Was this really necessary NISA?
Danganronpa V3
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Play stupid memeshit, get stupid memeshit.
Ya. Baneposting never dies.
Bane is a patrician meme so it's fine.
Anybody got that image of Junko as CIA?
there's way more than this in the game
Thats exactly what she says in japanese too, dont blame NISA for the original script.
I woke up just 4u
Why the fuck were S and A inverted in the rhythm game?
This meme will outlive the memory of the movie.
If they have a whole character with this kinda dialogue memes are the last thing you should be concerned with.
>Get the option to go to the love hotel
>My partner is selected at random
>Hope I get Maki or Kirumi or Kaito
>I get Tsumugi
>She's into incest
Miu and Oma are banter gods
The fact that they dont live to the end and the absolute shittiest character does is worth an execution of Kodhacka
Miu would've been better as a dude.
About as necessary as killing Kaede off in the first trial, bait and switching protags like we all expected.
Because at that point every yurifag had bought the game full price, thinking they could romance other girls as a girl.
Then she gets killed off and replaced with a beta male. They are 5 hours in at this point and cannot get a refund either.
Absolutely genius on Spike Chunsoft's behalf.
So yes OP it was necessary as Bane is the funniest neo-Sup Forums meme.
She looks like Dante before DMC3, like a 15 year old Dante or something.
I miss Monokid. He's like Miu but likable.
Have you done your part?
And Monodam was too pure for this world.
i love miu she's hilarious
Chapter 1's twist leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I hope the ending twist worth it.
She says "There will be screaming... Your screaming."
>being proud of pirating niche weeb games
That's okay, we won't make fun of your shit taste for TOO long.
i mean kirumi is best girl but miu and kokichi have the best banter
this one keeps constantly crashing and the keyboard input is often unresponsive.
>I hope the ending twist worth it.
Oh boy.
I want to unload inside Kaede that's for sure.
>using alt right memes in the current year
Welcome to Drump's AmeriKKKa
Kirumi is a slut who was basically everybody's mommy.
I liked Kirumi until the end of chapter 2. Now I understand that all girls are shit.
What the shit am I looking at?
Is that bitch the mastermind?
They couldn't live because it would mean v3 actually a good game
>Literally the worst character gets to live til the end due to being the mastermeme
I dont feel like playing anymore
*blocks your path*
i should just stop playing these, almost everyone i like dies
I'm still mad about the cutest boy dying in the first one.
Still mad.
What are you, gay?
i was wondering what that cloth was also these argument armaments are annoying as hell when the holds don't work.
*exorcises you*
*has sex with your sister*
That part really bothers me, wouldn't it make sense for both of them to be exorcised?
>get miu in the love hotel
>she wants to get impregnated by shuichi
Maybe she's a robot.
>Ryoma is a prince of tennis reference
>Tsumugi is full of references even in japanese because she's the cosplayer
>people complain about memes
Give me a reason why i shouldn't pirate this bland shit of an entry to the series.
As of beginning chapter 4
Best Tier:
>Miu, Kaede, Kiyo
Good tier:
Psychopath tier:
Boring tier:
Saionji aka Garbage tier:
Tenko might be shit, but she didn't believe Angies ruse cruise so she's better than Himiko
My gf Ayumu is a cutie
fair, in that case
Not as bad as Himiko tier:
Saionji tier:
I'm okay with the list now.
>Your husbando calls me mommy too.
Was Momota that forgettable?
I heard the ending goes full meta like MGS2
at it better explained/presented in V3 because the shit in MGS2 was unreliable as fuck because it was the lying AI talking.
I was going to put him in the 'Want dead Tier:' but I changed that to Saionji Tier and forgot I hadn't placed him anywhere
He's bro tier. He even has that stereotypical 'bro' terminal illness that has him bleeding from the mouth for dramatic effect
It is actually the worst kind of meta.
So Sup Forums like this trash normie VN
wjhat a surprise
why are you even in this thread
so avoid until a sale, got it.
You normie trash keep bumping it
Try readin the thread next time buddy
Baneposting, no matter what form it takes, will always make me laugh.
Fuck you all, you did this to me.
and your post was supposed to somehow discourage this?
They should do an entire game in the style of chapter 4, shit was comfy
>There's no way I could do that!
Jesus, what a fucking faggot.
The ending was annoying. You see, it was MEANT to be a shitty spinoff of the previous games and if it felt like they were re-hashing stuff from previous games, it was actually a critical plot point!
Would you honestly trust her to raise your child?
Is Shuichi a goat?
A lot of people seem to hate the ending, but in a way I feel like it makes sense in this game. A lot of the things that go on in DRv3 feel as though they're predetermined. Tojo has a backstory that gives her the perfect motive to kill Hoshi, and Hoshi's suicidal mindset makes him an easy target. Korekiyo's tulpa motive also gives him an easy reason to kill off the female cast. Maki's true talent is also the Ultimate Assassin, and her skills would've made it easy to kill off Oma, had it not been for Kaito loving her back. Kaito's illness would let him die if everyone stopped trying to kill each other, making the other survivors lose hope. A lot of the dialogue in the game is memey or references other forms of pop culture, which makes it clear that they're trying to pander to an audience. With Shirogane as the mastermind,
it fits even more, since she's a total geek.
The Monocubs are also played off as characters Monokuma doesn't give a shit about, presumably added for ratings.
It feels like Shirogane/Team Danganronpa tried to make the killing game play out in a very specific way, but due to certain fuckups or the characters being more complex than they expected, they ended up shooting themselves in the foot and Shuichi was able to expose them.
Though I'm pretty sure the real reason the ending is the way it is is because Kodaka needed a reason to backpedal if people didn't like the game
If I a woman gives me a chance, especially one that pretty, I would be more than enough to raise that kid.
>Kaede is the most alpha protag by a significant margin
>Quickly revert to typical beta Naegi stand in
I unironically find Miu's personality attractive.
I think she'd be extremely protective (to the point of over-protection) of her children. She'd probably invent a bunch of child protective equipment so the kid is basically a walking defensive armoury.
Sure. Given her inventions, the kid would learn like 15 languages and 10 doctorates worth of material while it slept.
Also, I'd rather put Monotaro in her custody than Monokuma's.
Maki roll!
I want to end NISA's fucking life
Hidden monokomas were very hard to find.
I found 3 in the middle of trials
So, Miu's kid get to walk around in Terminator armor? I want be her kid now.
I don't understand this nickname
So if Danganronpa is a live action reality TV show in their universe.
What happened to the cast of 1-3 and ultra despair girls?
I went an entire chapter withot getting one, and I was searching.
Kaito shortens Harukawa Maki's name to harumaki, a spring roll.
Maki roll is name of a food (this is name for sushi roll). Her japanese nickname is harumaki, which translated to spring roll, also food. But because no one use final name in the english version, Maki got this nickname so it can still referencing to food.
While I know people would rreeeEEEE over it if it'd been changed, hearing Kaito voice act Maki Roll sounds unbelievably autistic, even for him.
why does no one realize the sky is fake?
Every spaceman knows how to do a Maki Roll.
Press L or R twice.
Didn't Leon in DR1 realize that the sky was fake?
Considering Nisa target audience is teenage Burgers: yes.
Christ I hate this about localisation. I don't give a fuck about internet culture or American mainstream culture.
The sky from where?
Its not. The ending essentially retcons all the DR games. Then the bigger twist it becomes almost impossible to make a 4th game without just reusing the plot from this one which is the problem 2 had.
and Oma would be better as a woman
This is true
People seem to be more interested in a prequel than finding out what happens to the survivors so they've kinda 'salted the earth' in terms of advancing the series.