What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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sprites being expensive


Ugly models and an always online requirement for puzzle fighter

where the flying fuck is the lightning?

2 BLUNDERS OF THE CENTURY in one (1) month

SSSasuga Capcom, SSStylish Victory

Mobile games are usually low-cost and only need a few whales to succeed. Not really an issue if it doesn't do well compared to others like Dead Rising 4, Resident Evii, Monster Hunter World. No idea for MVCI if it is mostly Disney funded or not.

Bottom was made by some of their top staff at the time. Top is made by some interns.

no shortstack porn of tiny chun and morrigan

Using 3D but it's ugly and play-doh looking, while the sprites actually look like normal midgets

They need to fire whoever did the shaders and lighting,out of a cannon.



Sprite art is a lost art. Much like Japanese wood carving.

Capcom can't into lighting..... or models. Remember this hideous shit?

>sprites being expensive
I'm always surprised this meme took hold. Sprites are much cheaper than 3d models, that's why the majority of small budget indies are pixelshit. Big publishers didn't drop sprites because they're expensive, they dropped them because the fifth, sixth and seventh generations of consoles where spectacularly ill-suited to sprite-based games and because to be AAA you need to be 3D, as sprites are precisely seen as cheap by players.

Making 4k-sized sprites is hard AF


>What you said

Half true.

Sprites are more expensive that 3D models once you start making them big. 64x64 like in SF2 is only 4096 pixels, but to get something on par with modern stuff like the last 2D KoF games, you'd need 256x256, which is 65536 pixels. The price becomes pretty insane once you figure in high framerates, which for 2D is 15 FPS. That accounts to 200 frames minimum per character, and each frame would take at least 3 hours. That's 600 hours of work per character, or 15 work weeks at 40 hours/week. Now figure in alternate costumes which would require redoing every single sprite, and the price is now impossibly large. Games like Guilty Gear Rev are the next logical step in 2D looking animation.

Does not apply to sprite based video games that were famous for rivaling professional hand drawn animation in their time. It's expensive and time consuming as fuck. 3D cuts back on time and labor, especially when 3D artists are fucking everywhere these days.

you're so stupid it hurts

Show me an indieshit game with animation like this

I really liked this style, it's obviously supposed to have a metallic sheen and not realistic


post sprite art

>lighting is uniform for visibility during matches
>graphics are recycled assets for their side
>brand new assets for the other side
>not a new practice at all
>plus it was made in like a year

this was one of the last actually fun fighting games we got and it died because obese PCtard Steamfags couldn't use it to justify dumping a 3k investment on a table heater

>as sprites are precisely seen as cheap by players.


The only people who think pixel games look cheap are

a) 3D 'muh realism' loyalists


b) pixel developers who didn't have the talent to actually make decent pixel art at Capcom/SNK levels (in their heyday), let alone full sprites to be animated in-game.


c) impatient pricks who don't want to take the time to handcraft eye catching artwork, because "muh financial return on time invested."

3D happened

Does anyone remember back when you saw the capcom logo boot up in the screen and you felt at peace from it?

>Implying it didn't die because it was a broken piece of shit
Rolento literally hardlocked your console if his knife clashed with a fireball for over a month

That's not even talking about Megaman fly either

What's the issue? They look effectively the same.

was this an actual fighting game? or that tetris shit?

no, 2d art is more work (especially as you diversify character options, because you have to draw all of that shit frame by frame) and also consumes a lot of memory bandwidth (requiring clever compression for hd), as you scale it up
a lot of indie pixel shit is c64 tier work, not the kind of pixel art people jerk themselves off over
one of the ways that the aa dev tries to make 2d art cheaper is to not make sprite atlases, but instead make pieces of characters and stick them together with bone systems and use algorithms to interpolate between keyframes
there is also difficulty in hiring talented artists that are trained in making good 2d artwork for games

>Sprites are much cheaper than 3d models,
Not if you want good, 90s capcom level sprites.

