What went wrong?

what went wrong?

>Losing weight is bad

Nintendo likes to redesign their characters until they look like shit

Pokemon is a Gamefreak IP, idiot


>brown tail base
>not brown tail tip

did you photoshop it?

>Yoshi's upturned tail and backwards glance as if to say FUCK ME

Everything user especially when I found my ex gf cam video.

that's just how he looks
you have been barenstein'd

Mouse became a rabbit

I drew pikachu as a child always with a black tipped tail. 2012 really did happen and that's why I always have deja vu

Yoshi is the worst offender. He used to be a big, mellow, cool dinosaur that would make bizarre "VIDOO VIDOO" noises, and it was exciting getting to ride him. Now he's some chibi shit with annoying high pitched bullshit sounds, and he's what all the normies want to play in Mario spin-offs 'cause he's "cute."


Cosplay pikachu is the one with the black tail tip.

The anime got big, Pikachu's design changed as a result. On that note, that's not even the first design.

>Kirby keeps shrinking


that is some of the worst looking charizard and pikachu i have ever seen

That was early Sugimori.
The actual designer for Pikachu got her design in the final product, but there was still promo art for that Pikachu back when Red/Green released.


they removed the black tip on his tail

this was drawn after pokemon was released though

It's where retards think that the fact that it's always been the Berenstain Bears instead of the Berenstein Bears as they remember it means that someone has fucked up the timeline retroactively, or something.

Supposedly this "theory" ruined /x/.

bomberman is missing one

It wasn't. There were pieces of promo art to hype the release of the games back in '95. That Pikachu is a leftover of that period.

Fuck you man

bipedal yoshi is truly awful

its a replacement pikachu after his old one died of old age

And now she's never coming back.

this is cool. you have any other old images like this?

i know about that pikachu, but the one in that specific piece of art with the charizard looks like its a statue carved out of soap

>smug dinosaur
>faggot who loves to point his ass at the camera
This pisses me off

Pikachu's design always had a yellow-tipped tail, but I recall another pikachu that was introduced in the early anime whose design deviated from the norm. That one MIGHT have had a black tail, but I don't recall.

>PacMan 2016

what's that? looks kinda good

I do.

Again, Sugimori wasn't really as clean as he was in terms of illustrating, and those weren't the final designs.

Different artists?
I mean it has been 20 years now.

i remember it this way, maybe this is the only berenstain theory i can get behind (also i remember it as stain)

It's also a Nintendo IP, idiot


Who's that next to Joost?


I hate the saddle turning into a shell.

Everything except Hamtaro was improved.

but pokken pikachu is actually pretty based

>2nd one

wat. Was there ever a quadrapedal yoshi?


The Chopper one is criminal.

You mean Richie's? He just had the hair tuft.

The black tail thing might just be people getting confused with Pichu.

if you have a problem with yoshi's new art, you may be a closet dino fucking homosexual

That isn't going to end well for that Nidorina.

when hamtaro gets aids


I prefer potato Pikachu personally.

Agree with the rest.



>Don't fucking touch me.

The newest conker moved like he had cerebral palsy or something.

is that way you fucking degenerate old men

I'm mad that they changed Chopper to that moe abomination.

>Zero goes from a Mega Man character to some anime bodysuit thong wearing waifu

Zero games were a msitake.


What they did to his transformations where even more criminal.

>paras eating other pokemon
its a shame that they turned pokemon into mascots rather than keeping them as monsters

>Paras eating that weedle's brain


Atleast the pokedex entries are still brutal for most Ghost pokemon

I hate his perfectly round bowling ball snout, his plump body, and his fully opened eyes. What the fuck were they thinking?

her mom I think


It could be worse. Look at Franky.

Did you guys not see this?

They should update that picture and get rid of the Crash that never was and put N Sane trilogy in its place.


Nu-pikachu is better. It's much more capable of expression through body language due to it's larger limbs and head, which can move independent of the torso. Old Pikachu is limited strickly to facial expression because the body is so compact.

RIP electric rodent

there's nothing scary about a keychain or a fucking sandcastle

Early sugimori art is fucking god tier


Everybody change, deal with it.


Now I just want to see what's under Cubone and what Tangela looks like.


the pokemon itself looks harmless as fuck


if you've been drawing pikachu from your early days, you will notice it don't have that black tip actually


The sandcastle literally has dried up bones of victims inside its sand because it sucks up peoples vitality when they hink they're just playing with sand on the beach

The car keys, not so much, but i did say MOST

Damn that squirrel on the left is a qt, did she ever actually make it into a Conker game?

Klefki isnt even a ghost type you fucking retard.



Conker's Pocket Tales.

Years and years of homogenization.

Fatchu is bestchu.

Because its a disguise. Its a cursed spirit using something that appeals to beach goers to suck up their life. And im not even exagerating, it says that in the game


what the actual fuck

That ditto, looking like a failed homonculus.

The original Pokemon art is so fucking comfy.

I don't know if it's just my childhood or what, but it's so much better than anything glossy and "perfect" these days. It had heart and soul to it.

thanks for all these user

That's all.

That cartepie is inappropriate

Berri was an improvement though