It's time to discuss the best RPG ever

It's time to discuss the best RPG ever

it's time to get reported

>triggered witcherkek



Summon the Vatras!

git gud

fucking hell mate I like gothic as much as you but this thread never gets more than a couple replies why do you bother posting this every day

gothic 3 was comfy as fuck

>tfw jacked off to the red lantern sex scene
>tfw jacked off to the NOTR secret files

that's not dragon age 2

>>tfw jacked off to the NOTR secret files
The what?

dig a little in the game folder


Don't make me come over there

The fuck did you call me?

cant find anything about it, mind posting it?



Gothic is my favourite RPG, but can't we have a nice discussion about it without trying to piss off people who like other RPG'S? This way the only way you can talk about Gothic is in threads where it's not the subject and not some tool in this war between you and Witcher fans.
Also, I recently started Arcanum and very much like it.

>It's time to discuss the best RPG ever
Well, today I was looking for the Alas Tomb. All I had to go on was that it was "near Molag Mar" and I guess it's not THAT nearby since I didn't find it after quite a bit of searching. Instead I crossed a pool of lava and ended up in some dwemer ruin full of vampires. This is my first encounter with vampires - they looked like normal NPCs from afar - and their voices scared the hell out of me. Still nothing compared to the first time a vampire ancient spawned in Daggerfall, though.

After getting my shit kicked in a few times I decided to use calm and invisibility spells to avoid combat as much as possible. You can talk to them when they're calmed and they say they're the Berne clan and that the Aundae are insane or whatever. Not about to get involved in any of that. I finally made it all the way to their leader who had a unique book on his desk. Reading it taught me a spell to summon my own dwemer machine for two minutes. It's hopelessly expensive and has 0% chance to cast even though Conjuration is one of my majors, so I'm hoping that the effect was unlocked for spellmaking. That way I could make a shorter-duration version I can actually cast when I get back to civilization.

It ended up being a pretty cool day, but I still haven't found that fucking tomb. How did your day go?

this mod is fucking garbage
>dude lets add hp and damage to everything lmao
>woah so hardcore dude

"A number of years ago, I played a game called Morrowind. It was a fairly fun game, and I sunk quite a few hours into it, but was consistently left feeling less than satisfied by the cookie-cutter NPCs, largely empty open-world, and generic writing and quest lines. Then, not long after, I picked up a game called Gothic II, and I thought Ah, this is what Morrowind should have been. Gothic II (along with its expansion) is both the greatest open-world RPG, and the greatest action RPG ever made bar none. The game is unforgivingly difficult, but rarely unfair. You will die a lot, particularly early on, but that only serves to make your eventual progress more satisfying. Unlike most games in its genre, every single bit of the world that you can explore in Gothic II is filled with interesting things to discover and quests to undertake. This is quite an accomplishment given that the game is around 3x-4x larger than the original, and no other game achieves neither this scope nor density of content. Sadly, no game of the genre since has been able to measure up to Gothic II's greatness -- some have made competent attempts (Risen), but none have reached its heights. Play it, and embrace being torn to bits by wildlife when you wander too far."

Yeah, Gothic II's is not bad either. Gothic was alright too, but Gothic 3 was shit. Didn't bother with the rest of their games.