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What games do you want on the switch?
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I'd rather both games because the first one is crippled with waggle
I'd rather have a new one, I don't want to re-buy my entire wii u library.
Fuck these, I want HD ports of the 3ds remakes
the 3DS version removes the waggle and add a few new levels, yeah i know its 240p but... you know what? yeah fuck 3DS give me both games for the switch
> a port of a port
Good stuff. Would also like Metroid Prime Trilogy, #FE, Xenoblade X, Xenoblade Chronicles HD
This seems kind of redundant.
>Still no news on what Retro are doing now, minus the deus ex guy going to work with them
advance wars
i will have to make do with tiny metal or whatever the fuck it is called
but i want advance wars - the switch is perfect for it, but nope, not getting it
>dolphin like visuals
>remade textures
>better draw distance
> XCX camera controls
Gee how about some new games?
Just fucking play it on Wii U.
>TP and WW HD without the pauseless menu navigation and other gamepad features.
Boy I definitely want to go back to a version of Windwaker where I need to pause the game to look at a map.
Unless they came up with a bunch of new features the WiiU ones would genuinely be superior
>no second screen
Fuck that.
everybody has a fucking Wii, what's the point?
its not about just playing the version you already have user.
the Wii U install base is MINIMAL and Tropical Freeze is so much of a gem to be wasted on a dead console, i'm just saying this game deserves more recognition by a larger install base
With a new UI more similar to the PC version that takes advantage of the Switch's touschscreen
definitely not happening since the 3DS port already exists.
You're right. Xenoblade Switch will be for scamming people into buying a New! Switch klike the 3DS port was
the point is, have you seen how the game looks on dolphin compared to the Wii? also that fucking new 3ds downgrade
this game would greatly benefit from better hardware
It will never happen but
A switch version of civilization
there is seriously no point, it's already on two systems plus emulation
this one is pretty much guaranteed
yeah but can you take the emulated version on the go?
no, you have to stick with the garbage 240p new 3ds version with the god afwul second stick
Kinda don't give a shit about these two since they'll just demonstrate how much fucking more functionality the WiiU gamepad had.
However I'd totally take
>OOT and MM HD so I can play them at not 240p
>ALBW HD so I can play it at not 240p
>Skyward Sword HD so they can make the controls not shit with the proper gyro and button layout of the joycons (Two extra buttons and a camera stick when compared to the wiimote and nunchuk, you could do a lot to make this games controls more bearable with that, also gyro is ten times more stable than wii motion and doesn't need to rely on a sensor bar)
Bayo 1&2 hopefully 3
who cares? Xenoblade is 5 years old, everyone has played it
Oh! And also a version of tri force heroes in HD that can be played with 3 controllers on one screen or over 3 switches or some combination of the two. Bundle it with ALBW HD maybe.
fuck you user, i didn't know how badly i wanted that until you mentioned it
SS with a proper Gyro and a second Stick makes lots of sense and yeah definitely remove the hand holding things like menus, dialogues and Fi, things like that obnoxious message that appears each time you grab a collectible
This. Fuck ports. If the Switch truly is a hybrid system, then it should have sequels to (not spin-offs of) the following:
>Animal Crossing
>Advance Wars
>Golden Sun
>Custom Robo
>Sin and Punishment
>Kid Icarus
>Star Fox
>Star Fox
Its fucking dead, get over it
I'm surprised they didn't do this yet?
Platinum was open to the idea of porting this if square or nintendo funded the port.
there wasn't even a wii u RE4, why would there be one on the switch?
DKC TF, Xenoblade Chronicles, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Skyward Sword, NSMB U, 3D World, and #FE. Just get everything off the Wii U at this point.
>I want a port machine
Holy shit kill yourself.
If I don't have a Wii U (and like most people, I don't) these are basically new games that would take next to zero time and resources to put on the Switch. So fuck yeah, give them to me.
Yeah that's a retarded thing to say and you should kill yourself. If you want a game that was on a console, buy the console, you unfigurative retard.
Make it happen namco/nintendo
If you had the money to burn on a Switch, then what's stopping you from buying a Wii U? It sure as hell beats waiting for ports that may never come.
>buying dead consoles
no thanks
Because the Wii version was playable and you can digitally download it on the WiiU unlike the Switch.
New games and not fucking ports.
I'm not selling my Wii U unless every game I bought gets ported, and that's not going to happen.
I'd rather get 3DS games upgraded. I love the fact that we got SF64, OoT and MM, but I don't like playing them on 3DS and it's a shame that even though they look great, that's just great for 3DS standards.
