>futa on female
fucking sauce!!
>What is reverse image search
are you people clinically fucking retarded?
it's in the bottom right corner you mouthbreathers
I liked it until the third panel.
So well drawn too, wow. I'm impressed.
Genuinely retarded
man you really are retarded, that's a "0" not a "o". Lucky for you there's not any more, it's just those 3 panels.
That made me smile thank you.
>not knowing the difference between a zero and an o
I chuckled, have a (You).
You must be baiting me, right?
Hey thanks for your e-mail address user.
gays not welcome
are we gonna bomb it or what?
Ahahah isn't Jeddah in Saudi Arabia? Don't get yourself stoned or anything while looking up futashit Josie. You never know whether the mudslime authorities will disagree with your assertion that futa isn't gay.
Tarakanovich is the artist
futas are the "complete" females
>part 3 does not exist
well fuck this guy
im so intrigued by this story what could possibly happen next?
You one of those gays, son?
when does she get fucked
>if I call it futa it isn't gay!
duh, he already subscribe to 50 porn sites
I'm an idiot, please don't, it's not a serious email, it's mainly my spam one but I don't want it to get extra spammy..
>A good western artist?!
>Fetish shit...
Every fucking time!
>people still don't like futa
enjoy not pleasuring yourself to 70% of the good stuff
Here's the most straight picture I have. Enjoy your new female partner with 0% dick, straight guy.
Isn't this the artist who draws Samus shitting herself
Stop posting topless women on a blue board
stopped fapping
fucking phoneposters
permanent cancer
you do not belong
Just checked, most of his shit is hetero and really well drawn.
I thought incase learned a new face for a second there
>2 women
>1 dick
How is that gay? Show me the math.
jjfrenchie is the most disappointing. Fucking trap lovers have all the luck
You're right. Sex is disgusting and should be stopped at once.
It's easy: Futa on futa is gay. Futa on woman is hot.
This. No balls though.
Futa with no balls is like dude with out a dick
name one game this happens in
No futa with no balls is what a futa is. Futa with balls is just a dick-girl.
...great now you got the image of a dude with a vagina in place of his dick but still having balls.