Does Sup Forums like e-sports?

Does Sup Forums like e-sports?

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>video games

I'm older than 15, so no.

Name a single game you can take competitively and still enjoy

im waiting

>watching people pressing some keys on a keyboard

Pointing a thing and pressing trigger is a respectable olympic sport, so why not playing videogames well?

I don't, but recently my dad likes.
He is literally watching the shows and matches on some sport channel from a game that I don't know.
I thing one time it was Raibow Six Siege.

I think RTS games are fascinating to watch from FP perspective, too bad they were replaced by assfagets

The name only makes sense if it's something like Madden or FIFA. You know, electronic sports

Lmao every time

I bet you're one of those retards who think they can handle a real gun because they've played CoD.

What the hell are you talking about?

DotA 2.

it alright

too bad they casualized broodwar

only brood war everything else is pure shit

I like bw and dota2. Ill sometimes watch other shit too but have no stock in it

And the fgc even tho ive never played a single one. They just feel less esports and more casual.

Fightin gaymes

E-sports is a mistake that will eventually ruin video games.

> e-sports

Sorry, I'm not 12 anymore.

>sit down and unwind with some multiplayer slugfest
>get yelled at by tryards about some arbitrary meta that the pros use
>turn off game and play single player
Fuck esports. The only good esport scene is dota's and nothing else.

I used to be. Started with CS:S then SC2 then Dota 2 until TI3 or so. Got into CS:GO for a while too, still watch highlights every now then. The magic seems to have left the scene since everything is so commercialized. Don't get me wrong, it always was and MLG will forever be the crown jewel of shit that took brought it to the forefront, but over the last few years it has managed to get even worse.

>E-sports was a mistake and has already ruined videogames

the problem is it always inevitably shifts away from the amazing gameplay itself to shitty eceleb bullshit. that's what i hate most about esports... same with the commentators.. the only ones worth listening to were tasteless and lilsusie back in the day

what do you think goes through the stage crew's head when they're setting up what appears to be a rock concert stage and then they're told its for watching people play video games?

>why are there so many hot korean girls in short skirts walking around?

I dont have a problrm with it, but if I hated it, I wouldnt spend much time thinking about it. Its mostly bitter failures that are burned out on vidya (majority of v) that eill respond negatively to esports. Out of all the reasons to hate it, the most common one is its "not hard enough" to justify the money in it

whats tittysambo up to these days

Dovetailing off of your post and bringing it back to mine, it really doesn't help that as new games come out we have established names jumping to new games and ruining budding competitive play with their bullshit because of commercial incentive. Overwatch is a prime example of this, even though it was probably going to die on arrival regardless because of its poor gameplay. PUBG also comes to mind.


Can you recommend a place to watch some full matches with these guys?

esports is a fucking joke

nothing but a giant ad for the game

and kids get hyped for this shit haha

how retarded do you have to be

i don't even know any of these 'professional gamers'

i just love it when they show close ups of their pimple faces in between rounds

it's surreal that people actually follow this crap

like why don't you play the game yourself

for real sports you have to be in shape and there's always the risk of hurting yourself plus you need like 10 other guys irl to play with, so i can understand why you would watch instead of playing yourself

for video games you don't even have to leave your room, there is no excuse not to play yourself

generation z fags actually think their game will improve by watching these clowns enjoy themselves and stroking their dicks in front of an audience for money instead of playing the fucking game

what a joke it's nothing but a giant ad

>will eventually
It already does and to make it worse developers try to cater to reddit as well

Siege Pro League is actually a fun watch. They get creative and really use the destructibility in the game to its full potential.

I'm an AV technician and I've actually had to help set up a dreamhack event as a backliner. It's a little weird honestly since I'm used to backlining for festivals and clubs, but I didn't mind because a paycheck is a paycheck and I knew what Dreamhack was. None of my coworkers seemed to be phased either. At the end of the day, it's just another job for us.

korhal dot info dot pl/#/korhal

she's working with OGN casting league, and she has a side gig with twitch and blizzard i believe. but she's getting older and past her prime, if you want a young korean beauty to fap to (relatively) i suggest smix, another broodwar kr foreigner girl

Too bad there's no spectating mode, honestly I can't watch the camera switching up perspectives or the overhead camera, it's pretty much unwatchable for me.

no. I like to play games, not watching to retarded Americans making animal noise and using baby talk to describe basic moves for hours.

>>korhal dot info dot pl/#/korhal
Thank you. I've been watching the korea times on a whim and it seemed pretty good. That clip rekinkled my interest.

>reddit spacing
Didn't read lol

the best things about e-sports are commentators who just derail the fucking competition
otherwise they're pointless

Siege is a great game but holy shit as a spectator it's horrible to watch

found the retard, it's the opposite

competitions that derail the commentator ? this I'd like to see

>animal noises and baby talk to describe basic moves
Can't speak for other games, but it isn't usually the American commentators that do that in CS. It's usually the European ones.

I like competitive gaming.

I loathe e-sports.

It's dumb but close matches and good plays are always good to watch.

I started going to lans in like 2003 to play in counter strike tourneys and it was fun then and it's fun now to watch the top matches. The whole event is much less appealing if you're not playing yourself though and it loses a lot of it's lustre the further away from the community roots.

