Alright Sup Forums, it's time to be honest with ourselves here for a minute. I just replayed pic related after 10 years of fond memories... And, well... It's not all that good.
Hear me out, the sandbox itself has a lot of options and the RPG stuff is neat if inconsequential. But outside of messing around with cheats and just cruising around listening to Radio X in the desert, the game itself is just not up to scratch.
>Half of the vehicles control like ass > Drive-by shooting is clunky >Story pacing jumps off a cliff halfway in, no real propelling force, just seems like you're wandering around from character to character for most of it. >Missions are varied but as a result gameplay is inconsistent and unfocused eg. toy helicopters, stealth sections, picking up shit with a crane or helicopter
It's time to put it to bed Sup Forums... I can't go on pretending this is the be all end all. Leave IV and V out of the discussion for now and just see it for what it is.
Levi Sanders
Oh and also
>]Before you can do the last mission do some poorly thought out gang war minigame shit that is boring as all hell.
Logan Rodriguez
First two are not that big of a deal breaker and the second two are true of a lot of the GTA games.
Tyler Bell
Maybe it's more noticeable just due to the sheer size of the openworld.
Joshua Powell
I would say that's definitely a factor, or rather the world isn't that large but the way they made it appear large is why.
The game world feels large due to the terrain blocking LoS of things and the roads being lined up in such a way that there aren't many direct routes between cities/areas
Some of the racing missions really made it obvious how bad the handling could be at times but luckily the racing AI for the most part sucked.
Ryder Murphy
1. If you're talking about all the station wagons and shit, if you're talking about any other vehicles you're just a retard. 2. Yeah, sure 3.What a load of shit. You get forced out of LS and you get introduced to contacts and you do shit for them for some paper, makes sense to me. 4. You're playing GTA.
Overall your "critique" isn't even close to making anyone question their good opinion for this classic videogame and i think you're just trying to make people mad because you're a faggot.
John Russell
Every GTA since has been inferior. This is the last time they went all out and jampacked it with stuff to do.
Brayden Bell
No shit. I know a load of people my age who love this game because they played it as a kid and all they can talk about is how good the cheats were. GTA 3 was a big deal at it's time but the franchise as a whole is overrated as fuck.
Colton Murphy
Your entire is just a long version of "what??? NUHH UHHH". How's about you come up with some better arguments for op
Juan Hernandez
Jacob Stewart
This mission was horrible. Also what the hell was up with Ryder? Why did I kill him in a throwaway mission with no buildup?
Bentley Collins
You could mod the map and the forklift, but you couldn't fix the shitty built-in widescreen?
Matthew Edwards
>Radio X >not K-DST into the trash with your opinion
David Baker
>Not exclusively listening to Midlife Crisis
Luke Jackson
because he was a piece of shit hood rat who threw his friends and family under the bus for some sherm like a bitch ass nigga
Robert Taylor
>cant disprove argument >think of better argument....kiddo!
hahahahahaha ok little guy
Austin Gutierrez
>I don't like thing you like OK cool. I like It. Ryder was the busta all along.
Jaxson Smith
Isaac Cooper
But Big Smoke was clearly the mastermind behind the betrayal. They don't even mention Ryder after he turns on the Grove.
James Hughes
>No AA whatsoever >Modded vehicle that totally doesn-t fit and looks like ass
You can tell that whoever modded the game was either a nigger or a spic.
Ian Hill
Why do you like it pal?
Jose Turner
vehicles control a lot better than gta 5, gta 5 has the worst physics in the series
sa also has a lot better story than gta 5
controls are shit though, you are right about that you casual retard baitfag
captcha naucal gove
Evan Powell
right, but ryder was a punk ass bitch that went along with it without even a second thought
Gavin Fisher
>Playing this shit in current year >Not installing it to play SAMP instead
What use is GTA SA SP 13 years later?
Jeremiah Cruz
Did you not see the part in the OP where it says leave GTA IV and V out of it and judge it on its own merits? At least use a comparison like III or Vice City.
Christian Gutierrez
its still better than gta 5 sp
Matthew Ramirez
Alexander Brooks
I agree. GTA SA's SP is by far my favorite, maybe tied with GTA IV's.
Gabriel Williams
Not really just pointing out why your post is shit.
Matthew Richardson
haha i love this shit
Jonathan Foster
>He's a newfag who likes Chad and Virgin memes Reddit is more your speed.
Christopher Myers
Connor Mitchell
According to character speed, it's close to GTA V.
Luke White
you are probably playing the shitty ps2 version and not the pc one
Jack Cooper
Jace Foster
You better be using fixes nigger because R* PC ports suck cock
Colton Martin
Easily the most overrated one. GTA 5 is the best one
Blake Powell
From a pure square km perspective im pretty sure SA is like only a third of 5 in size but SA always felt really big. On the other hand GTA 5 I can ride around the entire maps edge in less than 10 minutes.
My biggest gripe with GTA 5 overall however was the lack of variety outside of the city and the small desert area the map felt like it had too much mountainous filler. I really feel like the GTA 5 map should of put Mt Chilliad in the center and had everything north of it be desert and keep the city where it is.
