KH3 is going to be just as bad if not worse than KH0.2, filled to the brim with inconsistent hitstun, floaty shitty unconnecting swings, no hitstop/screenshake, it doesn't even have superarmor/hyperamor/poise like every other good ARPG does have as indicated by hitstop/screenshake on hits without hitstun.

To the people saying they're looking forward to KH3, did you even touch 0.2 or let alone even watch any videos of it? It is floaty garbage and only shows how incompetent Osaka team still is. Don't believe me? Well it doesn't matter because the best speedrunners in the world agree.

I hope before it comes out you heed my warning, 3 is not going to a good game, it is filled with inconsistent hitstun, floaty combos, no revenge values, too many options, limited choices, and it just looks ugly.

If you haven't played tge series just emulate 2FM and stop after you're done, the drop in quality is embarrassing and no one enjoys Osakashit anyway. Nomura lost his touch.

Other urls found in this thread:

Kek dude it's a game with Mickey Mouse in. Play it for fun.



Kill yourself.

It's a game made for fucking 12 year old. what were you expecting?


If you're playing these games for dark souls bullshit, then just stop

Speed runners are autistic. Who cares what they think.

Speed runners don't give a shit about the game, the just care about how they can break it. Their opinion on anything is invalid

and into the trash it goes, no one builds a game around these autistic retards, what they think of it doesn't matter at all


Go hit a Large Body once in the back and tell me what happens, and follow that up with a nice chug of the ol' bleach.

Their still gonna speedrun the game anyways because they need to do this shit to live.

>literally just rehashing the Iron Giant courtyard fight from FFXV

Why is Nomura such a lazy hack?

KH has always been floaty and keyblades are about as satisfying to swing as cotton candy.

Tldr KH3 is a bad game mechanically from what we have seen and shit compared to kh2fm

Wiw, who knew Speedrunners have more valid opinions than me

Some speedrunners irrelevant opinion > Fun

Speedrunners played these games for thousands of hours, they understand them on a scientific level, their opinion matters more than yours. Watch the fucking video.

Do we pretend KH ever had good combat in this thread?

but their opinions are relevant, they're more relevant than fun even! Look at this faggots opinion to know that you are wrong

I've enjoyed every KH game very much. I play through on normal. While I consider gameplay good, it alone is not the main point for me.

Very excieted for KH 3

I could not care less about the deeper mechanics to a kh game. I've been playing these games since I was 9, do you really think I give a shit if this one particular attack Sora uses has super armor? I just want the game I've been waiting for since the 5th grade to come out, even if its shit, atleast its finally fucking out. I don't need deeper mechanics, poise or some speed running tech. I literally just want to hit shit with a keyblade.

What did you expect, KH is a fucking kids game. Either enjoy it for what it is or play something that isn't so cringe worthy.

People have waited over a decade for this game, it's Squares Half Life 3. They won't drop the ball with this one.
>Inb4 this is screencapped and the game turns out shit

Not an argument.

>good speedrunner
Just osu my shit up desu

>thinking anyone gives a fuck

Most people want to mash button to win, the game is literally made for children.

Are you worse than a child? Wait, don't answer that.

>it's ok when KH does it
Literally no excuse for this shit when SE just released one of the best ARPG of all times with directional inputs as well as aerial combat and on the fly weapon switching from the dpad, warp strike on triangle with unique warpstrike for every weapon, party techs the l1 dpad, armiger, parries and counter attacks etc.

>Look ma, he posted it again!

We all know this is a XV-kun thread. He's posted it before. The mods need to ban him for the minute it takes for him to reset his IP and nuke the thread.

Sora is cute

>all these osakafags ITT defending bad game design

XV is consistent on which enemies have it and which don't, further highlighted by those that don't stunlock instead only employ hitstop to indicate impact, you want inconsistent hitstun/stunlock look at KH3. KH3 has no hitstop on hits without hitstun.

This thread
>waaaaah don't disrupt my dumb hype I play kh for the story :(

>XV Webms
You just wanted an excuse to jerk off
Remember to put Sage in the name Field, in the Options Field, And in the post field so that XV-Kun Topics don't get bumps

>shit gameplay is ok because of my nostalgia
Eat shit NeithOF you utter cunt

You again?


Btw, this Enemy isn't getting hit stunned consistently. Sage

fucking this. I'm sick and tired of all these god damn idiots bringing the Kingdom Hearts series standards down for everyone. We haven't had a good KH game since 2FM and with 3 coming out of 10 years of development ( it won't by the way square is lying) I expect something amazing.

A Nomurafag that defends anything that Nomura does and desperately tries to shit on XV while ignoring any arguments to the shitposts made against the game.

First one was.

If you played the initial KH as a 12 year old you are now 27

>Going to Gamefaqs.
I'm leaving this thread.

XV-kun is fucking insane, search both Sup Forums archives to see him have posted these gamefaqs names thousands of times.

What the fuck

I enjoyed 0.2 and look forward to 3.

