What vidya characters can defeat pic related?
Keep in mind that he can teleport and create a physical shield with a thought.
I keep saying Kazuma Kiryu could do it but my girlfriend argues otherwise
What vidya characters can defeat pic related?
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yeah that's cool and all but I don't know you
>Literally died the first time he tried
Samus, Sonic, Sub-Zero, Sonya Blade, Scorpion, Smoke, Spyro the dragon, and Slippy toad.
That is all that can defeat him, I checked.
Are we talking Voldemort with all of his Horcruxes or without?
VNs are games
expecto shotgun
Castlevania Dracula would make him shit his pants.
>He doesnt destroy the entire school making it impossible for harry to reach the point of Dos Equis Machina
J.K Rowling made some dumb plots
We're talking about Perfect Ascended Voldemort who has the blood protection as well as spell nullification and has a body of pure silver.
What do you expect? They're children's books.
I'm not talking about Edo-Tensei Voldemort
Big Snake with the Moosen Nah-gaint.
JK has gone on record saying Voldermort could have been killed by just shooting him so I'm going to go with anyone who has a gun
What about someone who punches right through?
Bring it on ya noseless faggot.
Venom Snake could spam stun grenades, wormhole him out, and a couple hours later Motherbase gets a new member.
>not reading the books
He had to die to kill him idiot
You know the rules
Someone please post the copypasta, I haven't even come close to my autism quotient for today.
On topic just about every action/advetnure/RPG character is basically a demi-god who can annihilate an entire army by themselves so ol' Man-Snake wouldn't be much of an issue desu.
No, I'm not even talking about Edo-Tensei Voldemort with full knowledge about horcruxes and obscure dark arts
What exactly powers magic in the HP universe? Is there something like mana? What prevents a novice witch from transforming her bed into Beelzebub?
First, I kill you, then I kill all your friends. I always win.
Are you sure you don't mean Shippuden Sharingan SSJ5 Voldemort with Shinryu Zipangu Nippon Ancient Darksteel Sword +5?
Nothing can defeat that, for sure
Wasn't explained which is the best fucking decision rowling made
Why didn't Voldemort launch a horcrux into space?
With or without the effective immortality? Assuming he has all his soul back together, pretty much any character out of the MvC, Smash Bros, and Mortal Kombat rosters could push his shit in. Let alone ridiculous protags like Minecraft guy or Terraria guy.
If he's still got horcruxes, he's basically invincible. Voldemort's a Lich. You can't stop a Lich without destroying its phylacteries.
>what powers magic
Seems to be just some extraordinary force that people are gifted with. Wizards don't run out of spells like in DnD, nor do they draw from some pool of energy like mana. They're practically gods once they reach adulthood, and the ones that use the unforgiveable curses know this.
No, I mean Shippuden Sharingan Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Full Cowl 95% Serious Series Consecutive Serious Punches Voldemort whose girlfriend, Enoby Darkāness Dementia Raven Way was just killed in front of his eyes by Vampire Potter.
There we go again, arguing powerlevels.
The answer is always Demonbane.
From what I remember it's natural talent mixed with experimentation and study.
Some shit is never explained, like why do you need wands when you can cast magic with your hands.
Apparently it's akin to a 'magic gene' that people either have or they don't, with added caveat that the overarching magical force will always find a way to continue on and replicate.
There seems to be some vague system of 'power level' in that some witches or wizards are inherently more adept than others, but it's mostly a matter of practice and study.
Horrible for world building, though. Harry Potter builds up its world in all the most uninteresting ways. LotR did it all better.
>takes place in modern day
>no one ever thinks to just say fuck it and use a gun once shit goes to hell
Holy shit is this true? That would be a hilarious ending. Some random Texan just straight up blasts this nigga when he first sets foot on American soil
Vernon was going to shoot Hagrid in the very first book m8.
I agree with you that Kazuma can do it. HP wizards are too dependent on their wands and nothing else, by sheer pride. By the time Voldemort realized that a 40 year old muggle was strong enough to punch him all the way to Azkaban and back, he'd already be fucked. Dragon of Dojima all the way
why did you post a picture of trump???
Anyone with a gun.
I mean against Voldemort or something, since Rowling already confirmed magic can't do shit against guns
Rowling is retarded. If you've seen what she's posted on Twitter, you'd realize that she's no smarter than your every day woman, and barely thinks things through. There are tons of holes in Harry Potter, not the least of which is the lack of bullet holes.
>If you were from where I was from, you'd have very clean teeth!