Benjamin Lee
you still havent disproven his argument big guy
Robert Kelly
The gameplay isn't super complex and tight, and never was in the series. It's more about the experience and feel of what the game lets you do. You get to be a gangsta in 90's LA doing drive-bys and shit, and then the game suddenly pulls a fast one on you and drops you in bumfuck nowhere in the rainy countryside listening to K Rose and doing oddjobs. Then San Fierro, and then the desert. Then Las Venturas and back to Los Santos. The game has so much variety in 'moods' (including visuals, clothes, characters, missions, radio) that it's like an epic odyssey.
The characters are colorful and diverse, you're always looking forward to the next cutscene to see what happens, and CJ himself is great fun to play as. This was the era where Rockstar could pull off this type of tone, of something that's half-serious and half-ridiculous (probably due to the quality of the graphics) with games like III, VC, SA and Bully, and never again.
I think the graphics (or rather, aesthetics) are a big part of the experience, which is why the PS2 version without all the shitty bugs and removed features is the best. Of course, with some research, you can mod the PC version to be like that as well. You're really meant to immerse yourself into this epic odyssey and world with the extensive character modification options and it makes you that much more attached to it.
GTA SA is the best game ever made.
Nathan Peterson
GTA SA is a top ten GOAT title.
Eli Barnes
Feels when never quite got the PC version to look like PS2 version
I got close but its not perfect.
Leo Hill
whats missing
Parker Ortiz
i can help you out with that. there's a new feature that lets you turn color correction on
John Davis
>play GTA SA >put on mods >go to do a mission >get in car >accelerate >game crashes
all I did was 60 FPS, widescreen, and FOV.
Jack Harris
That pic is math based.
Parker Jackson
I disagree, I replay the game quite regularly, last year was the last time I did and I think it's an evergreen. Though your criticism of the story is valid, I think it helps the game overall because they can pull stupid shit that would be impossible in, say, GTA IV.
That mission variety is one of the strongest assets that GTA SA has and I'll take the occasional inconsistency over the "go someplace and shoot some suckers" that GTA IV and RDR were.
Carter Butler
Look I get it, man. However what you're offering here is a purely emotional argument. I relate to the feelings of nostalgia and enjoying the diversity but as you say the individual elements really do fall flat. The game is just the sum of its parts. The shooting isn't great, the driving is only okay, the mission design is choppy and inconsistent. The RPG shit is novel but it kind of makes the game worse in a way because it gates better controls for vehicles and weapons.
>CJ himself is great fun to play as As opposed to any other character in the series? What makes him stand out? In the storyline he's probably the most bland character of the bunch.
Nolan Brooks
>intentionally making it look like jammed blurry ps2 mess
why just why
Wyatt Russell
The california FIRE experience.
Luke Robinson
>PS2 runs at approximately 480p with bilinear filtering >1600x900 screenshot is a 'blurry mess' i set the blur to half of what the default value is too
Luis Green
Blurry in motion. And the color palette is still horrible and ruins the default diversity.
Luis Robinson
>purely emotional argument "fun" is a purely emotional sentiment as well you fucking faggot. The game isn't super tightly designed like a fucking "The Dark Souls of 2D platofrmers!" type game because it doesn't need to be, and with the amount of elements present in the game it couldn't.
Every game is more than the sum of its parts unless you are a literal fucking robot. Good books aren't defined by how grammatically and verbally complex they are.
As for CJ, he's just great fun. He feels like he knows he's in a video-game but still tries to play it somewhat straight- he's energetic, he's charismatic, he's loud and expressive and funny. He's excellently acted in cutscenes, and the in-game voices that he shouts are hilarious.
Claude is a mute, Tommy has a great voice but is an anti-social angry guy, Toni and Vic I can't even fucking remember, Niko is an emo slav who tries to be cool, Michael is actually good imo but the other V characters are trash.
Maybe you just don't understand what it is to be cool. CJ is cool. He isn't a tryhard, he's just the perfect balance between serious and goofy, someone who is confident.
Isaiah Thompson
Was the orange filter /comfykino/?
Alexander Bailey
the screenshot isn't in motion is it now you fucking dumbass. and the game has a wide range of color. At 9pm in Los Santos it happens to look orange, but in day time San Fierro it's a somewhat aquamarine color.
James Morgan
OPs post is literally "I don't like it so I say it's bad." there's nothing to disprove. Game came out in fucking 04. It's leagues better than the previous ones in the series in many ways, story admittedly is not one of those.
If OP made an single factual point there would be things to refute. But he basically just left it at "I don't think it's good."
Adam Morales
Are you 18 or younger? Did you experience it when it came out? I remember the day I got the game, I started playing at 5 pm and played non stop until 6 am, it's one of the fondest video game memories I ever have, sure it doesn't hold up anymore but it's still a good game and at the time it was just insane.
Michael Williams
user, obviously if I grill you a steak right now it will taste better than a steak Bobby Fuckin Flay grilled in fuckin '04.
Despite the fact that Bobby Fuckin Flay is the grill MASTER
Robert Hughes
>released on my birth date >knew exactly what I was getting for my birth day that year.
I didn't get it at midnight though, but I do think I got to skip school to play it.
Isaiah Gutierrez
I'm 22 and yes, I did. Again, I'm relaying my experience replaying it and shattering some of my illusions about it.
Aiden Gray
>I-it's just fun I don't need to explain it or offer up a rational argument as to why it is!