Why wotlk kids and roasties keep pretending to love old Azhara and Silithus despite the fact that everyone who played during vanilla hated this zones?
Why wotlk kids and roasties keep pretending to love old Azhara and Silithus despite the fact that everyone who played...
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People are dumb. Silithus was hell during vanilla.
Is this wow shit? It looks like wow shit. Wow shit is for fags.
The only reason I liked silithus was because the aq20 and aq40 gates were there. The other literal 98% of the zone can lick my cock. Azshara had nothing going for it when the locked xmog chests and azuregos were taken away. Then azuregos became an actual character and was used for some epic memes involving having sex with a spirit healer before becoming less of a joke 'DUDE VANILLA 'MEMBER VANILLER?' reference and being more lore-centric as a nexus guardian.
Azshara was a comfy fishing spot because there was never anyone else there, even at primetime.
Vanilla-fag here.
Azshara was top comfy. Naga snd highbourne ruins, autumn forests, sprawling coastline, absolutely killer skybox at night, blood elves, furbolgs, satyr.....zone had a lot of neat areas to pop your head into, and yes it was a little off the path since it didn't connect to much.
Silthus was shit empty and then when they added shit it was grindy bug carapace and twilight text/cloth set garbage for the AQ raids. Nobody will miss it aside from zipping around the edges for hours nabbing easy Thorium. Only good memory I had there was killing the last demon for my Rhok'delar on my hunter.
I haven't seen the word "furbolg" in 10 years. Thanks for the nostalgia.
Why would a wraith baby, let alone anyone, like Silithus?
Azshara was a great zone in terms of look and feel. It just had no quests. Silithus was indeed shit, and the only reason it was ever OK was because two raids got built around the design of it.
Who knows, they pretend to love brd too for some reason and always come with fake memories how they came on the 50lvl there and fully cleared it but it took all day.