Left Alive

Are you hype for SE new game?


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Fuck you and your "hype"

I don't give a shit about video games anymore.

I hope they copy as much from MGSV as they possiboly can.

>copied everything except the best thing about it, the animations

>Fox Engine
>Soldiers against mecha
They're getting there

>lights have lens flares
>the wall next to him has a lens flare
>his fucking crotch has a lens flare

>Directed by JJ Abrahams

Fox engine at least being utilized

I thought you were lying about the crotch part.

I want them to copy the smooth controls optimization.

>SE using Fox Engine


>Takes place in Russia
>YFW when this starts playing: youtube.com/watch?v=kf_BlNF3atA

Nip rumors saying Konami licensed it (like Unreal)
I don't buy it, but it's suppositious how they didn't say anything about the engine.

>his fucking crotch has a lens flare

Is that a black female protagonist?

It's not, people just meme it because of the lens flares

>Left Alive consulting Kojima on the game


It's not just the lens flares that looks similar

Everything else just looks like UE4 which is already being used for KH3

Don't think so

t. I never played a single EU4 game

Besides they're required to show the UE logo if they use it.

That's not true dumbass, Mario Odyssey uses UE4.


he looks like solid snake

Fuck you


y-you too


No it doesn't.

russian Big Boss
also, fuck that scar placement

Why fuck the scar placement, you don't like the scuffed look?

I remember years ago when the whole shilling thing started being noticeable, people were like nigger you really believe people are marketing on Sup Forums get your tin hat back on.

Now they don't even hide it.
>Are you hype for X
>Don't worry about X this article explains everything
>multiple threads for obscure game no one has heard of with multiple posters begging for a trailer
>Thinly veiled false flag threads that reach reply limit.

Never thought i'd prefer Sup Forums when it was 50% off topic posts Pokemon and LoL generals dominating the first page. At least you could have a laugh at some of the off-topic threads. Now it's all so serious and political it's not even fun anymore

so is it just a coincidence the fact that he has a huge scar where PPs Snake horn would be?

Because the top one lines up with Snake's horn in MGSV. It's like we're being specifically taunted.

Anyone else notice how the Wanzer models look really stiff and don't actually move at all in the trailers? Almost as if they were just placeholder models...

Are we back on the ruse cruise?

That's fair enough user but one factor you're not taking into account is I pooped. I poopied with no toilet. And this board has caught the attention of the big companies and they are using viral marketing on here , but there is still no better place to discuss games if you aren't afaggot.

I think the concept is nice but the environments and character design are as generic as they come.

those assets look fucking picked straight out of MGSV

>his fucking crotch has a lens flare

Indie dev game shills are probably the best that has happened to chin. How else am i gonna find out about this supra obscure horror indie game i played 4 years ago once that came out recently. Shit is an ocean id rather let them shill that shit to me. Fuck 24/7 spam tho, at least make it always the same name and easy blockable you fucks

Not very unless they show off mecha combat

Do you still think we live in the early last gen days where every UE game looks the same?
PUBG, DBZF, KH3, Tekken 7, SFV, Gears4, RIME etc. all run on the same engine. It can look like fucking anything these days.
That said it's probably Luminous or some shit, otherwise they'd already shown a logo of another engine

>Drag up the corpse of a niche mecha series
>Make a generic stealth shooter with some robot themed scenery
Mind boggling.

It's a fucking new IP you autist. I wish they'd never said that it takes place in the same universe.
Do you also bitch because Vagrant Story is not a FF game or that MGR doesn't play like MGS

It's just a strange choice in terms of setting, it's not like it's going to attract more people to the concept.

Is this fox engine or not?

>Left Alive
Don't you mean Front Solid Mission: Left Ground Zeroes?

Na probably not, but they really want it to look like it is.


but where are the mechas

Hey this could be the true successor to Ground Zeroes!

Probably not! Haha, xd

See this fuckers got the right idea!

Did you ever read the manga? There's plenty of more side material to Front Mission than just the games, also Evolved was shit. FUCKING SHIT.