>it's fun with friends!
It's fun with friends!
>maybe complaining on Sup Forums will get me friends
>I don't have friends
>it's abundantly clear that a tremendous amount of effort has been directed towards providing a variety of systems that intermingle with one another and enable the player to progress through the game in whichever way they desire
>I have no friends
Sucks to suck , dickalicious.
OP doesn't have friends
Why does the guy with no brain look so happy while the guy with the huge brain looks sad?
>>it's fun with friends!
>He's not playing vidya all day alone in his dark room
>tfw everyone hates party games and gets bored of them within 20 minutes
>can't just set out some junk food, candy and liquor and spend an evening getting shitfaced with your bros to some mario party
Literally (literally) every single videogame is more fun with friends
Prove me wrong and I'll suckle on your peepee
>forcing le retard wojak meme
I'm not the biggest gow fan but ive had lots of hours of fun playing hoard mode with buddies.
Art imitates life
>taking advantage of people that think you're their friend
>some of the most fun I've ever had with video games was playing FF:CC with three people I barely liked.
>never able to convince my friends to get all the accessories so I could replicate it with people I know I would have more fun with
>sequel wasn't a sequel
>no games like that ever released again
my life is suffering as well, let's die together
>tfw you're circle of friends are so poor you can collective afford a single console with a single child's game
Ignorance is Bliss
This, but some games are only fun with friends
BOTW was fucking great
Most thing are more fun with friends user.
Even getting pounded in the ass is morr fun with friends
>tfw it's worse with friends
Would you want to be happy, user?
>tfw happy
who are you quoting?
>Convince friends to play a game that has coop in it
>They're too stingy to spend money on it once they see the $30 price tag
I'll never know true fun
>move abroad and slowly lose touch with all of my old friends
>too shitty of a person to make new friends without the buffer of high school/university to help
being an adult sucks