a litreal definition of an artificial difficulty
A litreal definition of an artificial difficulty
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looks like you missed OP
I didn't
Why does the game have this art style but play like a contra game? Why not design a character with a gun or that shoots darts or anything other than doing finger guns and firing bullets? It seems out of place to me.
So how exactly does one apply to have a franchise sent to /vg/?
You missed
>shots are clearly missing because they fire from the character's finger and not the exact center when aiming up
You must be retarded to not comprehend this.
you missed in both of these lol
>Bad at video games
Nova Sup Forums
The first one should have hit on the petals so thats kinda silly, but the 2nd one you just straight missed my guy
Did you know that killing the enemies that you encounter is not required to complete the level?
You suck
>Vertical shots don't fire from the center of the character
Technically, he was 'hitting' the leaf for the flower in the second webm, but that's just nitpicking
Are you a video game journalist?
is this what console fps does
how hard was it to intentionally miss like that
Why did you even stop? You don't gain anything by killing every enemy, just fucking run.
You did. Even the fucking flower sees it.
you totally missed
Are you fucking blind? You missed every shot.
This. Did the same person playtest the game throughout all development that no one saw the problem with this?
Too used to those big overwatch hitboxes OP?
This is what happens when millenials and girls play games, and if youre that fucking journo faggot kill yourself
I'm guessing they weren't morons like OP
He's hitting the green leafy bit, should do damage.
>a litreal
a literal definition of a retard who can't play games or spell
>the absolute state of casual normie girl gamers
Eh, just a shitty hitbox and some bad aim. You die once, and learn to only aim for the dead center, but the hitbox is indeed pretty lame.
>8 angles
why not just let you free aim. Its fucking 2017. And dong give me that shit like "its going for the retro gameplay". Not an excuse
>cuphead exposing casuals
So from a particular date onward, certain design choices aren't allowed? Which date, exactly, outlawed 8 directional aim? How come other mediums don't have such arbitrary, date-based rules? They made a silent picture called The Artist past 2010, shouldn't that be illegal?
yes. There is no reason to use outdated and faulty mechanics. And that applies to other genres you mong.
Post yfw Duphead is the Darksouls of video games
you post like a fag
Imagine how much more complaining about this game's difficulty there would be if instead of shooting you had to use a melee weapon as your primary attack.
>suck at video games
>"the mechanic's faulty!"
git gud
>shoot someone's hair
>why aren't they dead??????
>We're going to pick and choose certain aspects of the character to have hitboxes
That is poor design
>its good because its bad
>being this much of a hipster faggot
*twirls dyed moustache*
t. Halo 2 Jackal
Wow this game already has some defense force huh?
Just because you deem that part of the character unimportant isn't an argument.
>he thinks it's bad
>in reality he just sucks
I'm milenial and I can vouch you I'm better than 98% Sup Forumseddit
Why not just get actually good? It's fucking 201-- oh right. Casuals.
>Hitbox on enemies isn't fucking huge to the point where young child could easily play
>gotta be better with your shots to do damage
>this considered bad game design
Yeah, sure buddy. It's the hipsters.
>Arbitrarily decide characters have a portion of their box as untouchable without any indicatio isn't bad game design
is this thread is just two sides trolling eachother and false-flagging.
You all realize it is just a mediocre game with a nice artstyle, right?
>Not being able to adapt or learn to play a game it means the game is poorly designed and outdated
>I'm not bad, you are just too good!
>WTF I shot him!
shut the fuck up Darksyde Phil
>oh boy I sure do love these clunky mechanics that became obsolete 3 console gens ago
>because Im contrarian that means my tastes are automatically better
>man im so above you casual plebs that like smooth gameplay
why dont you just skip all the unnecessary wait and go straight to fellating yourself?
>Spazz out and become personally offended when people point out a flaw in something you like
Oh well who saw that coming?
Well enjoy not having any nice cuphead threads then
>clunky mechanics
Nah dude you just suck
"Games are stories, conversations between player and world, and conversations between designers and viewers. The act of play itself is but one method of experiencing what we call a “videogame” in modern critical discussions."
Jesus Fucking Christ.
Nah this is the real artificial difficulty.
You're in (((Games Journalism))) aren't you?
