What are some games about moons?
What are some games about moons?
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Touhou 8
Everything Suda has made.
Every SMT game, for some reason.
Especially Persona 3.
Dead space 3
GT6 has lunar rover missions, Apollo 11 VR.
Portal 2
Holy shit
Killer is Dead
Dragons Dogma ;_;
Moonbase Alpha. It's literally in it's name.
Dead Space 3
OP I think people missed the point of your thread
what do you mean? everyone looked so its working
I don't get it.
I really like this attack.
Why hasn't about brought by Majora's Mask by now?
Destiny 2 is set mostly on moons. (Io, moon of Jupiter and Titan, moon of Saturn)
Yeah but the moon areas don't feel like moons. More like other planets to me.
That's the point, they have been terraformed.
Although I don't see how the methane oceans of Titan which can only exist at hundreds of degrees below zero can be liquid at the same time as a breathable warm atmosphere. But I guess we'll write that off to space magic.
>Looking at Jupiter as it takes up half the sky, seeing it's massive storms swirling, and watching the sky behind it move as you orbit around it
Really cool sensation. Gives you a sense of how massive Jupiter is. The mission where you go really close to the sun was also crazy that way.
Because the moon is very ingrained in our history and the "blood moon" is an paranormal happening that could be real.
Blood moons are not paranormal
Nice try faggot. I'm still not going to look at it.
To the Moon. I heard it's good and depressing at least, been to pussy to play it as I wonder if it will make me cry my eyes out.
>blood moon is paranormal
Shit is just a trick of the light, yo
unless it's on Halloween exactly on midnight if it's also Friday the 13th, then it's actually paranormal.
There's actually no moon
Why aren't there more games centered around the moon? It's so cool.
Super Mario Odyssey
Paper Mario TYD had an entire chapter set on the Moon.
is that the strategy game where you have to aim where you want your HQ to shoot supporting buildings on the map?
Doom 1
Pale Luna
I was too busy doing the victory position
have you tended to your children first?
Shogun 2: Total War
Prey 2017
Woah shit. I thought this was just Moonbase Alpha with a fake GT6 overlay.
Stella Glow