2 days
What's your plan for the ps4 release?
What class will you main this time?
2 days
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thinkin about goin assassin or magic archer
I've already bough this game three times.
I like it, but goddamn I'm tired of having to buy another version of an incomplete game.
>buying a Ps4 version when the PC is already the best
>Crapcom keeps porting this fucking game instead of making a sequel
God forbid we need 7 more fucking monster hunter and street fighter games.
>What's your plan for the ps4 release?
pass for the fourth time
Don't fucking buy the PS4 version.
>no mods(PC version has some awesome mods)
>looks bad
>costs more
hopefully capcom will FINALLY realize that a sequel is in order
>ign reviews
at least try
>Would rather play Todds left overs
user fuck off
citation needed
>don't buy the only version of the game that will have an active community by the end of the year
>'Keeps being ported'
>Its only its second port
>Not assuming if capcom sees it sells 'alright' they'll think more of a proper sequel
>>don't buy the only version of the game that will have an active community by the end of the year
It's on PC and PS3 and both communities are active.
Main??? This is not a fighting game dumbass
>just bought Dark Arisen on that jap psn sale months ago because I've only ever played vanilla
>not even a week later this was announced
Fuck. Me.
>People unironically praise version with removed weapons and armor sets as a best, because they can download horse vagina mods for it
Why pc fags are always so pathetic?
my man I mean actually active.
Right now the only active community is on 360.
PC are ps3 are ghettos by comparison.
>playing again the exact same game
So, this is the power....of Sonygross.
The better version is still on PC tough.
>the PS4 version has removed weapons and armor too
>muh Beserk Guts wank
Piss off. I'll take the better frames and mods over some bullshit anime easter egg.
Why on earth would I buy it a third time?
Does anyone know of a way to play the hard mode without the increased gold drops and even maybe how to get less xp?
I've been trying to find a solution to this for a while but have had little success. I feel like there must be -some- value somewhere I could edit, but I'm not really sure. I just wanna be able to play a harder difficulty mode and actually have it be a challenge. I guess you could argue I could just not use the extra gold or use it to buy gifts for other people online to send back to through pawn gifting, but I feel like I'd be too tempted to use it to upgrade my/my pawn's gear.
Also it kinda sucks you can't normally get the Berserk golden age armors they added for the original/DA releases when they rereleased it on PC, I hope the new current-gen consolefriends are able to get it at least, but I imagine the licensing issue could carry over.
Consider watching the trailer.
It'll be my first time playing. Is there a lot of freedom with builds/character customization
You could play on normal mode and gimp your HP with the dinput mod.
Why upgrade gear at all though? I pretty much never did because it's pointless.
Not on console no. Get the PC version.
It does kinda suck the armor/weapon sets for Berserk got removed, but at least the two sets that are sort of homages to the actual Berserker Armor itself are in the game. One I think is sold by the forger guy at the Black Cat and the other set is the warrior/fighter armor you can get from BBI, I think even the cape for it matches.
Not sure what the best stand-in for Dragonslayer/Thousand-Limbs would be, though. I really liked the Golden Age Guts gear for my pawn.
My pc is carp and it would play better on my ps4. Had the ps3 version when it went free for ps plus. Never did the expansion then, and I don't mind paying this time around now.
so many awesome games inspired by Berserk but not a single decent Berserk game since DC. Fuck musou shit.
I mean it's not entirely pointless, is it? Rusted weapons have their own specific uses from the innate debuff they can attribute to enemies, but if you're after overall higher damage you'd want something better than the starting equipment/armor, especially as a frontline melee character like a fighter/warrior or even Mystic Knight.
I imagine there are people who have beaten Awakened Daimon with starter equipment, though, the crazy bastards.
I'm also too autistic to just play normal mode because I'd know it's normal mode, even if I'm actively making it harder to compensate. I'm a faggot like that.
Fotns is getting a game, maybe we will get a Dd style berserk game
I think you have a lot of autistic hurdles you need to get over dude. Stats are what-the-fuck-ever. I play on hard mode and gimp myself to keep it hard.
Shota sorc for life
I first played this game when it came out on ps3, but never bothered with the DLC.
Can anyone tell me what has changed since the first, original release?
Like, what will be different with this release compared to the first iteration?
My copy came today, can't wait to get going!
Main assassin with sorc pawn.
New dungeon for post-game with new enemies and some more story. It's definitely worth it.
There's also more customisation options and an eternal ferrystone.
Yeah it's honestly becoming an issue at this point. I don't remember being this fucking spastic the first time I played the game, and it's not just DD that it's happening with.
I wonder if I took a good whack to the head at some point between the 360/PS3 release and the PC release and I just became a sperglord in fairly specific situations from then on.
Well Dark Arisen adds a bunch of new weapons and armor as well as a fuck-off mega dungeon it's own ferrystone system because regular ferrystones are too pussy to work on Bitterblack Isle. There's also big dick bosses and a big dick mega boss that requires beating twice (once on NG and again on NG+) to see his actual full fight.
It's pretty neat.
I'm not even gonna play it, I'm just gonna buy it.
will the ps4 version have the berserk items?
By customisation options you mean armor/ weapons?
I'm hoping that the game has enough new content to feel fresh to me, which i'm sure it will since I loved the original.