>Is generally Vampire Savior, but bad, and with tag teams
>Tekken roster mostly feels out of place and isn't fun to play as, with a few exceptions (Hwoarang, Lars, Heihachi, Raven, ect)
>Cammy and Rolento jab strings took over the game
>Hit confirms into big damage were too easy
>All matches end in time over
>Auto-Block gem is not only busted, but was allowed online
>Megaman/Dhalsim fly glitch
>Rolento knife glitch
>They fix most of this shit, but it's still boring and not fun to play

Street Fighter V is way better than SFxT, and that's saying a lot. After a year, I've dropped and picked up SFV multiple times. Even though it has problems and pisses me off, it still has it's moments. I dropped SFxT a week or two after the DLC hit and only picked it up for a day when the 2013 patch hit. Never played it again. SFxT was the biggest disappointment in recent fighting games. It hurts, because Gems, on paper, could have been something really cool and interesting like Capsules in Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3, but instead they went and turned it into pay to win bullshit, then nerfed them into being so weak that nobody cares.

It's easier to learn and make extremely basic sprites, but as soon as one character has more than a few animations, 3D models become infinitely more cost-effective and flexible.

No, your standard casual retard does actually think good 2D art looks cheap, because they're fucking idiots. Whether or not developers choose to care is their own decision, though.

>lost art

It's only been 20 years or so, it's not like they all died. Most of the sprite artists of that era are still around, they're just not suited for modern games, or fired because that looks "cheap" or indie.

>Cute stylized art
>Uncanny as fuck

Whoever made the top probably had no idea what SD style is supposed to be about and just thought it meant up scaling the size of the head. As a chibi lover this insults me, why not just take a page from pic related?

>Sprite art is a lost art.
No its not. There's still plenty of good pixel art today.

Capcom Vancouver

Nuke the west coast desu

one of the problems is that they don't appreciate the importance of diffusion in materials like skin and cloth and just use a really simple lighting model that looks like shit
the matte appearance achieved with the limited color ranges used in cartoon artwork looks like a better approximation than plastic phong stuff

>No, your standard casual retard does actually think good 2D art looks cheap,

>fans of walking simulator and 'muh online multiplayer'
>3D model loyalists
>'muh realism'

It checks out.

Also the ones that still do sprites use 3d models and rotoscope them. It's the reason why KOF 14 had a ton of characters because they used the models they used for KOF 13 sprites and cleaned them up somewhat

They lost all their talented dudes more than a decade ago, crapcom is dead in the water, and they dont shy away from showing everyone


>No, your standard casual retard does actually think good 2D art looks cheap


Street Fighter 5: Looks fantastic
KOFXIII: Too pixely, it's ok

no, it's easier than low res. artists are trained on 4K+ resolution to begin with. sprites requires a certain mindset and talent to keep looking good when details get close to pixel size.

>fans of walking simulator
Literally nobody likes walking simulators you fucking retard, they were all giant flops

Just ignore the incredibly boring, timer-running gameplay, forget about locking 1/3rd of the cast as on disc dlc, and pretend the gem system never happened and I guess it was okay.

This whole post is so mind-bendingly stupid I couldn't believe someone was disillusioned enough to actually believe this bullshit. Sprites have always been hand-drawn and then ported to computer. Pixel density has literally nothing to do with it. Not only that, but if you've ever bothered to look at any animation in any media made in the past thirty fucking years you would know that no animator makes unique frames for every single fucking frame. Even if they did, it STILL takes less time to draw up a frame for a skilled artist than to pose a model in three dimensions.

Stop posting.

I remember an article where a Japanese developer stated that most sprite artist had to learn 3D modeling to keep their jobs when the PSX became popular. They simply forgot how to make sprites

>. Sprites have always been hand-drawn and then ported to computer.

Now post how shitty elena's were

>AAA you need to be 3D, as sprites are precisely seen as cheap by players.



Poor lighting/shading means everything of the same color are blended together by the viewer's eye to make it look like one blurry blob (so basically your brain only knows to separate Chun-Li) chest and sleeves because it knows what Chun-Li looks like).

Colors are also competing with the background colors. They characters don't look like they "pop" OR inhabit their environment.

Faces look kinda realistic in so much that they're baby doll faces?


top was made by capcom vancouver they can not design anything but horrible models

>Sprites are much cheaper than 3d models

It depends on what and how much you want to do with them.

Making a few sprites is certainly cheaper than making and animating a 3d model, but when you start adding moves and poses the costs even out because it's easier on the 3d model. Then if you plan on adding a lot of characters that can easily share a lot of animations, and plan on adding alternate outfits or accessories the scales definitely tip in favor of the 3d models.

t. 3d """""""animator"""""""" that thinks playing with dolls requires any modicum of skill or talent