I'll take a Xenoblade HD collection though. Dunno how they would do X, but whatever, they can figure it out.
>If I don't have a PS3 why should I have to buy a PS3 to play PS3 games?
The breadth of the stupidity of people like you gives me a headache.
>What games do you want on the Switch that isn't a port
Think about that for a second. You are asking for games that don't exist. You are limited to asking for sequels.
why force people to buy old dead consoles for a few games? no one bough Wii U before, why would anyone do that now?
I'd rather they gut the gameplay and fix all the issues
Why does that matter?
If these games didn't sell well originally, what makes you think they'll find success on a system with a lower install base?
This is where your logic fails. The switch offers something that the Wii U doesn't: true portability with console games. I play mine exclusively in handheld mode.
And yeah, if I didn't buy a PS3 during its generation, why would I buy one now?
>You are limited to asking for new games.
Wow literally anything you can imagine, but your imagination is so shallow you can't imagine a game that doesn't already exist.
>huuurrrrr why force people to buy a Gamecube to play Gamecube games?
Because the games were on that console. If you want the games that are on a specific console, you buy the console. That's how consoles and games work. When I wanted to play the Mario Galaxy games I went out and picked up a dirt cheap Wii at a flea market. You know why? Because they're Wii games.
>And yeah, if I didn't buy a PS3 during its generation, why would I buy one now?
To play the myriad exclusives it has? The same reason you'd buy any console you wee bam
They were not system sellers, which means that they rely on the installed base buying them, which there was none.
Sadly the touchscreen sucks ass.
i'd be just fine by fixing the zora's mask swim controls and roll back the deku's mask walk speed to the original one oh and add actual lighting
And the Wii U offers something that the Switch doesn't. And the Xbox One offers something that a PC doesn't. And a PS3 offers something a Sega Genesis doesn't.
If your argument is "Consoles are different" your even stupider than I'd initially reckoned.
>Wow literally anything you can imagine, but your imagination is so shallow you can't imagine a game that doesn't already exist.
That's just straight up autism. Why would I even ask for games that don't exist exclusively on the Switch? Just make your own "make your dream game" thread
>on a system with a lower install base?
Probably replying to a shitposter, but hasn't the switch sold almost half as much in under a year?
Damn you're retarded. Let me guess, you're a Wii U owner?
Nintendo literally just released a brand new Star Fox game. Tell me it's dead again?
Are you so braindead that you actually didn't understand that post? Or are you just being intentionally ignorant for the sake of obtusely maintaining a position that's now been btfo?
Either way you just made it clear that there's no point engaging with you so you've basically used up your last (You) from me.
Not an argument.
I'll take it as a yes.
How about a new game and not another fucking port?
>Because the games were on that console. If you want the games that are on a specific console, you buy the console. That's how consoles and games work. When I wanted to play the Mario Galaxy games I went out and picked up a dirt cheap Wii at a flea market. You know why? Because they're Wii games.
what is emulation or remastered versions? some games can only be enjoyed through original hardware because several reasons i'm not going to list but are you telling me i have to go back and buy RE4 for gamecube when i can just buy the HD version from Steam?
>No DCPro port.
what did he mean by this?
he's just saying the Switch is portable and Wii U don't you absolute animal
not everyone wants to be chained to a TV to enjoy games you know?
Not everyone wants to play games on a tiny screen, either. Not him, but I've had all I can stomach after the 3DS.
user, i...
>Im the literal only one that wants portable CRPGs
Well then the Switch is perfect for both of us!
with the switch you can have both experiences user
I'd love to see this happen, but after TMS and Warriors I am very concerned for how the roster woudd turn out.
It's too early in the day for something like this.
Too bad the Switch is a gen behind. That's the price everyone has to pay for its portability.
>Wanting ports
That's time and effort that could be spent towards new games.
If you want to play these games so bad just get them on their OG systems. For fucks sakes, if we have to wait longer for the next smash because of you faggots that want a switch port...
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
mmm yes nintendo please allow us to give you money for the same game twice I'm begging you
please understand nobody bough the Wii U user
>Animal Crossing
are both coming eventually and you know it
>Advance Wars
>Golden Sun
>Custom Robo
>Sin and Punishment
i hate how this games just turned into memes to point at how "nintendo ignores their fans" just fucking accept this games don't generate sales
>Kid Icarus
would be nice
>Star Fox
KEK, yeah after star fox zero
Many of the games suggested here are multiplats though, and people wanting Wii U games but not wanting to buy a Wii U are perfectly understandable people.
Why do you assume everyone already has the games?
you guys are aware Wii U only sold about 12 million consoles right? not everyone wants to buy a Wii U to play its games