What am i in for?

what am i in for?

Other urls found in this thread:



dolphin porn

stop shilling your stupid video


cuphead got cracked already?

Run and gun

It's the GOG version.

Cuphead is 20 GB dude, even with a repack it'd still be bigger than 2 GB

lmao lets copy that one video and put my face in it but im too much of a pussy faggot to show my face so ill put a mask on xDDDD
oh shit no one is watching my video, better shill it on Sup Forums!!!!!!!!!

fucking kill yourslef!!!!!



>Downloads an "Illegal Website"

How the fuck does that work? Is he making cache files or some shit? Does he work for an archiving service? I need an explanation here!

Crying yourself to sleep from the realization that you can't in fact suck your own cock.


forgot image

what am i in for in just a minute?

>can't turn off chromatic aberration

>click launch
>black screen
>desktop icons disappear
>cmd prompt flashes by for a second

color bleed is chromatic aberration but devs are inbred retards


>facecam with a mask on

Thats like a standard 50mbps, are you allright user?


No. I have a shitty tier FiOS connection and I still get 10.5MB/s. I want to upgrade to the gigabit connection, now that's some real speed.

>only 50

>100mbps internet
Wat the fuck man

Are you Australian?

>captions say never legally download
I'm getting mixed messages here.

yes, my download speed is kb/s

Nope, but I have 20mbps connection, pretty good for most things


A visit from the cyber police

>game is 20GB
>2GB download

>What is compression

>compression on GOG

Compression != Encryption/drm


it's the GOG version, which is 2GB, not 20.

Thanks for the reply, based retard!

why is the steam version 20GB?

Steam version is 2gb download too, its 11gb uncompressed/installed.

It requires 20gb when installed (its less than that, but they were conservative on spa), not when downloading, learn2read.

you said "it's the gog version" as if implying the steam version is any different

A shitty game.

I didn't said that, Im just replying to you, that user is retarded and you're more retarded for thinking the steam version was 20 gb download when no game ever on their system has said anything about the download size. It has been always the installed requirements.

what the fuck retard
learn to read

it is. The GOG version is 2GB when the Steam version is 20. Why is this so hard to comprehend?

holy shit dude, loling my fao right now