What is indie GOTY so far?

What is indie GOTY so far?

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Why did you post the contenders for second place OP?


>the Dark Souls of metroidvanias vs the Dark Souls of platformers
Tough choice


Divinity 2

HK by a lot, it's just more visually and aesthetically pleasing than Cuphead.

Which one has the better tutorial?

I'd put in my pick for Night in the Woods, but that might just be because I'm one of those faggots that really enjoys narrative experiences even if they're being delivered by 2d super-deformed animal characters.

But purely on a gameplay front, I'd have to say Dead Cells is my contender for this year.

lol it looks like a flash game

I got my money on Night in the Woods anyway.
The story was absolutely fantastic.

Either this or Ruiner.


Both are meme games


This. Came here to say it's SOTY. Shill of the year.

Can you please define what a "meme game" is?

Indie games are pretty much universally trash, and you fucking know it.

Golf story obviously.

Lmoa nice one! Upvoted!

nice meme

Loving Cuphead, haven't played Hollow Knight yet.

I thought it was one, what is it then?

>Shill of the year.
Sorry, that honor goes to Sonic Mania.

Lurk moar.

Thx! Upvoted back!

>overrated shit that don't play good vs more of the same

The absolute state of the western indie scene. Sad!

that game on the left is the most shilled game on Sup Forums

for you, maybe. cuphead is cooler style-wise imo

They look like shit, man. I swear you fags just hype them here to seem hip and contrarian. Which is ridiculous on an anonymous forum but people do it anyway.

If I don't like it

t. guy who calls everything overrated


Nice buzzwords

Is it the Dark Souls of choices?

They are both awesome in their own ways. You can't compare the two.


I thought Crash Bandicoot was the dark souls of platformers?

>servers suck the first week
>great game doesn't get the opportunity to flourish and be great


>babby's first bullet hell
Back to /jp/ with you.

not an argument

>they look like shit
>implying you haven't actually played them
That just makes you look like the fool

The game was interesting and all, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. The "gamplay" in Pyre is mediocre at best, and carried by a unique narrative and style. Hollow Knight has surprisingly crisp mechanics and arguably more style (with a mediocre narrative). Cuphead isn't indie game of the year material but it's been a blast so far.

>They look like shit, man
>other anons unironically reply to this post

>Newfag throws around words he doesn't understand

>The "gamplay" in Pyre is mediocre at best
>Being a no titan star shitter

1will be on the Switch & the other will never be on the Switch. Hmmm.

PS but thanks for fucking Minecraft on the Switch & the other 30 platforms.

They LOOK like shit. As in their literal graphics. I guess I did make that pretty ambiguous though.

I realize you're trolling but I still fucking hate you. go die

Sure as fuck isnt hollow knight what a piss poor game. I wouldn't give it to cuphead either since it's really short

Cuphead. Just got to Isle 2 and FINALLY beat The Castle woman, Baroness Von Bon Bon which was the hardest for me personally, where at the end it has her head flying around. Hard stuff right there. I'm enjoying it a lot, and those of you who are hating on it don't know what you're missing out on, desu

I'm not trolling. I fell for the Undertale meme and it was the gayest shit game I've played in years.

I noticed how the bosses get a bit harder and aesthetic by Isle 2

>Nobody else will ever say Nex Machina

Being a fan of arcade-styled games is suffering

I like Ruiner, but let's not get crazy.


>Indie games are pretty much universally trash
>I swear you fags just hype them here to seem hip and contrarian
what did he mean by this?

> "Hey guys, I just found out about this board and I heard you hate everything, sounds cool"

Yeah, the difficulty spike from isle 1 to 2 is insane, im excited to get to 3. I expect 6-7 hours from this game, but is it worth 20$? Absolutely

Be kind to the retarded user, he's probably a 2012fag who think's he's been doing the right thing the entire time


this looks neat. does it play like zombie apocalypse or that zombie minigame in cod black ops?

And yet you fell for it, meaning that your the gayest gay that ever gayed, fag

>359 players on a Friday night

RIP Absolver, we barely knew ye. I was so hyped before release, played 3 hours.
They released way too early, there is no content. The main selling point of the game was unplayable

>there is no content

The content is dueling other people. It's a fighting game.


Yea, like I said. There is no content to carry the game if the online doesn't work.

Also, launching with no ranking or season or anything was a mistake. They deserve what the ded game they have, they released half a game.

Controls are pretty meh too, camera is wonky. Having defense tied to mouse movement is weird. Can't rebind most the stuff

Anyone else unlock the secret level?

It's certainly more like Zombie Apocalypse than the zombie mode for CoD, but I'd say it's a lot more fast-paced

Neither of those.

Golf Story is pretty damn good so far. If you have a Switch you need to check it out.

GOTY has to be a game, by definition.

A unity game you dunce


How does Sup Forums feel about this game?

Does it even count as "indie"?

>UGH: The Walking Sim
>a game
Pick one.

Steamworld Dig 2 is my indie GOTY so far. Haven't played these two games yet.

The servers still suck last I played.

No surprise the devs are ex-Ubisoft.

I haven't bought it yet, it's pretty low on my list of priorities. Looks pretty though.

sure am glad for our half-hourly cuphead threads
could you be any more fucking obvious?

It looks pretty, I like the style, but it sort of intensely anti-sold me by banking on no combat and non-puzzles.

Grimoire was a pleasant surprise.
So, my vote goes to Grimoire.

>could you be any more fucking obvious?
About playing a game that just came out?

>Sup Forums talks a lot about a game that just came out today
I wish newfags weren't so smug considering how consistently retarded they are.

cringe and cancer fucking the cuphead

Both suck 20 inch cock. Fuck off.

cuphead by far, hollow knight was too easy
cuphead isnt that hard either, but the art style blows hollow knight out of the fucking water

Nex Machina, easily.

hell yeah, it was a buggy, broken, and unfinished mess and i still put in over 120 hours and fucking beat it because it was that fun. How did Cleve manage to make such an abomination entertaining for over 100 hours until the very end?

Fine, Dark Souls of Run and Guns and the Dark Souls of 3D platformers.

Hallowknight has to be the best game i played this year. was going to 100% but then got BoTW and kind of fell out, I will get it again for the switch

I thought real life was the dark souls of choices

There are two types of twin stick shooters. Games that are Robotron 2084, and games that aren't Robotron 2084.

*blocks both paths simultaneously*

Fight N' Rage for me, shame nobody knows about it. Cuphead and Hollow Knight were great too though, surprisingly good year for indie games.

As much as I love Pyre, it's got a niche audience.

Nex Machina is a spiritual successor to Robotron that was made with the help of Eugene Jarvis, and it's amazing.

Can someone post the cuphead tutorial webm? The one without the pigeon. I want to try something.

>The bunny girls