Gwyndolin or maybe his daddy
What about Voldemort makes him so powerful? His wand is nothing special. He doesn't use any kind of external booster to amplify his power. He doesn't use spells to augment his physical capabilities. He just spams the 1HKO spell over and over that anyone can use and that somehow makes him the king of evil.
That's because the HP universe is a retarded clockwork full of Dickensian coincidences to drive the plot in the most impractical way possible.
It's already canon that the Ministry of Magic and the regular government are in contact with each other, if Voldemort was a real person he'd have the SAS after him before the events of the first book.
Some prophecy.
He also has his horcruxes and knows evil magic
Isnt he immortal throughout the series? As long as the horcruxes were around, he could come back anytime.
what powers magic in lotr?
The prophecy doesn't even have any real power and was self-fulfilled. It became "real" because Voldemort heard it and decided Harry fit the description so he went after him. Neville was another candidate who fit into the prophecy and could easily have been the hero/victim. Voldemort is special because he's special. There is literally no explanation other than some people being stronger magically than others. It was clear already in his younger years at the orphanage when he, despite not even knowing what magic was, realized he could make stuff happen and control the other kids.
He's basically just a ruthless gang leader who is highly adept at magic. He showed off his true power once at the end of Order of the Phoenix
No contest
He beats him in about 10 turns
He's the classic shit-tier villain, evol just for the sake of it.
JK Rowling once said that if a wizard were to go against a muggle with a gun the muggle will win.
HP magic is ridiculously OP.
Little to no cast times on spells, never run out of mana, literally thousands of spells for every single thing, plus they can teleport around while dueling.
There's no shield magic? Obviously if the muggle sneaks up on a wizard and pops a cap in his ass the wizard doesn't stand a chance, but even if he sees him coming, there's nothing he can do?
That just makes a wizard willing to use the death curse like a guy with short range, slow firing rifle.
Makes sense why muggles rules the world while the seemingly more powerful wizards have to live in hiding.
any character that is immune to magic can beat him
I always thought it was a stupid comparison. Yeah, a pureblood would probably be arrogant enough to disregard the muggle with a gun and take a bullet because he didn't block, but any halfblood or muggleborn would have a shield charm up or have transfigured the gun into a cobra or something before the muggle can shoot.
Havel The Rock would turn him into a red stain on the ground.
I think the explanation is that he can't feel love because he was conceived via love potion, aka his mom raping his dad.
>children born of rape are heartless monsters
Wtf Rowling.
He wouldn't stand a chance against Sanada Yukimura. Afterall, he wields his spear in the name of Kino.
he's not really evil just for the sake of it. He very clearly believes magic beings are better than others and further pure blood is the master race. Take that how you will but the dude very clearly had a platform to run on and many people believed in and followed him.
He wouldn't be teleporting or using shields if he didn't see the bullet coming.
Imagine the potential for crossovers.
That's such a dumb explanation, it would make much more sense that he was just fucked up because his only parent killed themself and he was forced to live in a shitty orphanage.
Was Snape a virgin?
So he truly was a wizard
Read fanfiction sometime. Girls dig broody. If snape were a real person he would be literally drowning in student pussy.
JK Rowling is also a hack
Can a gun kill him? I remember hearing wizards can be killed by guns in the harry potter universe.
I'm sure during his time as a Death Eater he would have used the Imperius curse to rape just a little bit.
Could Sonic and Shadow beat him?
He was ugly as fuck though, greasy hair and crooked noses aren't attractive unless you're scraping the bottom of the barrel.
>That elaborate fanfic book where Voldemort created hundreds of Horcruxes, including a probe sent in space
That's pretty smart
sonic and shadow couldnt beat him because sonic and shadow are enemies and dont work together but maybe if they were frenemies they could beat him because then they might work together but no they couldnt beat him because they are enemies and wont work together
Mewtwo can.
I don't get you gun people.
There are spells that work like bombs, spells that are unblockable and instantly kill, spells that have no travel time.
If nobody could go up and hit Voldemort with an Avada Kedavra or transfiqure his skin into acid why would you think an idiot with a bullet would do the trick? He could literally just make himself impervious to bullets before the fight began.
That's the key. You don't start the fight
Wasn't Voldemort only the third strongest HP character?
Who would be the first and second?
What the fuck has happened to Sup Forums? This shit's unreal
>Before the fight began
Are you challenging him to fucking pistols at dawn or something? Blow his bald head off from a quarter mile away
Dumbledore and ?Grindelwald?
[power gap]
Anythings attractive when you are the best in the world at your profession and probably baller rich because of the fact.
If we are talking Alan Rickman though (the actor), he's hot regardless. Book snape possibly less so physically.