>Precision platforming is fine
>Boss is fine
>Fire demons in 2nd stage jump in random directions so your survival is up to fate
>no real consistent way to hit boss on 2nd stage
>every time you die it starts up with DODODODODODO
>inb4 git gud
>Precision platforming is fine
>Boss is fine
>Fire demons in 2nd stage jump in random directions so your survival is up to fate
>no real consistent way to hit boss on 2nd stage
>every time you die it starts up with DODODODODODO
>inb4 git gud
the only good part of this game is the bosses, everything else is actual garbage
Nice megaman 2 rip off boss
git gud
I'm at this bastard too right now.
This stage isn't all that bad for me. Basically, stay on the highest clouds and when one of them starts to prepare for the jump, jump yourself and adjust based on where they are going.
It's though, man.
if i remember correctly the game was only supposed to be bosses until autists raged and they got forced to add in levels
>the idea of dragons came from mega man 2
probably homage
Every boss up until now has been tough but fair, this one just feels cheap since there's literally no way to know which way they will jump
god the chromatic aberration looks atrocious
>being retarded
Don't the flames telegraph their jump pretty early?
It's that bad in the pause screen.
The actual game is bearabale.
*tips fedora*
i've watched a few stream of people playing this and i'm honestly amazed, the animation is so good and everything about it really creative and yet it has to deal with shitposting from Sup Forums and gaming journo who can't go more than 5 minutes about comparing to dark souls... ehy you know that word i just used? creative? they sure love that word when describing mario games even when it's a stupid rehash like new super mario bros, but no, this game get to be called "dark souls" and be famous for being the one with the reviewer more stupid than a pigeon
the release of this game is a tragedy
Pleas reply to your post which platform who choose to purchase the game on.
Not trying to start shit just curious.
>Get the Chaser from the shop
>Baroness Von Bon Bon became easy mode and beat it on the first try
At world 3.
My biggest complaint, and legit only Bullshit part of the game imo is actually just one phase of a boss in World 1, that lady that turns into a moon and you are a plane.
The fucking UFOs have NO telegraph and attack is instant. I dont even know how the red fucking UFOs work.
Yes but that doesn't mean anything when they can jumo anywhere and you can't prepare, if it were on any other level it wouldn;t be a problem, but since it's paired with precision platforming it's pretty autistic
The yellow UFOs attack in front of you, the red ones attack behind you. If you use the dash you'll generally be okay
Dude, I just picked up on something.
The flames lean into a certain direction, so you're able to see (slightly) where they're gonna jump.
U need to coordinate where you are looking tho.
i'm going to spoil one of the things i saw
one of the boss you fight is a soldier mouse, he does the military salute after every move and he's inside a tank made out of a tin can, after a while he attack you with buzzsaw made out of stickers, when you defeat him, a cat comes and eat him alive, the boss fight then switch with you fighting the cat instead, who attacks you by summoning the ghost of the mouse he just eat from his mouth that look like a prison
but you know what's creative? mario being in a desert, ayuuuuuuuuuuuuup
use/buy the green shots that follow the enemy
flames jump in the direction on which part of the screen you are not,it's like they are trying to predict where you are gonna go
also this phase isn't as hard as the 3rd phase
It was Microsoft you dork, publishers often do that: Demand new mechanics or something to make the game more markeatable and the dev does it halfassedly because of time constrains or because they just don't care.
>>The fucking UFOs have NO telegraph and attack is instant.
They have an incredibly short telegraph, but honestly as long as you use your dash and position yourself well it's easy to avoid their attacks.
Oh shit is that how it works? Honestly just dashed through them and never even notices that pattern.
crack when?
So are there really 30 bosses?
The only thing I don't like is that it doesn't feel like your shots or specials have any impact. Sound effects are really meh.
Hours ago
So did you guys beat the tutorial?
Cheers my dude you just saved me a new monitor
I should just give up games for good.
I like the musical sting when you use a Super
How do you do phase 4 then? I always loose on that part.
Its available drm free.
>Game has god tier art direction
>Gameplay is shit
Why even bother?
So, what's your favorite boss?
they should have health bars for bosses. it is really frustrating due to them taking hundreds of bullets to kill
>they actually look like the characters
What the fuck
Steam version for some reason is 3 dollars cheaper than the Windows 10 store or Gog, so I went with that. I was gonna pirate but... the devs deserve the money.
The cat is a mech piloted by the rat. When you beat it the head pops open and the mouse is inside piloting it.
>Chromatic aberration as part of the art style
I thought everyone just sucked but it is really hard. It's hard to anticipate some enemy attacks and there is too much randomness in the AI which makes it hard to get a consistent flow. And easy mode is too goddamn easy and unfulfilling. What am I supposed to do?
Why does this game have such awful chromatic aberration? If they're trying to make it look like an old timey cartoon why would they add a visual effect that doesn't even happen in cartoons? Can you even turn it off?
No. There's 19. 5 in first world. 5 in second world. 7 in third world. 2 in the final world.
How do you know you don't suck too?
>Just finished island 1
>Think I bought the wrong items
>Spreader & Chaser
>Extra Heart & Auto Parry
>The last two look to be redundant
>Hardly any coins
"""homage""" isn't protected by the law, can't wait to see Capcom rip these indies a new asshole in court
I kept the trigger button held and focused on dodging the attacks more than anything.