>baseless bullshit
>Evidence of it literally in the first and second posts of this very thread
Not even Biodrones are this out of touch with reality.
>game has good reviews
>you just suck at this game, journalists say its good so it must be
>game has bad reviews
>r-reviews dont matter. Journalists are dumb and paid.
every tiem
>nearly 2000 user reviews on Steam
>"muh game journos"
It was outlawed the day we got 2 sticks on every controller and a modern day silent / black & white film inevitably is pretentious arthouse garbage
more like "cuckhead"
replace journos with "players" and "steamtards". Same shit
You missed, you cant accept it. You're anally annihilated and you just cant deal that you got called out for it.
i wouldn't even know what a game blogger thought about a game if not for autists on Sup Forums, because i don't read their shit
have you tried reading books when not posting on Sup Forums
Lol he's still this mad. Go play Cooking Mama, but that might be too hard for the average Uncharted "press X to win" sonnyger
>Steam reviews
>meaning anything, ever
>game dev says something retarded on Twatter
>u pley as a cup who memes, 10/10 XDD
>0.2 hours playtime
Please keep going user.
There's nothing better than earning (you)s without trolling.
Continue to make yourself look like an idiot while I get all the rewards.
You might need this
Except, DSP is actually good at this game. He got to the 3rd fucking world in just one stream.
Angry Joe on the other hand...
Never in my life would I imagine such a small and inoffensive game would generate this much salt.
But yeah OP, git gud.
buyer reviews approximate what people predisposed to buy the game think of what they received
there's probably a bit of a positive bias to most such reviews since people naturally don't want to feel like they've made a bad decision when they buy things, so only really garbage things will likely get bad reviews
You all post like you are about 7 years old. How do you intend to comfortably use two sticks AND face buttons? The meme claw?
Also, The Artist is a fantastic film. Games were better before dual sticks, too.
damn you are really butthurt. Its fine to like shit games, but you have to learn to admit its faults. Otherwise nobody is going to take you seriously
>I'm not butthurt, you're butthurt
>It's the game's fault that I suck!
Seriously watch this fucking shit, and see how bad these faggots are.
I havent even played it lmao. I just pointed out one shit mechanic and you threw a tantrum like the child you are
Not the people you're replying to, but you're wrong and your brain is weak and shitty.
>I havent even played it lmao
ok hipster dicksuker nobody will take you seriously from now on
starting to think op is autistic or baiting
Time to go review this cream
>someone on Sup Forums (epic site right) told me I needed this because he thought I was butthurt XDD,5* out of 5* (hevnt used it tho)
But there's nothing wrong with the mechanics. It has actual gameplay instead of cinematic press X to win sequences and QTE's. The controls are tight enough and you're given enough moves to be able to dodge and shoot everything the game throws at you.
Git fuckin' gud, faggot.
>ITT: If you think it's bad design you probably just SUCK
It really is Cup Souls
Is it inconceivable someone could *not* be ass at video games and *still* think pixel perfect hitboxes are bad design that make things feel finicky
Play Skullgirls against the launch characters and then against the dlc characters where the designers grew some sense and tell me which one feel less retarded.
>I havent even played it
This is the only problem
>Shit on game as if your life depended on it
>"I haven't played it"
You must be some special kind of retard.
>what are shoulder buttons/triggers
>A leaf is a plants hat
I knew this was going to happen with that journo fucking up the tutorial.
>soulsfags try an actual hard game and cry about it: the thread
Just because they couldn't figure out how to manage the tutorial that well doesn't mean their criticism doesn't have value. We need to stop expecting game reviewers to be able to play games when giving their opinions about them.
it isn't even particularly hard it's just your standard run&gun affair. I would even say that the player is a bit overpowered
>>Shit on game as if your life depended on it
>say I dont like one thing
>autists jump on me like I just shot their fucking dog
>cant think of one legitimate argument either. Just call me bad at game
Free aim would have the unintended consequence of making the game a lot easier.
>fuck logic enemies should dies even when I miss, my feefees are the law
You get some seriously strong tools that do make it way easier than it should be like the smoke bomb.
m+k or controller Sup Forums ?
so rebalance the enemy numbers and strength based on that fact. It's way better as a player to have more control.