Max Payne

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Third game had the best OST

This videogame was such a goddamn ride when i first played it.

I still don't think there is any game quite like the first.

>t. baby


Can Sam Wick win against Sam Läke in a shootout?

>3 is bad because not muh NYC



when i first played it in 2012 i thought it was shite because it was nothing like max payne

of course in retrospect with the even shittier games we have these days MP3 was a masterpiece

>oh yeah, that happened

>literally im kino

>turned the best story in a videogame to some horrible drug trip fest

the absolute worst game to movie adaption ever, will take alot to beat.

This fucking movie always makes me furious, not only in that it was a shitty adaptation because I already expected that but in an interview Mark Wahlberg explained "After the premiere someone told me this movie was based on a video game, I had no idea!"

is the only good piece of music from MP3, absolute fantastic Miami Vice vibe from it.

which made me just think, a miami max would have been far superior to brazil max

Tears is a great song too, and worked perfectly for the airport shootout.

yeah its great but thats a licenced song i think

>there are "people" who dont like HEALTH

>video game movie adaptations

i'm surprised the storytelling in Max payne hasn't been made into a meme yet

Some of the best third person shooting i have ever played and hasn't been topped since
Of course its core gameplay is overshadowed due to the third game not being written by Sam Lake and having those awful cut scenes taking away the controls ever 5 mins.

I liked three better than the first two. Two has some great mods but let's not pretend it's better than the third in terms of gameplay.

>I liked three better than the first two.

said no one ever

I just said it you big gay boy.

Is that supposed to be hitman

i played 3,1,2 in that order. The story in 2 is what people love about it and the attention to detail. Having Mona shoot through a door lock in a cut scene and you can actually reload the gun right after was cool. in 2 it didn't feel like you were shooting tanks like the 1st one. The action was faster and more John Woo than the third. I just like the weight and feel in the third it never got old.

you're a casual 3 has the worst gameplay due to overreliance on last stand mechanic and not enough movement

2nd game got me the feels. I would record the game (on a cassette recorder) and in addition to the main dialogue, i would throw in some gun battles and music. Like I recorded the sound of the rain in the construction yard part for two minutes.

I lost most of those tapes, well at least the final one. I shoulda gave it to this autist in the hood that was providing a cassette to mp3 transfer service. I was worried he might shit his pants when he heard cursing.

*radio static*
PC Jim Bravura
*radio static*

it only works if you got painkillers left doesn't it?

i didn't think it was that bad, but if it does it all the time then yeah it could be OP

everyone loves the small details in the old games

>calls someone a casual
>didn't play the game on the mode where you don't get free revenge kill mechanics every time you drop to low health

what was the best level and why was it the 2nd one in the hotel ?

it IS hitman you idort

Dunno about that one, but i actually liked the first Hitman movie, their 47 was arguably too quirky compared to the games but i don't mind because he was still well written

That's a problem with some of these movies btw, while shit like Max Payne are a complete derail from the source others try too hard to awkwardly pander to the games' fans, resulting in messy products deprived of any original thought and risk taking. Think of the two Silent Hill movies, the first one was almost completely OC simply inspired from the original and it's a competent movie despite that, on the other hand the second tried to be "faithful" to the games resulting in a mind blowing shitfest where they tried to cram in material from at least two games which contradict each other and the lore presented in the first movie, and on top of it has shamefully obvious fanservice moments like literally turning Pyramid Head in a hero because "SH fans like that guy, right?"

The only good thing about the movie was Olga


>jim forgets what his colleague sounds like



this right here is an example of how video games can teach quite alot of things

i learnt what rhetorical meant from this level


Not sure if they knew each other at this point
Unless you're confusing Bravura with Balder I was legit scared when i play MP1 for the first time. Think i was 12 or 13. Got it right after the release.

doesn't bravura know him in MP2?

max was a detective so bravura knows max i think

god, very scary but after a while becomes bloody annoying after about 20 minutes of going in circles



best character is vinnie

>what ama collectah, theyy're collectibles i tell ya

>story in 2 is what people love about it
i shiggy diggy

>tfw I read that in their voices and imagining the tune playing in the background
>tfw the charm is still there
this game truly was and still is pure kino




these were a great element in max payne games



>even the "are you sure you want to quit the game" message had style

>mark 3:43
had fucking chills when that started playing

Still my favorite part of the game. More games need tv shows you can watch!



creepy as fuck

>Damn i thought it was a bomb for sure.




it's called nostalgia
not like the game isn't a masterpiece, but the same will happen to today's kids with recent games

>not like the game isn't a masterpiece,

well then

My lady there is a matter of great importance that I must bring to your attention.

Or something like that.

I haven't played mp1 since it came out, but that TV theme song and all the dumb TV show quotes got stuck in my head.


it was the original who was phone?

>Great classic games that do NOT want to run on modern machines

>windows 7
>not modern


mirrorS arE morE fuN thaN televisioN

My favorite TV show from the series was Address Unknown from MP2. Holy shit what a vibe it had.


last time i played through mp1 the game would crash if i didn't run it at 640x480. i played through the whole game in a tiny ass window in the center of my screen.


It runs fine on windows 10


In windows 7, just apply the sound fix and widescreen path and you're good to go. Shit's not hard.

>Mfw imagining how many people played without the OST/sound playing properly

i love that line


>tfw can't play this game because my government confiscated it when it came out and Rockstar don't want to put it back on steam now that the ban's been lifted

lucky for you, piracy exists


I really liked how good was Sam's mother as a villain

I'm too much of a good goy for pirating stuff.


wrong movie bucko

>has a phone
>asks someone else to call the cops


didn't max's waifu work on the valhalla project and sheit and what happened with her and the druggies was just a mistake or something ?


I agree I really like how Max shot his fellow assassin and bought her that house in the end

>proceeds to shoot the cops


>Someone in your house
>You're in panic
>Someone possibly still in your home
>Person on the other end recognizes who you are
>Ask them to call the authorities