Would you fuck a playstation?

Would you fuck a playstation?

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google.com.au/search?q=blanc definition&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b&gfe_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=lHfPWbigH4rp8weU04bwAQ

But it's not backwards compatible!

I have PSVR and Im mad there are no porn games for it

I love Noire!

Considering that thing is voiced by what's-her-face, I might.

What's the point, then

Noire is best girl. And if those audio cd's are any indiction, she's also best wife.

Compile Heart are really biased towards the Playstation since they keep giving Lastation all the best girls.

What makes her so good? I bet the loli would be the best


You know what's really fucked? The Vita.

>Would you fuck a playstation?

I'd befriend, fuck, take responsibility, marry and worship her

back off, Black Heart is my wife. you can have that slut Blanc instead.

there's a thin line between playstation and a whore

yes just hearing Asami Imai makes me lose my mind

I would fuck my 3DS, I don't play much on it anymore, but at least he is two lolis.

are you aware she did eroge?

Would you play a fuckstation?

No, mind listing some?

just look through vndb
But fuckstation only has one game, Spermborne

Right, thanks user


And infamous: second cum

has OP not heard of Console-tan Tuesday by chance?

If not then stick around for Tuesday. Your like-minded lads are waiting

YaCUMa Kiwami
CUMsona 5

>Implying those are exclusives
>Implying Slutich will not get CUMsona 5
>Implying Xbobx XXX willl not get YaCUMa Kiwami

Blanc is just so pure


PURE Sweetheart

My wife on the right

Me on the left.

Is that... Vert cameltoe? There better be CGs of them masturbating like CH did with Mary Skelter.

Blanc is MY wife

Are you guys ready for suffering with IFI's art contest for 4GO?
that was an edit

I want to experience her divine pussy

>Noire means black
>Blanc means white
>Vert means green
>Neptune means Roman name for Greek polytheistic deity of the seas


Sega Neptune was a two-in-one Sega Mega Drive and Sega 32X console announced by Sega but never released to the public. Some sources claim the intended name for the console in North America was Genesis 32X System.
It's actually amazing how people miss the obvious jokes and references

You dolt, I'm pointing out name inconsistencies. You're so dumb that you probably think Peashy represents Steam.

She's just a kid

No, PC Engine, Steamax isn't Steam either, it's "Stealth Marketing"
As far as inconsistencies go the existing color names aren't accurate either, I believe the correct name for white is "blanche"

It's blanc, son.
google.com.au/search?q=blanc definition&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b&gfe_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=lHfPWbigH4rp8weU04bwAQ

My wife

I want to smell under her skirt.

Why can't I post images

can't wait for switch blanc

I want to marry and impregnate Blanc

>You dolt, I'm pointing out name inconsistencies.

no you are pointing out your autism that needs everything to be of one class of things or it's haram

why don't you also complain that ram and rom aren't colors, you fucking autist

I really want to fuck a Vita desu

They're not CPUs.

Both are correct, blanc is the masculine form and blanche is the femininine form.
Only Noire uses the femininine form for her name, as Blanc and Vert are the masculine forms of their respective words. Ch can't into french, is all.

cum processing units

Cheeky user.

I want to procreate in the missionary position with Uni

The most productive

Noire's armpits prpr

>almost no art of Rom/Ram having straight sex

Every other loli gets it, what the fuck.

So this seems like the appropriate thread to ask; what, exactly, are shares?


This scene has no right to be as suggestive as it was. Just thinking about all the possibilities makes my dick harder than a neutron star.

>reluctantly helps Ryuuka with hostess job
>few minutes go by as expected
>fully immersed in the role, having fun chatting with customers
>they start getting more physical
>realizing the situation, she attempts to protests
>suddenly notices background girls getting dicked hard
>turns to Ryuuka in confusion
>sees her taking on several men with a pleasing smile
>attempts to leave but to no avail
>held down with her legs spread
>*summons one BBC*
>"It'll hurt at first, but you'll come to enjoy the experience"
>begins her true service as a newcomer patron
>[Corruption]/[Mind Break] and [Heart Pupils] tags
>20 pages later
>collapse in exhaustion along with the other girls
>licks up the remaining cum on her face before dozing off
>"I truly am Hyperdevotion Noire after all"

With doujins at least it's pretty even with yuri/straight if you count futanari, not that I mind, loli yuri is pretty cute.

I am literally going to marry Uni!




my wife would never do this, delete this

even with you? Im so sorry user

>no opportunity to hire Lid at the hostess club and do filthy, filthy things to her while a man sitting across the booth from us proclaims, "YOU WILL FEEL ASHAMED BY YOUR WORDS AND DEEDS."

I want to play 4GO, RIGHT NOW!

Can you impregnate game systems?

According to doujins, only with tentacles

I want to fuck Noire so much. Wish she'd reluctantly give me a footjob while calling me pathetic.

only if Jack Thaddeus stole my PSN account


I want a Megadrive/Genesis to murder and rape me, in that order.


Error: PlayStation does not have enough RAM space to take my file load.

What the fuck was plutia's problem?

What about all those wires and tubes in there? I dont wanna hurt my wee wee

You only want to see girls in lewd clothes

Not him but I want to get Noire pregnant

I want to coat her with cum

4GO doesn't even have much lewd

>tfw I'm a lolicon but can't resist their designs in there
Stop making old hags look so sexy Tsunako.

>pubic tattoo
What did she mean by this

>semen goes here

I wish Vert was my big sister.

>make a game 99% about waifus
>it's still fun to play
How they do it?


well I can't blame you, I'd do the same if I was into old hags like Vert

Neps need anal.

Why would you want Vert to be your older teenage sister? All she would do is molest you after night time

Vert is a young girl

Those faces are pretty bad but I still want to motorboat their tummies regardless.

She's a JAV actress quality, old but not too old and takes dicks daily

thats almost what is

She's a perverted virgin

Yes, and?


That's exactly what I want??