that are considered bad by some

Gee user, I guess it was their opinions that made them go out of business, surely it wasn't their lack of good games.

Converse sneakers girl is kind of cute.

why is that cunt on the left wearing an apron to work?

is anyone surprised?
their games were bad even by walking sim standards

k a month on expenses.
>12 employees
what could they be spending it on?
really makes you think

That's what happens when almost half of your development team is made up of women. Women ruin everything from social clubs to businesses to entire countries once they gain any semblance of power or right to speech.

Agreed, she seems decent, probably crazy though.