So there.
What did he mean by this

>no revenge values
Have YOU played 0.2? Secret Aqua boss is nothing BUT revenge values. Please go and defeat mirror Aqua on proud or critical and then come back

Stopped reading there. Take your shit b8 somewhere else, kh3 is gonna be great

fuck off osakafag

kys xv-kun
Why don't you stay on YT and gamefags and twitter and silicon and 100 other websites
You're literally the biggest shitposter and you don't even know it. Who am i kidding you definitely know it, just like any other XV fanboy

KH 0.2:
>only one regular ground and air combo in the whole game
>There are no parries or counters
>Magic, all of which are completely useless
>inconsistent hitstun
>Devil's Wave

>Tap circle to attack combo and move L stick for directional inputs for different combos for every weapon type, unique combos for every 20~ weapons in the game both on ground and air
>Tap square to dodge roll with no iframes, perfect timing required, tap square when shield equipped for perfect blocks that stagger enemies
>Button prompts only as reminders that circle and square become parry and counter in the instances where you can parry and counter attacks
>Techniques, all of which feel useful and work on the same foundation as ATB commands
>Armiger which feels better and more useful than any form in KH
>Warping, unique warpstrikes for every single weapon type and one of many great features
>weapon switching
>Magic actually feels useful and impactfuk when you use it, it's not something you spam
>Airstep and Airdance
>Free warping
>Aerial dodge

Fuck off Osakafag.

Bl00dybizkit is the RLM of Kingdom Hearts

Where are the mods?

I think at the end of the day casual players will enjoy KH3 and Speedrunners will sadly have to stick with KH2 PS4. I wish that weren't the case but it most certainly will be.

That's the price you pay for the extra amount of effort and polish just having graphics like this requires. The game will be weaker than KH2 in its code and combat system while enhancing the art style beyond all levels of necessity.

Like yeah sure Square, being able to see the individual stitches of Noctis' shirt and strands of hair totally made FFXV a better game.

The flat truth is. If you are a diehard KH fan who can appreciate how fantastic KH2's gameplay is, then you probably agree with the sentiment, "I would gladly buy KH3 with the same quality of gameplay as KH2 even if the graphics hadn't improved at all"

People don't want gimmicks or flowmotion or any of that. KH2 didn't need that shit. Reaction Commands were more than enough and at the very least still required good timing to be useful.

Nothing after KH2 is going to be as good in gameplay without Team Tokyo, and Nomura has already completely fucked the plot into the ground with KHUX so I don't know how satisfying or straight forward KH3 could possibly be when it has so much left to explain and wrap up.

Something must've really gone wrong in your life

This. Fuck Osakafags and fuck white people


Don't bother you're replying to a shitposter


How often does a boss get stunned when you hit in dark souls you fucking faggot?

Hell yeah. Fuck anyone who enjoyed games other than KH2, I hope they all die.

I agree with him though.

stfu you dumb cunts and follow me on twitter already

This, fuck Osaka team

They're not only gonna aim for the 27 year old market.
there's a reason they're including new disney worlds.
They want to pull in as many people as possible.
It would be stupid to only cater to fans who played back in the day, there's gonna be more marketability to new players.

I didn't say that. We're just talking in terms of raw gameplay quality, KH2 is head and shoulders above the rest of the series. It peaked.


Same. I really hate people who go against the facts like 2 being the only good game in the series

Kill yourself XV-kun you autistic faggot.


So Kh2 is the melee of KH and Kh3 is brawl right?

Yeah, you know the amount of graphical polish only shows how shit the game really will be

So that's what this is all about.

are you having fun

>xv threads are so dead that he reverts back to kh shitposting bait
Truly an amazing fanbase

Yes, KH2 is for autistic people

Oh come on it's not as if you couldn't aim to both markets, nintendo does it all the time

>Osakafag samefagging after getting BTFO

Do you really think the fanbase of KH plays it for any reason other than achieving their fan-fic fantasies?

>osakafags this assblasted

Do you just want to infinitely stunlock every boss and enemy in the game? Yeah that sounds like amazing game design. I hope you never make a game

look dude if you want to samefag you can't just reply to the same post every timed minute on the dot with tiny low-effort replies

>Speedrunners will sadly have to stick with KH2 PS4
Oh no, poor things.
Come on square, think about the speedrunners!

>people really denying the insane amounts of complexity in KH2
Really? It's deeper than DMC or Ninja Gaiden. Harder than them too. Just listen to this speedrunners opinions.



Kill yourself xv-kun, please
You're just shitposting and going full autism on like 10+ websites

I didn't say it was a crime or anything. It's just disappointing because KH2 speedruns are really impressive and technical as fuck and those same runners weren't impressed with 0.2, and 0.2 is probably a good indicator of how 3 will play

it matters to me because I like KH2 speedruns but if it doesn't matter to you then you will enjoy it on your casual level and not care about input lag, badly designed bosses, or inconsistent hitstun like shitposter XV-kun mentioned above

Fuck off Osakafag.

Hi Barry. How you doing?

even worse than cody edgeworth travis or whatever monicker he goes under across a bunch of sites

on YT I think he's Garcia Smith and then he uses the Garcia icon on Disqus to spam articles about nintendo games defending them and calling every nintendo-related thing a masterpiece and just

what do they get out of doing this? like why not apply to be an actual viral marketer and not just an insane autist with nothing more important to do?

>it matters to me because I like KH2 speedruns
Haha, gay. If you like them so much why don't you marry one?

Answer the question
Do you want to infinitely stunlock everything? Tell me how else are they supposed to change the shit in the webm your posted?

>XV-kun is mad that KH3 will destroy some shit final fantasy game
At least you'll get to see what a somewhat competent ARPG looks like, eh XV-kun?

Revenge values were mentioned right there in the post you utter cunt.

Yeah, poor speedrunners. Having to stomach not getting their way oh no. It's tearing them up inside so bad one guy had to stop making his super cool in depth "analysis" video everyone on earth was looking forward too. Whatever will they do? They have such a tough life.


He also doesn't even play the game anymore. Waiting for years and years destroyed his brain.

>mash button to win

Oh dont you say that! Don't you know how hard the final optional boss is in KH2.561846: Re: Final Boogaloo is?!