Only gameplay matters!

>only gameplay matters!

>graphics matter just as much as game play!

>anything matters as much as gameplay

>innovation is king but can only succeed along with polish


if i wanted a good story i'd be reading a book not playing video games

Flies value buzzing around my fucking room more than not landing on flytraps.

>Muh Argumentum ad populum


>posting Horizon Zero Dawn

Gee I wonder who conducted the survey

how about post an original wojack for a change instead of this old shit faggot

What the FUCK are you trying to convey with this

>sales dont matter!!

Gameplay > Art direction > Music > Story > Technical graphics

The blind Wojak is thematically relevant.

>all ports are inferior
>b-but muh on the go

you said it!

This one can't be topped.

This meme is basically a zombie that has been killed 50 times in many cruel ways.
Stop doing this for "TEH LOLZ XD"

t, zombie

>it comfy!!!