Is there a reason not to give everyone on my team a shield and 1 point in Warfare for some Bouncing Shield action (and obviously the def stats)?
How do I scale my Mages for the late game? My two Phys damage dealers are doing great but I feel like, damage wise, magic is bound to become very weak.
I found Act 1 on Tactician kind of hard but I am steamrolling throught Act 2 at the moment. How are the following ones?
Evan Nelson
You cant dualwield wands then, which is the only downside I can really think of. Its a pretty good idea for the casters.
Anthony Rodriguez
Duel wands, first poison second fire, for some nice explosion attacks.
Lucas Robinson
The game only gets worse with each act
Chase Wright
Nah. 1 wand 1 shield is better, makes your casters less squishy and bouncing shield is fucking awesome when it comes to damage. Don't want your casters doing anything other than buffing, healing, shitting out totems and infusing incarnates anyway.
Ethan Long
Charles Flores
Magic doesn't scale with any form of weaponry, shield bounce is always a nice option. Magic debuffs suck as some of them needs to be applied twice to work on full power, magic damage sucks because there's magical resistance but no physical, mages are garbage while physical builds are kings.
Juan Rivera
Pyro and Aetherothurge get pretty powerful once you can pick up shit like Laser Ray, Epidemic of Fire, and Superconductor
David Long
I do not know about Classic but enemies on Tactician hit way too hard. I even had to give some Strenght to my mages so they can wear some plate because the average enemy rouge can twoshot you.
On level 13 currently and Bouncing Shield is something like 300 damage with multiple targets with excellent range, with height bonuses and short cooldown.
Eli Stewart
A shame they scale with the wrong stats. If you want those abilities to be strong, your mages need to be squishier. Meanwhile pumping Con and Mem is enough for a support mage while they still have bouncing shield available for damage and they never die.
Angel Cruz
>playing like a bitch >"waah what if i die"
Dominic Rogers
The game only keeps getting easier, user. And yes, the game is imbalanced to favor physical damage dealers over magic due to multiplicative warfare damage gains and the stat bloat favoring weapon dependent abilities. Mages of course can deal damage, but will always be outperformed.
Connor Brooks
>Not making your summoners glass cannons too >Not having your casters jump to high ground and Superconductor the entire room three times while your scoundrel picks off anyone that was out of range and shits crowd control on anything with low physical armor
Cooper Moore
hey, don't fault me for playing the most optimal build. this poor chap had to put points into strength for his shitty damage mages as opposed to equipping the best shield available and putting all those int points into con instead.
James Scott
Andrew Peterson
Wow, so complex only alien lifeforms can only start to truly comprehend it.
Robert Ward
Every enemy in this game has huge mobility. Being squishy is not an option even with Stench.
Jackson James
Yeah, amoeboids from Enceladus love it.
Henry Ortiz
Being able to shit out shock/stuns on non-caster enemies is pretty nice for limiting them, on top of the high damage of Aetherothurge Summoning is mostly OP because the enemy AI is retarded and will focus fire and waste crowd control on the 15000 HP bone widow just because it has no magic armor.
Brandon Diaz
I still haven't found the ultimate brainlet image with the thinnest head possible.
Samuel Moore
>bone widow
I have not tried summoning one yet. No magic armor you say? Seems like charming galore to me.
Zachary Martin
patricians beware
Ryan Hughes
That's what Peace of Mind is for And the Bone Widow is really retarded, it's a Necro summon so it's fairly strong in the first place (I guess they assumed no Summoner levels) but with 10+ Summoner it hits for like 2k and is pretty much impossible to kill before its normal time limit is up. Plus it can eat a corpse for a 3 turn 30% damage buff.
Fire Slug gets pretty ridiculous with a lot of Summoning levels too.
Dylan Sullivan
Angel Rodriguez
Just play the way you want to, you mentally ill autistic sack of shit
Chase Morales
Asher Rogers
You seem distressed user. What happened to you?
John Smith
Any more, and we'll end up making wojak even more of an ass meme.
