I still get chills even looking at screenshots from Metroid II. It's a shame that they sold out in the remakes like AM2R and SR to go for mass appeal rather than survival horror.
Examples of "perfect" Horror games that no one can remake properly?
Agreed,I wake up all hot and sweaty when I get nightmares about the metroids in Metroid w
Clicking on this thread made me shit my pants in terror. Fucking sucks
>he hasn't seen Mark's video
Hmm, sorry pleb
Am I in the wrong for not understanding why people shit on his video so much?
Jesus Christ, spoiler that pic asshole.
This game scares me to death. I think it's the zoomed in perspective and the lack of backtracking
that chozo is cute
Give him a kiss
Any faggot who defends "atmosphere" and " being immersive" should get shit.
I'm only giving you a link because I hope it means you will do cyber sex with me: youtube.com
Gimme your discord
>This ritual is performed daily as I try to make sense of the way it makes me think and feel about myself and the world around me. I can dismantle the software and the hardware, analyze them, write about the technical aspects of them after great study, but that way of summing them up doesn’t quite actualize how they affected me—what it all meant that first time, in the moment. Our experiences are ineffable, even when we seem to be simply pressing buttons to move light on a cave wall. As feelings atrophy with time’s passage, we try to resuscitate or exorcise them by telling others so they might understand, so that they may try out this thing we’re excited about. To talk about our experiences is to talk about the ghosts of feelings, because sometimes it’s worth keeping the spirit alive.
Power on.
What the fuck Mark.
>muh horror
Stupid phoneposter.
Metroid II is almost as scary as the Tails Doll!!
This is painful.
>Metroid 2.
alright who's the fucking retard opinion you're memeing ? Because thats the 4th time Ive seen Metroid 2 and Horror in the same sentence.
This fucking English major reject writing, I swear. It's like that guy who makes all those "deep" comics about Zelda games.