Doki Doki Literature Club

I don't have the pastebin hanging around

forgive me mods

Other urls found in this thread:!IstCSb5C!WG9Z_B4-9iLJ-MgNFc3-UN7xCtq66WOqlb548Fg_tIE!lElCiSLC!tGgvkEHYTOFiYkRWS5rGpPsnPyfdsP2GXtmbahk8ykk!d8UnTA6b!GbYLVzlr0-xE04j5UNyfZOYQPOG57ORiSGZEvZ_9eZ8!IL5nhLqJ!CAoe4mMkEf3Vdw-Fib9dmQ,


Dan what?

Game site and download -
v1.0.2 (less trigger warnings but lacks minor bugfixes) -!IstCSb5C!WG9Z_B4-9iLJ-MgNFc3-UN7xCtq66WOqlb548Fg_tIE

>What's this
It's a visual novel akin to Katawa Shoujo. The game is notable because it pushes capabilities of the renpy engine. Maybe more.

>Why the trigger warnings
The game deals with depression in one of the routes. Maybe more.

Recommended route order for beginners for best viewing experience:
Yuri first, Natsuki second, Monika third, Sayori last.


Random things you might miss (updated for 1.0.5) -

All special poems -
Monika chatter -
Monika reloads -
Ending lyrics -

Poem responses:
Natsuki -
Sayori -
Yuri -
Poem is "liked" if you get more than 45 points, and "hated" if you score less than 29. Are you a bad enough dude to please three girls with just one poem?
Score per word -

Special disclaimer messages -
Yuri's "special" poem transcription -
AR stuff (moved to pastebin because I hit the character limit, needs fleshing out) -

Sprite dump (full) -!lElCiSLC!tGgvkEHYTOFiYkRWS5rGpPsnPyfdsP2GXtmbahk8ykk
OST and Art Book -!d8UnTA6b!GbYLVzlr0-xE04j5UNyfZOYQPOG57ORiSGZEvZ_9eZ8

Monika Afterstory 0.1.0 (standalone act 3 with fanmade extras) -!IL5nhLqJ!CAoe4mMkEf3Vdw-Fib9dmQ
Afterstory github:

Threadly reminder that Monika is best girl and will always love (you)

Didn't reply in time before last thread died.
Like I said I will focus on bug fixes first, I will add an easter egg for ties, though it will be after the steam version is launched.
Sorry user, I can't spoil stuff that would ruin the fun.

Why would the mods need to forgive you? I don't understand.
This is not how to start a thread.

Threadly reminder thatwe have no drawfags and no lewds ever.

Probably because he made 2 shitty threads.

I'm hoping once this hits steam we'll get some.

>he doesn't know

>no lewds

I need a reupload of the 1.0.9 scripts.rpa
mixtape froze at 10% and hasn't moved in a while

Monika is a good friend but Yuri's my type :^)

Very well, Mr. Salvato, I'll be looking forward to your future projects, and I may just buy some merch.

We're not gonna count this masterpiece.

I'm on the second part where Everything is getting fucking weird and the classroom background is getting all distorted and shit along with the audio and im starting to get spooked by the poems.


Keep reading.


Go on.

If I recall, there's a 1/3 chance everytime the classroom loads that something on the wall will change into a very important hint.

About to play this for the first time. Just started the game and got 2 trigger warning. Does this game contains bullying or something similiar? From main menu i assume this is baby's first vn material.

At risk of contributing to a general, here's my VN recommendation post once again.

If you enjoyed DDLC and would like something similar, there's three routes you can go.

For a similarly meta/surreal experience, try Irisu Syndrome or Wonderful Everyday/Subahibi.

For more horror, try Kara no Shojo, Saya no Uta or Higurashi.

For a non-bait&switchy romance, try Hoshizora, Majikoi or YMK.

Most translated VNs you can probably find on or You can also find some on, but only nukiges (porn games) are hosted there.

There are some preinstalled, prepatched versions of some of the most popular VNs on these sites:

If all else fails check nicoblog or your local vidya DDL site.

how long is this shit?

>not pictured: clover with axe

3-5 hours

Nothing major. Don't be a pussy.

Oh fuck you are right, what the fuck.

There's a girl named Monika who you can't date, so she manipulates one of the girls to killing herself. Then she tries messing with the code and deleting her outright, and then tries manipulating the code of the other two girls, but it becomes too much and she has to delete them and fucking everything else. Then you have to delete her to get the ending. If you get all the cgs before Sayori kills herself, then you get the good ending where Sayori doesn't go Yandere.

I hope you didn't read that spoiler just now. Play the game and don't come back until you're done.

It's 1/6.

>I hope you didn't read that
Then why post it?

Why come to a thread about a game like this not expecting to be spoiled?

Don't be a cunt. This part of your personality is why nobody wants to be your friend.

Don't cut yourself on that edge, user.

time to delete this EOP kusoge trash

What is your opinion on Monika Afterstory?

>Reading normally
>Alt+tab a bit
>Decide to go for some water
>Sit down
>Put on headphones
>The music is going batshit crazy and theres noise all over the place
>Wait what the fuck, OH GOD WHATS HAPPENING

its going to get worse right?

post THOSE yuri eyes

>tries to spoil the game
>does so in nonsensical broken english
I'd almost be mad if it didn't make any sense.
Learn some motherfucking language skills, user. And while you're at it, some empathy too.