Landon Perez
We are beginning to get somewhere.
Liam Baker
maybe we can extract 100% of his nervous system through careful surgery.
Luis Thompson
>main character witch Red Prince (necro/scoundrel. Lackluster dps and no good skills. The cuck of the team.) >rogue Fane (only worthwhile member of the team, are rogues OP?) >hunter Ifn alibaba (decent damage output but too squishy. Dies all the time.) >pure tank Beast (holds his own I guess)
Classic. I am having a hard time. Looking forward to getting the respec option. Might just be me sucking though of course. I suck at tactics with too many members, and yeah I know its only 4. Maybe lone wolf mode with 2 members would have been better for me, but no idea if thats viable.
Other tan that, loving everything about the game. Really has a DnD sesh atmosphere.
Mason Perry
>are rogues OP? Not really, pretty useful though Mortal Blow and Sawtooth Knife are pretty handy on mage heavy teams since you can finish guys off without even touching their physical armor, and lots of CC like Chloroform, Terrifying Cruelty, Sleeping Arms, etc but you don't get most of those until after Driftwood
Ryan Myers
>yeah I know its only 4 That's because you have 4. Might need some additional conjured assistence.. hint hint
Easton Reyes
I heard summoning was OP so I am staying away from it for now. My necro can summon bloated corpse though which is very useful if set up right.
Ian Brooks
You're probably gonna end up with a few useful summons, every skill type besides Warfare gets at least one. Even Scoundrels get Wind Up Toys (basically the same thing as Bloated Corpse, but doesn't need a corpse)
Charles Evans
Good, I am going to need it the way this is going,
Gavin Reed
It should get easier as you get more skills, 3 of your 4 picks are very strong (ranger, rogue, sword & shield)
You just need a support mage, no idea why you you haven't got a dedicated one. Don't even need to give them summoning.
Leo Jackson
This, it gets way easier when you start piling more skills onto your party. Having way more crowd control and damage available than just having to do straight attacks, wait on cooldowns, and pray.
Julian Taylor
Yeah it was a dumb choice on my part. I could deffinetly use a proper mage. In fact I had that human woman as dedicated mage hut switched her for Fane (and made him rogue for some reason) since he won me over with his perosnality and I found her slightly annoying at times.
Ian Jones
>just reached the Blackpit fight >mfw after using an explosive arrow
James White
Reminder that
>RPG elements are shit >New armor system is shit >Origin characters are shit >Armor aesthetics are shit >End of Act 2 and beyond is shit >Difficulty spikes are shit >Enemy health bloat is shit >Half the quests are broken >Game journalist review scores don't indicate the quality of a game
Austin Carter
>Doing well in the fight as my ranger just kills things before they reach us up top >retard just runs into the necrofire chasing things and dies They really need to have unique AI for these sorts of things.
Elijah Thomas
Yeah, someone to heal and rejuvenate your armor, usually I'd combine that with conjuring but you'd prefer not to. Instead you can mix in some other buffs like haste, clear mind etc to spend your AP when she's not healing.
Anyway, give the pawn to your Scoundrel and executioner to your Ranger if you haven't already, makes them quite a bit more effective.
Matthew Martinez
Enemies seem to ignore the possibility that they might be hit with AOP. I should use this more tactically but dont know how.
Liam Foster
you can heal npcs, genius
Nathaniel Thompson
Apparently that's a conscious decision by the devs, otherwise they feel AOP might be useless. Right now it can be a little too strong though when enemies kill themselves running themselves out of your range, essentially wasting 6ish AP for the enemy team (4 AP from them using abilities and 2 AP from you needing the final hit)
Dominic Smith
For some reason, if they're turned into a chicken they'll absolutely refuse to move if they're going to get hit with an attack of opportunity Enemies will gladly get themselves killed from Ruptured Tendons however
Jordan Stewart
>healing through decay
Colton Collins
Is it viable to play as a dual wielding barbarian type? I already know that Two-Hander+Enrage shits out damage like there's no tomorrow but I really want to play as a bearded viking with two axes.