Did I just buy a dead fucking game?
Did I just buy a dead fucking game?
>playing ranked
yes for ranked.
If the estimated wait time is more than 2:00,
don't bother waiting.
>being a casual piece of shit that leaves midway through every game
I always get a ranked game within 30 seconds, Europe.
>Ranked multiplayer
If it isn't already dead it will be in 2 weeks.
Server based games >>>>> matchmaking in any form.
Should I just sell it?
>bought a carebear game for ranked pvp
i cant
Play casual faggot
what game is this
dont pretend to be me you fucking faggot
stop living in the past you fucking old decrepit fat fuck
you're a fucking moron
what game this is?
Siege has an active playerbase of 5 million people, if that’s dead to you, then yes.
Nobody fucking plays ranked in Siege
wat game tho?
>5 million people
where the fuck are they then dipshit?
so out of 5 million people they can't get 10 retards together to play this shit? im not buying it. fuck off
They can, in the only worthwhile mode
It's only a game, why you haf to be mad?
No one actually gives a shit about ranked in this game. Go into casual and you'll have a game in seconds.
If that's an issue go play CS or something, I guess.
>OP's mad he bought a dead game
lmfao get fucked idiot
Sometimes the matchmaking system bugs out. Click cancel and try again.
This was a bad time to enter the game anyway, they’re basically redoing the engine ground up as it’s running on assassins creed engine. Now the game is full of bugs. Last patch was 40gb.
Thus, people avoid ranked this season
Get the fuck off Sup Forums and go wait in matchmaking then you stupid inbred fuck.
rainbow six siege
Wow you are so cool and edgy with all those insults. You must be lots of fun at partys!