Same thing as if it's for anything else. Get it done, get paid, get hired again next time.

t. events av guy

it's typically EVERY caster in starcraft because they hire complete fucking noobs all the time because they're ""community favorites."" it's useless to have a commentator that isn't a former pro themselves, i don't need some noob talking over the game audio like a retard.

if there's not strategic analysis going on as the game is progressing then the commentary is completely fucking useless. they might as well just hire titty streamers or hot asian girls, at least then i could fap. i'm so sick of noob 20 something white retards pretending they're posting on reddit while commentating games

looks boring as fuck, also Starcraft, how original

>like why don't you play the game yourself
because they don't want to you retard

fuck no. its a mistake and it needs to fucking die.

Dota 2 is legitimately entertaining to watch. I don't enjoy playing it though.

Otherwise no.

So, uhh, does Sup Forums like sports?

Pansy, one of the CS:GO commentators, used to do that. I'm talking John Madden levels of "and if they get into the end zone that'll be a touchdown and they're in the lead" type shit. She's gotten a lot better the last time I watched her cast though. Give it time.

Can't speak for everyone, but I like college football. There are probably more than a few crossposters from Sup Forums even though they're unlikely to admit it.

not really. used to play football when i was young but thats it.

here comes the metal gear rising memes

I like watching ice hockey. Shame they managed to ruin ice hockey event for next year's winter olympics.

So, you're just a regular retard then. Got it.

I sort of like football but the team I support SUCKS

Is air hockey a sport?

I kinda tired of it but sill watch Warcraft 3 scene for time to time. Already leave Dota2 and fighting games behind.

It sure fuckin ruined overwatch and TF2.
When will the devs remember that not every mp game has to be uber competitive

I would bitch about the stupid Reddit Sup Forums hate but it is really fucking annoying to try and read it like that on Sup Forums

Only CSGO because it actually requires a modicum of skill and I can actually appreciate clutch plays.

That said, reverse sweeps are so common it's disgusting.


I literally like every sport, even motorsports

I honestly think people that don't like ONE sport are strange

>Does Sup Forums like e-sports?
naw to corporate and gay.

is this a poem? Holy shit stay in school if you can't form a proper sentence.


Same. It feels like esports had ruined competitive gaming by popularizing it. Before esports, the only people attracted to competitive games were people who really wanted to take a game seriously and win. Now with esports we get 10 year olds an twitch chat fags.

esports can be hit or miss, but saying its out right bad is retarded

2010+ sc2 was god tier

fightans are alright too

i watch ASL brood war and its still fun

i dont really care what other people are capable of
i only care what i am capable of

same difference


Tennis. Sometimes I just fap watching Federer's backhand.

>Does Sup Forums like e-sports?
Naw they ruined so many games by making it so that people cant have some lil banter at the expense of others.

e-sports has made corporations want to have as much control over their competitive games as to be able to shape it as much as possible to make it as marketable as possible to sell ad space to advertisers and shit to make as much as buck off of them games

I-I'm just fat

no, following sports always seemed boring enough at it is. But if some sport is very popular in your area, being a fan at least enables you to strike up a conversation with all the other fans across different ages and socioeconomic levels, which I sometimes feel I missed out on. e-sports is just sports but waaaaaay more lame and with waaaay more lame stars. If you want to preserve your virginity whatever the cost though...

What does air hockey have to do with wrestling? You no fun allowed fucks would be half the reason Sup Forums sucks ass now if it weren't for all the other reasons that boards gone to shit too.

Its not so much that its popular, its that e-sports is nothing more then a marketing scheme, and many e-sports scenes are simply ruled by a bunch of e-celebs, and not a legitimate tournament scene as they're almost always invitational.

Worse, because there is more money in e-sports these days due to licencing, developers focus on the e-sports scene, and balancing around it, even if it makes the core game unfun and breaks a lot of shit that used to be core to the game, like the NEW META patches that have slowly ruined DOTA2 over the past 4 years, as it seems they're developing more with the HON mindset in pic related then the old school icefrog method of minor changes over many patches.

So yeah, not only does it poison the legitimate competitive communities that could exist by making it 'e-sports or bust' but it also creates a development cancer that affects the general playerbase by focusing less on fun and more on rigid, high tier balance, and sacrificing fun in the process

So out of curiosity, tournaments(non-esports) are profitable, yes?

There's a lot of potential with the genre as well.

Is this Worlds?

Lmao, league really died, didn't it? They were filling up stadiums before...


In the sense that any other marketing is profitable.

>he watches the best game ever made and the worst game ever made at the same time

I don't know how I am supposed to feel about this desu

>"I don't give a shit what they use the stage for, I just want to get paid and get home early"

F1 is boring shit

I am not over 40 years old, no.

>watching people kick a ball

i only watch e-sports

Usually people watch F1 for the Passions-esque paddock drama. If you want good racing on an F1 weekend you watch the support races and then get drunk.

>literally reality TV

Sup Forums likes racing
as evident by nintendo-spergs and mario kart
>its not even forza

>try the Forza demo
>it was boring shit

Just get a shitbox Civic and go to a race track. It's cheaper than a speeding ticket and infinitely more fun
