Well? Which side do you pick for the next Splatfest, Sup Forums?
Well? Which side do you pick for the next Splatfest, Sup Forums?
well fuck, man. thats quite seriously the most one sided splatfest theme ever
>front virgins vs. behind chads
is this seriously real or is this a well made shitpost
Behind, because I'm not a fucking animal.
It's actually real...
But Europe exclusive
behind is aesthetically more pleasing and inviting
I can't believe people can behave so uncivilized
Front because accessibility, back because fancy.
Aren't the US and Europe splatfest lumped into the same one?
Why does Marina always have shit taste?
girls tend to hang it behind. it's gay.
Front toilet paper is more degenerate than shitting with your shirt off
>Giving the obvious answer to the inferior squid
Can't decide if I should vote the wrong one on precedence or agree with a shit-girl.
Gotta go with behind on this one
Jesus fuck they ran out of ideas
Redpill me on why hanging it behind isnt shit
Sorry, I just don't like the stench of shit getting trapped in my shirt.
why do people get so autistic about this?
True, but from what we've learned in these lopsided splatfest, picking the sure-win popularity one leads to the most boring splatfest fights ever.
Someone post that All Might picture.
What you don't raise your power level by taking your shirt off when you are gonna deliver a four pound baby?
Do people seriously care about where the roll is?
I love how they have to give Marina the retarded choices because she'll always win popularity otherwise
There we have it
So, shitting squids are canon?
Both are SHIT tier
Professional butt water cleansing a best, can't get any more squeaky clean than that.
>But Europe exclusive
Of course it is
You get to admire all of the amazing asthetics found in a roll of toilet paper and you appreciate the human ingenuity that made it possible. Looking at the from the front you just think about wiping your ass
only argument i've heard for the inconvenience of using the back roll is that can't are less likely to pull it all out. i never had this problem with my cats though. they weren't so neglected that they had to play with a fucking toilet paper roll.
Thank god. Thought I'd have to side with Pearl. What psychos put toilet paper behind?
Who /bidetbro/ here? I don't even buy paper anymore, that shit's primitive
That's some mighty impressive propaganda you got there pearl
They're not even pretending anymore. They literally just give the best choices to Pearl to compensate for her lack of appeal. Fuck these guys, y'know?
Yeah I bet you like that butt stimulation faggots
> I don't even buy paper anymore
do you just dry your wet ass with your boxers or something
blow it off with a mighty wind
Pearl prefers it in the front and Marina in the back.
Thought so.
but what if i dont use toilet roll?
i use exclusively wet wipes for maximum clean and freshness
front obviously, what degenerate would do it from the back.
The rest of the world is not the US, though. In Japan, you drive on the left side of the road and read everything from right to left. Who's to say this is any different?
I have a designated towel for that, after some days I just wash it and meanwhile use another. I make sure to put them away whenever I have guests, it'd be awful if they tried drying their hands with it.
baby wipes nigga
>after some days
>I have a designated towel for that
oh god please be joking.
My butt is already clean when I use them, it's just water, besides, it's 3 days at most
Cleaner than rubbing dry paper and smearing shit everywhere tbqh
maybe americans get a kneel vs dont kneel splatfest
>not putting your toilet paper on the counter
>not using your bare hands and rubbing it all over the wall for Mommy to clean up
>not using special wipes because you're under the constant threat of hemorrhoids
Whenever the Europe splatfest is as lame/bland as it can get, US gets something awesome.
Would you rather have me use the same one I use for my hands and face? I make sure everything's as hygienic as possible, otherwise I'd just stick with paper and have a dirty ass
The theme of this event is literally about wiping shit off of your ass
you can't make this up
>not using your hands to wipe and showering every time you shit
>not widening your asshole with a dragon dildo for easy shits
Are we going to get brown ink?
have you been having a lot of sloppy anal sex
Not just that, it allows the underdog to snatch an easy win.
so do you have one of those fancy automatic japanese toilets or how do you apply water first?
I love spicy food but it doesn't love me.
Eat more fucking fiber.
What matters isn't what you have, it's how you load it.
Who /behind/ here?
That would be fucking hilarious, it would be the catalyst to WWIII
mods let these offtopic threads exist because it shills ninten shit games
The underdog needs to win the remaining two points to win while all the popular choice needs is one more. It's always stacked against the underdog, no matter what.
Not when players are fighting themselves 90% of the time.
Imagine being this faggot.
Imagine being at faggots
Unless you have diarrhea wiping is a waste of time.
I guess that's why they call them Splatfests!
If you like touching walls, go ahead and hang it back
this. i only wipe maybe a few times a month. anyone who does otherwise cares way too much about something nobody notices
When are we gonna get Superior Western (Korean) Cartoons vs. Inferior Eastern (Korean) Anime?
>All these front fags
Go back or go home
Why not put it behind? You can stabilize your hand against the roll and rip squares more cleanly that way.
Holy hell, why would they have people argue over something mundane? It's like having people describe themselves whether they have their bedroom door open or clsed
Finally I have an image that expresses not only how I feel, but also perfectly captures the universal truths of existence.
My fellow negro, baby wipes are GOAT.
After something like Mayo vs Ketchup nothing really surprises me anymore
I want to hear Pearl and Marina talk about how they wipe their butts.
left-hand driving is just as bad as back-rolling
>People actually leave it hanging from behind
You have to be shitting me.
Plot twist, they actually use it to clean their face/hands/whatever when it gets too oily
I never knew India held splafests
so not bad at all?
I've always done back, but for the record, your cat is still gonna find a way to rip the roll to shreds.
>brown princess says the most retarded shit
Such is the life in the year 201X
Gonna have to side with the pale autismo on this one. Too bad I don't have a fucking Switch
absolutely based
Exactly. It's not even something you should argue over, you obviously sleep with your door closed. Anyone saying otherwise is crazy