I only played DDDA this year, I'm not gonna get it right away. I went with Assassin for that, but I'd like to try mage/sorceror when I do get around to getting this. With a big Orc looking Warrior pawn
>anime poster
- Use a joke email (good luck making one without a phone number in 2017)
- Make a throw-away PSN account which can be friended by half the internet
- Then share your overpowered/early pawn with us.
r8 my waifu
Wait to see if it runs at 60fps. If it does, I'll probably pick it up for a refreshed community. If it doesn't, then I'll delve through the PC version again.
There's no mod to just restore it on the nexus?
No, because there is no proper model anyway.
how do i make this game not boring?
>playing as a wizard was awful because my spells did barely any damage
>playing as a ranger got boring because it was just shooting arrows at bulletsponge enemies
are you supposed to play this game purely as melee? seems kind of lame if that's the only way to have fun. and what's with the fucking weight based inventory? there's so much shit to pick up yet your characters end up wheezing like a fucking fatty.
>It's a bit Dark Souls, a bit The Witcher, a bit Skyrim, and a bit Lords of the Fallen.
Anyone got any fashion inspo for me?
I remember thinking none of the armor sets looked that cool other than the Berserk ones. Maybe i'm wrong
>my spells did barely any damage
>playing as a ranger got boring
The only bulletsponge moments I can remember were when I tried to do isle on the 20lvl
Buy and upgrade your gear.
Most enemies have weakspots and/or weaknesses.
It costs $30 you stupid dumb poorfag nigger.
Where do you live?
1) what pawn vocation for easy rents but also usefulness in my own journeys?
2) sex of pawn?
3) age of pawn?
4) will the online features require an active PS+ subscription?
No, it's not direct online MP so it doesn't require PS +.
>Not owning it on PC
>Owning a PS4
>what pawn vocation for easy rents but also usefulness in my own journeys?
Warrior or mage
Some people search for females only, but no sane person should care about this part
>Owning inferior pc version with butchered content and cheat engine online
Fighter* of course
>not having both
Get a job kid
Will I still enjoy this game if I don’t really like open world RPGs? This games combat looks fun but RPGs are overwhelming and I never finish
lmao who gives a shit about CE, kid
it's your own fault if you use cheated pawns
>muh berserk armor
used it once, haven't been missing it since I switched to the actually playable version
Why would I own one? To play waifu simulator and jack off to lolis?
>It's okay that my version is butchered and has shitty online, b-b-but at least we have a horse cock mods, right? We are truly master race, right?
trying too hard, consolecuck
>this level of delusion
Sonegros are hilarious.
Kill yourself
>not having a male arisen and a all female pawn party
an active community really doesnt mean much in this game. theres still enough pawns to go around on the fucking ps3 version goddamnit. the only reason to buy this half finished game is for the very vain hope that they someday make DD2 and actually finish it
nofhing is different in the base game. only the dlc has new shit
they nerfed the assassin vocation
the online is shit on every platform you fucking donut
>at they someday make DD2
They already did...
>an active community really doesnt mean much in this game
Oh you just retarded
I miss the berserk armor, because it was some of my favourite armor in the game.
That said, everything else the PC version has really does make up for it. A constant 60 fps, significantly better lighting, and other graphical improvements, equip anything as any class (not great for a first playthrough, but very nice once you're on your 7th or so), there are just a ton of nice little improvements that make the game a pleasure to play.
The berserk armor isn't in the PS4 version either, so with this rerelease it's essentially just somewhat improved graphics, and none of the other flexibility the PC version has.
I think this will be the worst version available.
>I think this will be the worst version available.
PC version will still exist
It's an absolute grindfest. The sad part is, for all the exploration, there really isn't anything significant to find. You'll slowly gain levels by killing random mobs, but you will also become burnt out early on doing so.
So in your opinion, a version with fewer improvements, and the same content removed, is the superior version?
I just want to be clear here.
get yourself checked
The PC version is the definitive version. Plus it has an uncapped framerate.
>muh berserker armor
Fuck off retard.
Gimped assassin for this new version? It was pretty strong in the PS3 version.
>Try and get into this game
>Tutorial takes ages
>Finally get to make a character
>Looks alright
>Get into the world
>Looks absolutely fucking retarded for some odd reason
>Try and persevere/ignore it
>Get to the cyclops
>Make my own pawn
>Realize I should have made a different character type
>Bothers me too much after this point
>Close game
I just want to enjoy it
This thread is just asking who will be playing the game and how will they go about it. Why do PC cucks have to come in and ruin everything?
You can change your vocation at any point in the game at an inn after you reach lvl 9 or some shit whcih is like not even an hour into the game.
some arguments were nerfed
form +70% to +20% damage
you're such a pathetic loser, holy shit lol
should've ordered from shop to lads
But i will buy it for Xbox One
What absolute crap, if you didn't want to have a cool power up just disable the augment. Why are they taking things away from an already incomplete game. They should have already added more to this re release anyway.
Does Matt Damion get tougher every time you fight him? I just finished beating him for the third time and the ass could one-shot me with High Ingle in his second form.
Nope, only after the first time.
Nah I played through it many times and buying it again when I already have it is pretty dumb, I'd like a DD2 as well but I'm not going to keep buying it otherwise they'll just do it again on the next console and keep milking it.
But he wasn't nearly causing as much damage the second time I fought him. Unless the immortal's armor set somehow has even weaker stats than the crimson set since that's what I was wearing for the first two fights.