Sometimes the Chaser shots dont follow so you have to face right for a second to get them back on track.
>Trigger pcbabby
chromatic aberration is the kryptonite to the so called masterrace.
Yep,there's a slider.
I-is this a Mega Man 2 reference?
I've paid next to zero attention to the development of this game, so I'm just now realizing that its boss fights with some short genuine "levels" with minor enemies and platforming and such.
Who the FUCK makes a side scrolling run-n-gun that doesn't have levels with lesser enemies leading up to a boss fight?
Were they just fucking lazy? This game is trash out side of its art style.
is there ANY fucking way to remove the chromatic aberration?
But that's a lie.
Are you retarded?
They're vinyl figures, not actual pops.
>This fucking clown
Now I know why the Devil is so afraid to collect debts himself
Why do you niggers hate chromatic aberration so much?
>no hilda berg funko
Damn. If only those Epic Mickey games could have had this type of treatment. Still, kind of strange they would use such colorful and awesome art for this type of game. Doesn't really make sense to me. Glad people are enjoying it none the less.
>Chromatic aberration
You dont like watching old 3d movies with the glasses off?
It's fucking ugly.
>This game is trash outside of its art style
The art style is eye cancer straight out of Walt Disney's 1940's wet dream.
Funko makes a shit ton of prodcuts not just pop figures. Although most of their lines of figures don't look good.
stop playing this shit and making threads about it you fucking faggots
Pre-release they said there would be a way to turn it off. Did the devs lie about that too?
>implying Capcom gives enough of a shit about MM to even do that
Good fucking joke
Game came out today you retard, stop your bitching
It's on GoG, there's no crack required.
>He doesn't like old style cartoons
You are literally shit in human guise.
The art direction is just literally old cartoon, but I guess to kids this is something new.
I can tell you like calarts
The run and gun levels are truly awful. The tree one is the worst.
Name five video games not including this one that utilize 30s/40s cartoon aesthetic you fucking faggot.
I like the game so far but I have to say they did a poor job with some mechanics. Parrying is terrible and even detrimental in some cases, Dash is worthless without Smoke Bomb and your Super is super dangerous to use in some stages. Nothing that small patch wouldn't fix but still
because I got over the cylinder on the tutorial stage on my first try.
Cartoons are fine, but this old timey shit is nonsense. Give me Evangelion or Cowboy Bebop style cartoon art direction in a game over this shit any day. Can western devs get literally anything right? Even western cartoon style is garbage.
Is there one giant health bar, or does each "segment" have it's own health bar? Using the super at the end of a section feels like a massive waste
>mario is uncreative
>this game that actually rips off bosses from other games is very creative
Hello developer of cuphead.
Microsoft were the autists i was referring to
>implying I said this being used in a videogame isn't new
The artstyle itself isn't anything new, you failed abortion. Keep defending this chromatic aberration hellscape with shit gameplay if you want, but don't pretend to know anything about good taste.
>Cartoons are fine, but this old timey shit is nonsense
>Give me Evangelion or Cowboy Bebop style cartoon art
You are fucking disgusting.
>Super is super dangerous to use in some stages
That's usually what killed me on part 3 of frog bros, I beat it once I stopped bothering with supers on part 3
This is terrible bait, fucking terrible
it looks like shit
Nothing beats your taste in high quality Nipponese art, does it?
I never said the artstyle was new you absolute worthless sack of wasted sperm.
Alright man Cuphead is great but there's no need to shit on Odyssey.
>ITT: A bunch of old faggots have nostalgia about old cartoons they watched when they were a bullied little shit and fap over a subpar indieshit game that, if not for the artstyle, they would be absolutely tearing apart at this very moment.
Never change, cucks.
This is my main problem with the game. None of the shots have any impact or anything, so the bosses feel really spongey even if they all only last like two or three minutes. I've tried using the spread shot and playing aggressively to make things go faster but I barely feel any difference in time compared to the homing shot which is piss easy and incredibly safe to use, you don't even have to be facing the boss and it still perfectly homes in. Outside of when you might want to parry, it's turned the bosses into hold X and dodge fests without giving a shit about positioning. Also, the plane boss fights kind of suck dick compared to the regular ones.
I think the game is technically on point and I like the boss designs and attacks, but actually fighting and damaging them feels pretty unsatisfying to me.
Does Japan even make anime like that anymore? Most of the shit is them stuck in the fantasy that life is a high school drama.
>TIL: Sup Forums is filled with senior citizens who have fond memories of their cartoons that watched in movie theaters in the 30's
>2D in 2017
it's cuck shit
Have you not been reading the thread you fucking idiot? I said the only good thing about this game was the fucking artstyle. The "game" part is absolute shit.
You were baited like the littlest bitch i have ever seen. It was kind of embarrassing to watch.
>anime = cartoon
Are you retarded or is this just bait? Don't compare the two, anime is much better and completely different from cartoons.
The dragon has a similar pose and you are suspended only by a few small objects. It's obviously intentional, much like how the characters idle poses are identical to SMB1 Mario and the somersault jump is from Contra (as are a few weapons, even).
Cuphead is literally "Us 80s kids huh".
It's okay that you used old cartoons to mask the sound of your jizz jar mom getting fucked by niggers upstairs when you were a kid, but don't pretend this game is good because of it.