October's almost here which means time for spooky vidya, what are some good survival horror games I should play? No Resident Evil or Silent Hill please, I've played them all too many times already.
October's almost here which means time for spooky vidya, what are some good survival horror games I should play...
Free bump for you
I love S:BC know it by heart and imported a copy from Europe.
Currently playing SH2 again, will play SH1-3 after. There's not many more horror games I enjoy.
The Fatal Frame series is pretty good, Siren too and even though some people might dislike it, I enjoyed Outlast.
Clock tower 3 is pretty good if you haven't played it yet.
Also these.
Maybe even Darkwood if that's your thing, great creepy atmosphere.
An user in a Silent Hill thread once posted that there was suppossed to be a sequel to Blood Curse that would be the remaster of part 2 but I could never find a source for that claim. Does anyone know something about that?
>Blood Curse
Yeah no thanks
What are the odds Silent Hills 1-4 will find their way to Steam?
>Dismissing a good horror game because there's another one that's better.
I don't know if you ever noticed but horror fans don't have FPS shooter amounts of games to play.
literally 0. Maybe in over 10 years though.
Fair point, but more people need to know about the first two Sirens games since most people seem to overlook them
Silent Hill 2 is literally the poster child of the series with its red pyramid mascot
There was a misunderstanding here
>Clock tower 3 is pretty good
Horror has always been a niche genre. Notice I'm not saying Action Horror like Dead Space or whatever
Siren is fucking hard, but the stories are interesting. As for Outlast I dont know, I found that the first game relied on cheap jumpscares too early on even though it has a top notch atmosphere.
What are some fucking SPOOKY FPS games I can play? Been playing some Doom 3 and RtCW, thinking of buying the FEAR collection as well.
I feel like we're having two separate conversations here
Haunting Ground is also pretty good, though I would describe it as more of a panicky type game instead of a scary one.
I distinctly remember looking everywhere for collectibles in a Siren game. That's not spooky.
>Alien vs Predator series
>Autumn Aurora and Misery mods for the Stalker series
Also the Penumbra games are first person but not shooters
lolwat, you missed the point entirely
I forgot about Avp and STALKER, thanks my dude. Penumbra is a great series but I wanna be spooked and shoot the spooky shit.
all FEAR is worth it user, except F3AR.
Was there anything useful you could unlock by getting these in any three of the games apart from lore bits? The games don't have high replay value in contrast with Silent Hill and Resident Evil in my opinion. Would have loved to see some extra costumes, weapons or modifiers. Maybe some sort of challenge mode.
Quake 1 is legitimately spooky and oppressive, but you NEED the soundtrack, I know some copies you can buy don't come with it. Get a sourceport, quakespasm works great. Low key industrial OST with grimy 90s graphics and ultraviolence, it's not subtle but it's damn oppressive in parts.
I actually like Doom 3, Resurrection of Evil is pretty neat, love the super shotgun in it.
Cry of fear? Played it a little bit. Too many jumpscares I prefer the soft approach in horror.
No idea. I just had autism back then and replayed things in search of items in the background. It took me out of the experience, which I will admit is completely on me.
Condemned 1 and 2 but I think 2 is only available on last gen consoles. The first one is on PC. Also the devs behind Scorn pushed out a demo for backers. Maybe someone cracked that already.
Siren design is god tier horror
Here's a game you shouldn't play during Spookytober
Rule of Roses
My copy of Blood Curse is all written in chinese.
That's the girls on a blimp one, right?
Why not?