Hey, I fucking hate getting spoiled more than anything, except maybe people that come to threads asking to be spoonfed details about a game that will be an absolute spoiler for them. Hell, just being in this thread, seeing those warnings at the beginning of the game should have been enough to know there would be something off about it, that user could have just found out. Even I made the mistake of spoiling myself out of laziness. If it wasn't me, there literally would have been someone else to spoil it in some way or another. Maybe I'm just taking out my frustration and finding it funny for some reason.

Wh-what are you trying to say!?

Wrong, I put it in spoilers, it's literally your fault for reading the spoilers, even if it's out of habit to not expect anything but memes.

Yes you could say it contains bullying.

I truly will never understand you guys....YOU WANT GAMES LIKE THIS BUT AS SOON AS THEY COME AVAILABLE YOU ALL PIRATE THEM. And you wonder why DRM exists....

it's free

>pirating a FREE game

Are you retarded by any chance user?

Spoiler doesn't matter if you reply to the dude.
Why would he read what's BELOW that spoiler first you retard.

>Every thread

*twitter screencap*
Yes, vidya. It is vidiya, now fuck off.

>Denuvo PR in charge of not blatantly denying context

Why would he read the spoiler?

>Sony baby mad that people are pirating Persona 5
>Thinks that every game is getting pirated now

what do I do now

Because you responded to him with it, knowing exactly how far we got (almost nowhere but still)
So he had a reason to assume you kept that in mind, and spoiler is something he's aware of but anyone new isn't.

That's pretty normal to anyone who doesn't have autism.

Well, honestly I am glad that people enjoyed the game so much that they are developing mods for it. There are some anons that will say that the ending meant that vns can't give you hapiness, but it was meant to be individual for everybody. If someone wanted to stay in Monika's room forever he should be able to and in a way that may be what he gets from the game.The crash in her room was unintentional and it's been fixed couple of versions ago already.

Play again


>reading spoilers

You are doing this to yourself

Please add more to her monologue.

>There are some anons that will say that the ending meant that vns can't give you hapiness, but it was meant to be individual for everybody. If someone wanted to stay in Monika's room forever he should be able to and in a way that may be what he gets from the game.
Thank you.

fucking monikammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Did you get all the CGs?
If so, you're done.

I can't even read this, senpai. I have a wife named Yuri who might be able to help you write your sentences better.

>Did you get all the CGs?

is there different CGs for doing girl's routes at different times?

>Monika called me User
h-haha way to get it wrong
shoulda renamed that years ago, too lazy. feels bad man.

can I get some more (you)s? I'm a little whore

>monika says i should save often
>finally went through suicide
>all saves gone
T-thanks Monika.

That's the ending.
There's a hidden ending for getting all the CGs but that's it.

she just called me by my name

oh god what the fuck

Please stop LARPing as Dan. He is popular enough that he wouldn't need to come here.

I'm thinking it's whatever your Users/(user) folder is named.

I won't leave you Monika.

Well, there aren't "routes" so much as there are "segments". For instance, before Sayori hangs herself, everything leads up to the same morning before the festival without any different versions, so after Sayori's confession scene, you can load back to unlock the other segments. Before that, you have to choose to have Yuri or Natsuki come over, but besides those three scenes, you unlock the special scenes from who you appeal to the most with your poems. (example: Reading manga with Natsuki against the wall, helping Sayori get crayons and other supplies). However, the third Sayori CG requires telling you love her. After that, everything else shouldn't matter, if what I hear is correct.

>Game can fake a blue screen

Call me crazy but didn't the company behind the Batman games patent that kind of fake game corruption? I remember reading something like that a while ago

>best friend sudokus
>game glitches
>suddenly it start over as if she never existed
I am kinda spooked anons.

I hope not that'd be a fucking stupid patent

What? No.

That's nothing.
>Your name really is [Player], right?
>or do you actually go by wiid

Not OP but just read it. Feels like the opening was written by someone who didn't understand Monika's character, her motivations or personality. It completely contradicts how she behaves when you do delete her in the VN, and the aftermath in a way that's too jarring and obviously fanfiction.

Does it work if you read it windowed? Does it force fullscreen mode then or what?

Problem friend?

Same brother

what happens if you say yes instead of no before yuri kills herself

literally the same thing
bit dissapointing

Same thing, but she has an orgasm and does it out of excitement rather than doing it out of despair.

she still kys

It now dawned on me, everyone has japanese sounding name.
Except for MonIKA!

I suggest you go and find out for yourself but as you hug her, she keeps going about how she still doesn't feel right and doesn't understand why she's feeling the way she's feeling. And yes, she still kills herself.


that joke doesn't work in translation

let me guess this is a bullied boy

I felt so bad for her but holy shit muh dick

Monika please.

Do you like my poem Sup Forums?


fluffy bunny heartbeat,
explode cage,

question waterfall,

uncontrollable desire,

warm blanket dream, fantasy,
pure excitement.

>that guy with a dell so it's called dellpc
>the one guy/gal who got deadnamed
MS needs to bring back the start menu in 7 where it shows your name all the time
video game patents are the stupidest shit ever, Konami patented making walls invisible for the camera or something, also bandai namco's patent on loading screen minigames, both are expired though
I think that's the point, that there's nothing you could've done

okay for the uninitiated like myself, what's the appeal of a book club with some wacky characters?


You get to write poems.

your poem sucks more dick than I do fag

A pretty wild ride if you go in expecting a book club with wacky characters.

Is this an Undertale reference?

You get to read poems. They're legitimately interesting.

Does anyone have the You left her hanging this morning pic and the one of Monika's room with The feet behind the curtain?